Friday, February 14, 2020

"Aren't They Beautiful"

                        The oldest one you see is not me. ha ha. 2-14-2020 Perryton, TX

The picture I'm posting is a few of my friends at the Senior Citizens Valentine Party last night. The party was a super success in spite of the cold temperature. No one expected such a big crowd. The rib eyes were delicious as well as the other food we were served. A fun game was emceed by one of our radio announcers. It was called, “Not so newly weds quiz.” It was fun, and the fellowship was outstanding. I was too hyped up when I went to bed to go to sleep. I guess I'm getting too old for so much excitement all at once. But I did make it back for the luncheon today. Not very many can say that. The crowd was small today. We had another good meal of bacon wrapped chicken breast. One of my favorite meats, plus some of the left-over delicious salad we had last night. Potato casserole, green beans, and squash, My favorite bread, crescents, and valentine cake for dessert. I say a big thank you to everyone who made this event a big success.

After lunch today I made a quick trip to Liberal, Kansas to pick up Chuck's skoal. The weather was cold, but otherwise nice. I did not stay and shop, because I forgot to do something I needed to do before the bank closed today. I made it back in time. Strangely enough I am not as glued to the television as I have been. It seems like we the people have been made victor's, even thought the losers won't accept that. We are reapers of a long, hard battle, and how good it feels. I think it's going to be down hill all the way from now on out. I'm ready for a continuous victory celebration. Of course I will not fail to go to the polls and vote. We must keep our guards up, and be sure we put the right persons in office. God expects that of us. I plan on taking another evening for my enjoyment before I retire for the week-end. Saturday, tomorrow evening. I plan to meet with the widowed persons again for a get-together at one of our restaurants. We have a light evening meal, and catch each other up on all the latest pro's, and con's with what we know. It's just another time out for too much staying at home.

With all the hurry-up, busy stuff I've endured this past week I think I'm going to enjoy a quite, peaceful week-end at home. I'm sure I will be talking a lot on the phone. No more working, or fussing over my house work. It's in good enough shape for me. If anyone wants to come and see me while my house is clean you better hurry up. Otherwise it might not ever happen again. A lot depends on what our country will be hit with again. I just cannot put my house work before my country. I can at least know what's going on, and tell Jesus about it.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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