Monday, August 5, 2019

"Old Glory Is Still Alive And Proving It"

Al flags flying at half mast today in Perryton, TX due to the mass shootings. 8-5-2019 Perryton. TX
For reasons of my computer being updated today for over three hours, I am late with my blog. I must add it's late enough in the evening till I am very tired. I had several things to attend to today, on top of dealing with the frustration of not having my computer working. If I make some mistakes know ye that I have a good reason.

With my driving around town today I was interested to see all flags over government buildings flying at half mast, and many in peoples yards also. The world is aware of what a crisis time America is going through. I believe, and have for quite some time that this evil take-over is by the hand of God. Too much hate, and blood hungry idiots have brought God to the brink of enough is enough. Either the people fess up, and start making amends, or God will continue to pour out his wrath. It is not a time of picking the bad from the good, all must suffer for others sin. However, I do believe God will honor His word when He said trust me I hear your prayer. There is no doubt in my mind that God will not stop this deadly evil from happening until millions have died. People will just not believe in His word. The smart guys who have gotten away with sickening acts of sin are going to be found out by the thousands. The Word of God says, “be sure your sins will find you out.” This means many will die by murder as a means of the guilty trying to get themselves from being exposed. But in the end all wicked persons will be found and made to pay. I'm wondering just how far we are from the fulfillment of the word of God that says, “every knee shall bow before Him.”

I am mourning for all the lives that were lost over the week-end, and those who are loving family members. I feel their pain, and the shooters are to be mourned also, because evil had over taken their minds. I believe they too were victims, and I cannot help but feel thankful that my children were not cornered by those evil, Satanic worshipers that sprang up during their younger days. I fully believe all this hate, and acts of violence started when the hippie generation came into action. That filthy society is still with us, and much worse has developed over the years. What will it take to clean up the swamp that President Trump set out to do? He has come a long ways, but has a lot further to go. I stand with him, and hold him up in my prayers every night. I'm so thankful that God had the address of the right man for the major job of cleaning up the swamp. God bless our President Trump. His family, and his vice-President.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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