Sunday, August 4, 2019

"A Shot Of Fess Up"

My neighbor's flowers are blessing me now. 96 years old, and she has kept her yard and flowers in beautiful array. 8-4-2019 Perryton, TX
My thought of the day is beating the odds. I sometimes think I dwell too much on the positive, and not enough on the possibility. It is a positive fact that I am within the age where most people are near the end of their life. Every morning when I wake up I have to wonder why. I cannot do hard work, or enjoy stressful walks, or travel long distances any more. For that reason I am thinking I do not need to keep living. My next door neighbor has made me ashamed of my negativity. She is a widow living alone at 96 years old. She has had both knees replaced, and I don't know how many more major operations she has had, but still walks without a walker. Her yard is greener than a water melon, and her flowers are more than beautiful. She has no sprinkling system, nor does she hire any yard help except for mowing her lawn. This past month has been so scorching hot till most people are not even trying to keep their yards watered. I'm hoping mine don't catch fire, and burn my house down. This is the first year I have not kept my yard, and flowers watered, and weeded out. I have blamed it to the hot weather, but mostly I have not felt like caring for them. As a result I am thinking it is about time for me to hang it up. I'm speaking about all outside work, and most of my house work.

It has been said when God closes one door He opens another. I am thinging about that old saying a lot lately. I can retire from my yard, and let my housework go except for the normal necessities that is well within my capability. I can be entertained in several ways yet, and I can write my blog. I can spend hours painting with oil, and I can cook about anything I want. Why would I even think about the hereafter when I have all these enjoyable things at my finger tips daily? The one thing I do best, and enjoy the most, is pray for our country, and the President, who fights daily to keep it from evil takeover. I truly believe God hears, and answers my prayers because He has proved it to me many times. Almost daily I am made aware of a prayer being answered. I also believe as long as I am using my faith for my God He will keep me living, yes to 96, and maybe longer. I will be thinking more on the positive living life, than on the possible dying life. The friends, and family, and even the tragic victims of evil, that I lose almost daily, will be more of a positive for my living from now on. With a new spring, and summer coming, I may even be more able bodied to wet them down. I truly believe attitude means a lot when it comes to productivity.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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