Saturday, August 3, 2019

"The Birds And I Are At Peace"

At the bottom of the picture closer to the right, sits a sweet little bird. 9-3-2019 Perryton, TX
This little bird doesn't know how lucky it is to have been chosen for the subject of my story today. It was the fist thing that got my attention when I walked outside awhile ago. It was tiny, and was a far distance from me, but it patiently sat while I focused, and zoomed in on it. I never tire of watching the birds in my yard. I see some sweet performances sometimes. There is no charge, and I only have to walk out my door to see the show. Many of these performances are in fast motion, and I cannot get the full show even if I knew how to operate my moving camera. I still enjoy sitting out, and watching them from a lawn chair. Sometimes I watch from my front porch. I have lots of trees, and chairs for relaxing in both my front, and back yard's. Sometimes my neighbor's and I share our lawn chairs, and enjoy good fellowship. In the heat of summer it's still better than the freezing winter. I have to admit I am dreading for winter to get here. It isn't too bad, I just don't like not knowing if I can travel or not, because the weather may blow in a blizzard any time. I have to settle to staying home most of the time except for going places here in town. I have recently realized there are more things to enjoy right here in my small town than I have time to attend them all. I used to not see that, and complained about no place to go here. I guess God opened my eyes to better things that I was blind to.

One thing for sure about Perryton, I feel more safe here than anywhere I could go. I have been listening to another vicious shooting this morning at a Walmart store in San Antonio, Texas. This is getting to be a daily event in America. It seems as though most of these shooting are triggered from pure Satanic power that has entered the hearts of so many young adults, many whom are first time offenders, and have no good reason for wanting to kill people. I am beginning to believe that the world is becoming heavily populated with just such evil minded, mysterious people. The Word does tell us that God will turn stubborn people over to a reprobate mind. How could anyone doubt that this is what;s happening today? The definition for reprobate is, ( a person rejected by God and beyond hope of salvation.) For anyone who don't believe in God, I dare you to try and tempt Him, but I would rather beg you to not try and tempt Him. For those who have not pulled the trigger yet, but are thinking seriously about it, spot now, and see if God will accept you into His Heavenly Family. Temptations are hard to deal with, but God is the answer in most all cases.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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