Friday, August 23, 2019

"Someone Tilted The Spout"

                     Pouring from the house top. Rain, rain, rain. 8-23-2019 Perryton, TX
The rain poured down yesterday, as you can see in the picture, for about thirty minutes. It amounted to 1 ½ inches. Today we have gotten another ½ inch, and we are in a much better mood as a result. I'm still not on top of the world, but I'm getting there. We have had a long stretch of dry weather, and the dead grass, and flowers were depressing to say the least. I can already see a difference in the brown grass, although the flowers will not bloom again this year. We still have a 20 percent chance of rain yet today, and the humidity is 45. It's a lot cooler, and we're hoping for still cooler weather tomorrow for the 100th Perryton celebration. A big parade, and bar-b-q dinner will be the highlight of the week-long celebration. This is always an exciting event, and hopefully I will be lifted up from a drag, to a speed monster. I really need a change of pace, but have refused to change it. I find it very easy any more to fall into a rut, and hard to get out of. I try too hard to use my head, and be real cautious about everything I do. This can become a defense to me, and it takes family and friends to help me fight that battle. I do trust God, but even Jesus had to fight against evil temptations. I am staying on top of the mulligrub's, caused from idleness. I will not stay idle for long.

I have a bad habit of when I am feeling bored, just go to the kitchen and cook a lot of high calorie food. That is a hard habit to kick, and I try to keep my weight down. Today I did make a batch of rich brownies, and I already feel better after eating two. I have been fighting the temptation to make bierix for several weeks. I always over eat when I make them. Now that I've given into brownies I'm sure bierix will be soon coming. Yes, I know how to beat boredom, but I cannot keep my weight down when I am not bored. I can't win for losing. As long as I am well, everyone says I should be happy. I agree with that. After visiting with a friend in Oklahoma City for an hour this morning, I know how to appreciate my good eyesight. She has had to quit driving on the highway, and only drives around town. She seemed to be o k with that, but me, I thought oh my gosh, I could never accept that. I guess I need to hear a good sermon on how to take life one day at a time. That is what this friend said she learned to do. She said she thanked God every morning for giving her another day. What a sweet attitude this friend has. I pray God will forgive me of all my complaints. I don't deserve all the blessings He gives me.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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