Monday, August 12, 2019

"Seriously Thinking About Moving On"

Seriously thinking about moving on. Just thinking now about a sweet child I saw at the Center today.  8-12-2019 Perryton, TX
I had such a good night's sleep last night till I had trouble this morning getting myself to get up and go. I had several things on my schedule for today, but the lazy bones decided to take over. I did make it to the Center for lunch, then to the grocery store, but when I got home my mind was feeling blank. I kept thinking about the little 7 year old girl who came with her grandmother to the Center today. She starting preforming for us as soon as she got there. It was obvious that she was a trained cheer leader who used her sweater for a baton and she couldn't have done better if she had of had a baton. It was quite entertaining, and she stole a lot of hearts. She also watched for people who had finished their lunch, and was quickly there to take their dishes to the kitchen. One of my friends sitting at our table took a dollar out of her purse to leave for the little performer/server, and several followed suite. When I left the Center this child was sitting on the floor by the hall that led out. She was counting her money. She was not a child of a needy family . She was simply exercising her ability to make her own money, although I do not think that was her intentions. She was just a lively child who had to stay busy. I know another little 5 year old girl who had that same attitude, and put up a lemonade stand in her driveway. She was such an ambitious little girl, and it stayed with her even to now, seventeen years later. She graduated from college early, and is now working in a corporate office for a large company making a super good salary.

Honesty, and hard work is still paying off for those who are serious. It may seem like all good things are over for America, but not so. God knows the pure heart, and He will send angels to deliver the desires of that heart. Past, future, now, and forever. Fear, and doubt are the two most used tools Satan uses. Do not listen to him, and show him how you have sent him away with a flash of lightening. The bible says “A little child shall lead them,” Take notice to that fact, and stop looking for adult wisdom, unless it has originated from God Almighty. “Believe in God, and Him only. Man was born to fail, but God cannot, and will not fail. If anyone fails it's us, not God, or best friends, or anyone else who are in the human flesh. The sooner we learn, and accept that, the happier we will be. Don't be one of those who is always blaming someone else for their mistakes. After we reached the age of accountability, we will answer to God for what we do with our lives. It's never to late to learn, although we may have lost many years of wonderful blessings.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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