Thursday, August 22, 2019

"The Cat Was Let Out Of The Box Today"

            The cat was let out of the box today. It came to visit me. 8-22-2019 Perryton, TX

A complete stranger came to my house early this morning. I had just gotten up and pulled the drapes back when I saw this friendly cat. It walked right up to my porch. I have no idea who the cat belongs to, but it seemed to have been well cared for. As far as I know none of my close neighbors have cats. None of us want to worry about taking care of a cat family. We ignore them and hope they don't come back. However, I was so impressed with the friendliness of this pretty cat. I had to take it's picture. It was nice and cool this morning after an inch and ½ of rain last night. That is probably why the cat came visiting our neighborhood. Just taking in the fresh smell of a greatly needed rain. How thankful we are for that big blessing.

After I left work today I stopped by a small fast food place to have a coke. I was happy to have the privilege to visit with three sweet ladies whom I have known for years. All of whom have become widows, one just in the past month or so. It was a nice meeting that lasted for about two hours. I felt sure this was a God thing, because none of us was in any hurry to leave. Then when I got home I went to sleep in my recliner. Surprisingly right in the midst of hearing some breath-taking news. I learned that a huge discovery had been made into the investigation of the political espionage of the coup with the President of the United States. I saw one big member of this gang confessing his part in it. He had been caught up with, and had no other choice but to resign his important job, and admit his guilt. We are at the breaking point of a history-making event like America has never known before. How could I have fallen to sleep? But make no mistake about it when I finish this blog my head will be glued to the television all evening. I heard this man say law and order will be returned to the United States after this big break through. That is the best news I've heard since President Trump was elected President. America, and Israel will again be made great, and be respected again by all other countries, especially the evil part of America. What a miracle our God has just made happen. That's not saying it's all over, or no more good lives will be lost, but it is the first step into saying God is moving quickly now, and the battle is in his hands. Justice is coming after all. America the great, and her mother country, Israel, will be freed from evil hands, and blood thirsty demons. We should all be praising God with all our heart. I certainly will never stop praising Him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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