Thursday, August 15, 2019

"The Comforting Angel Is Standing By"

 Good-bye summer, hello fall. Not official, but my flowers declare it. 8-15-2019 Perryton, TX
The last of my spring, and summer is in this post. So sad, but do have hopes of another beautiful spring, and summer next year. I have tons of clean-up work to do, but will be taking plenty of time to do it. Not till snow falls will I be trapped inside. I have had a good year, although I did loose a special, luck denied, but fighter for something better, nephew at just 50 years old. It seemed as though the harder he tried to overcome bad luck the more trouble he got into. He finally developed lung cancer, and it was too late for treatment to help. He left this life still fighting to keep living. He was loved by many, but had hurt many because of his failure to fulfill his responsibility to stay, "trouble free.” There must be a name for people like this, but I haven't found it yet. He made demands, but was not able to pay for his demands. I believe this was a fear he possessed, and the fear was so great till he would fight to not let something happen. This bad image of him did not stop people from loving him enough to do almost anything to meet his demands. I pray that God was understanding, and made things as light for him as possible.

Anyone who is listening to the news today can agree that the world is becoming possessed with mentally ill people. There is no need to try and understand the situation, because nothing is going to stop the evil that has infested our lives. The only one who knows the reason for such sickness is God, and He is allowing it to happen, is my honest belief. This world belongs to Him, and He is in control. One thing we can know for sure, God is a just God, and He will not let His people suffer if they are trusting Him. We can proclaim His Word, and pray forever for evil to disappear, but it will never happen until Jesus comes back to earth to take His children out of it. If He desires the mentally sick will just keep getting sicker, and that is a hard fact to swallow. No, God did not say He would not let His people suffer the consequences of others, but He said He would not put more on them than they were able to stand. I have seen this happen so many times. Tears may flow, and grief may be great, but when we have had enough God sends His healing angels to comfort us. We can then continue to move on with our lives. Memories will never leave us whether good or bad, but both are for our own happiness. Satan cannot take that away from us. Neither can he use them to keep us down, although he does try hard to do so. Whatever it takes to stay positive, do it for Jesus sake.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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