Saturday, August 31, 2019

"It Could Have Happened To Our Group"

             Your's truly is taking the picture. Didn't get everyone. 8-31-2019 Perryton, TX

This is some of the widows having dinner at the Smoke House this evening. It was a nice meeting, and everyone was pleased with their good food. Right after we arrived at the Restaurant my daughter called me from Odessa, Texas to inform me of a mass shooting that was taking place at the moment. She was so excited she could hardly talk. It seems at first it was reported to be multiple shooters, with no exact location, or motive. The news was telling everyone in Odessa, and Midland to lock their doors while they were in search of the shooters. At the time she called two people were dead, and 20 injured. I ate my food and got home as quickly as I could, and turned on the news. By them one shooter had been killed, and a total of five dead, including three law officers. with 21 injured. At this time not much more than that has been given out. However, they believe now that there was only one shooter. We are waiting for more information at this time. It turned out not to be as bad as at first thought to be, but it's always good not to take any chances. And it could possible be more than has been reported. The one shooter is dead, and no information could be obtained from him.

This is one more proof that America has turned into a blood thirsty country, excuse my plain language. People who kill others without in self defense are crazy, and there are many now endangering our communities. In my opinion there are far too many to ever be treated and helped to have sound minds again. There are not enough facilities nor mental health workers to touch the surface of this huge, explosive problem. Just to add to this story, in this same day I was hearing on the news that in another place in the United States the same exact mass killing was happening. I'm sure these were not the only two places today. We used to say as long as it's not in the United States there's nothing to worry about. Well it is now in the United States, and even in our back yards. It's clear to see that the problem is out of control, and the future does not look good for America. The root of the problem is in our government elected officials. How did they get elected, since being against America, no doubt? Because of the evil that had become so sophisticated, and because of good people who wanted to stay Christlike, and be a good neighbor. The rebel population grew so fast, and furious, till the big giant slept too long. We must wait now for a Little David to come to us. Will it happen again? I have hopes, but I can understand if God does not send us one. He has had more patience than this world ever deserved. All Christian warriors must, just must, humble themselves and pray. Times are bad, regardless of who tries to convince you they are not. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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