Tuesday, August 6, 2019

"Revived And Alive After All"

           Rain drops falling on my sunflowers. How they loved that. 8-6-2019 Perryton, TX

The ½ inch of rain we got last night made my sun flowers smile. The ground was so dry that nothing else in the yard showed any appreciation at all. However, the birds were happily drinking, and taking a dip in the little pools scattered around. I thanked God for even the small amount of rain we got. The heat keeps reaching into the high nineties, and no breeze can be felt except for heat that burns the skin. It feels like a hot blowing fan turned at you. August undoubtedly is going to be the hottest month Perryton has had this year.

I enjoyed the day with my son, Chuck, in his nice, and cool home. He lives very modest, but is as happy as a lark. It is always quite, and peaceful while I do my little bit of house work for him. He is one of the bachelors that don't trash their home very much. He has lived in this city since he was six years old. He enjoys reading the local newspaper, and keeping up with the people he's known for most of his life. It was such a blessing to him when cell phones were invented, and especially when unlimited calls were made available for a small monthly fee. Several of Chuck's best friends live in other cities, and he visits with them a lot over the phone. I could not be happier since he lives close to me, and I have been able to help him with his business since he became disabled.

I always come home to my own quite, and sometimes lonely place, but there is no other place I would rather be. Nothing could ever take the place of a peaceful atmosphere, with comfortable surroundings. I don't engage in arguments with anyone, although I have a way of nicely disagreeing sometimes. I can speak my peace without speaking over someone else. Most of my friends have the same respect for me. I really do get emotional sometimes when speaking about the corruption I see within our beloved country. I will not be nice to Satan, or any of his “hell angels.” I just make sure they don't become part of my life, but I do pray for them. Why, I don't know. I see them as a mystery without any hope of change. I will do my best to warn people not to fall into Satan's deceitful pit, because it's too deep to climb out. I can see some of my own loving family who have been made believers of his evil lies. I still love them although I have little hope that they will ever be the same again. It's amazing how God can give us peace even over such hurting, ungodly acts ruling our loved ones lives. The gap between us can never be bridged, so I pray for daily strength to endure. So far I have not been trapped by Satan's lies, to the extent of not being rescued, but I believe he has always known who I am. He doesn't try to win me over very often.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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