Tuesday, August 13, 2019

"Who Can Be Less Harmless Than A Bird Of Paradise"

Everywhere I go the birds welcome me. This one chose to sit in a dead tree trunk so I could see him good. Chuck's birds are more friendly than mine.  8-13-2019 Perryton, TX

I sat on a bench in Chuck's front yard today, and birds began to appear from every direction. I had trouble trying to decide which bird to post. The one in the dead tree stump seemed the most interested in me. He strutted around for several minutes obliviously posing for his picture to be made. Another bird landed a few feet in front of where I was sitting, and paced back and forth for several minutes. He was a large black bird with a long tail. He might get his picture put on tomorrow. I am thinking that Chuck's birds are more friendly than mine. It was another hot day, but a nice cool breeze made it comfortable to sit under the trees. With all the evil, and violent protests going on all around the world, I am so thankful for peace and quite here in our little community. However, I don't know how long it will be that way. I hear on the news now that since the wicked Democrats can't control President Trump they have decided to go after his supporters. Supposedly they are building camps to lock the Trump supporters up, and I would not doubt that at all. That would mean we are getting closer to the biblical term of the Armageddon war. The final war that will be fought against our government and God. I believe this might even be the time one will chose to either take the mark of the beast, or starve to death. I know this is not a good subject to talk about, but the action going on in the world today is a pretty sure sign that this bible prophesy is being fulfilled at this time. Let us be in constant prayer for our loved ones who have not made peace with God.

I will not dwell on this horrible coming event, but I must mention it from time to time. People need to know, and make plans for that great, and notable day. By faith we will be spared some of the worst kind of treatment. Until such time comes, let us be content, and keep the faith. For God is not the Arthur of confusion, but of peace as in all churches of the Saints. Corinthians 14:33 KJV. We cannot be exempt from this coming time by our good works. It takes the sincere heart who believes in Jesus Christ, and asks for forgiveness for sins. A sincere heart will not forget that priceless gift of salvation, and will follow God's Word daily as best they possible can. Jesus life is the perfect example for us to follow. No other way but His way. I for one want to be a teacher of His Word. Reason being, Jesus asked, “how can people hear without a teacher?” I was taught, and I want to teach others. We still have the bible with us, but that may not always be, according to my understanding of the Word. We must hide the Word of God in our hearts.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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