Friday, August 9, 2019

"The Incredible Four"

Thought everyone needed a good laugh today. Some of my incredible family as seen by me. 8-9-2019 Perryton, TX
I got my first big smile on this family portrait yesterday. I usually don't let my unfinished work be seen by anyone, but my computer technician noticed this one on the easel as he was leaving. I had left to go get money to pay him. When I came back I saw him smiling ever so big at my unfinished portrait. He told me it was very good while still smiling. I didn't realize how much it can help when you see someone looking at your painting that don't know you are watching them. I am ready now to put the finishing touches to it. This portrait was intended for a memory of a great, enjoyable trip by my son, and his family, I am calling it the “The Incredible Four.” My daughter-in-law who is the one sticking her tongue out, asked me to paint this portrait for them. My grandson, with the ever so important look on his face, is the largest face on the canvas. My beautiful granddaughter, and son in the back are still unfinished, and it will be hard to disguise these two according to the snapshot I'm painting from. They are posing as more serious than beautiful, and handsome. I must make it real as to their feelings at the time. I love these children, and will always believe there are no better people in the world.

I am staying home from the luncheon at the Center today because I don't eat shrimp. I was raised in a home that believed the only sea food that was eatable was fish. To make it stick with us we were told that shrimp was the tails of a big crawdad. We children caught crawdads in our yard every time it came a big rain and filled the holes with water. We would never thought about eating them. And as for oysters, they were the butt holes of something that never developed any other part of their body. I suppose if fish had not been mentioned so many times in the bible, that sea food would be nasty too. I never fed my own family anything but fish that lived in or around water. But somehow after they grew up they are great lovers of most all kinds of sea food. I feel so blessed that in my life time I have had a choice of many meats without having to eat the unclean as my dad, and mother saw it. I think I would gag if I knew I had swallowed a piece of shrimp. Of course being the wise person I am, I'm sure I have swallowed not only shrimp, but possible many other kinds of nasty meat, that I wasn't aware of. Thank God for keeping many secrets from me. I am 86 and have always had a good stomach. Until recently I never had to take a rolaid, or any kind of indigestion medicine. I still don't very often. No answer for that blessing.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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