Thursday, August 1, 2019

"Look What Sprang Up In My Berry Patch"

A weed indeed growing in my berry patch. Some weeds are worthy of show. 8-1-2019 Perryton, TX

What is weeds? Something that no one wants on their property. Why? Because they are ugly, controlling, and sometimes harmful to the human body. But what about the weeds that make a pretty flower, like dandelions, vine weed, and many others that I can't name, but do make a pretty flower. The weed that I am posting is in some ways attractive, but I don't want it. Many of us say a weed is a weed, regardless at what stage it may seem like a flower. Get them off my property. We use weed, and feed to kill every kind of unwanted growth in our lawns. Why did God make weeds? Why did God make weedy people that no body wants to be around? It can be a bit confusing, but that doesn't change the fact of life. I can pull up a weed, and dispose of it with all glee, but I cannot take hate for weedy people, even if it wasn't a crime. Yet some people can hate, and even kill if it wasn't a crime, to ugly, demonized, and even retarded persons. Yes, a weed is a weed, and a human is a human. Which do you choose to let live, or which do you choose to dispose of as quickly as possible?

I suppose I am discussing this subject because the world is becoming more evil by the day. Humans are acting like dumb animals, and breeding so fast that the embryo cannot possible be born with normal senses. Even worse than an animal some are trying to change the gender after birth. No animal is that stupid. Yet how can one say the new born baby is guilty of evil if they are born abnormal? But the life of that innocent one, does not change, and is always on this earth till death, to deal with the consequences. I hurt to the core to see such terrible pain, and paralyzed bodies living into an aged, old life of no hope for something better. I'm glad I suffer with them, because I am one of the fortunate ones who never knew anything but wonderful parents, and was taught from the cradle up to believe in God. I never had a parent who would forget and leave me in a locked 100 degree car while they worked eight hours on a job. Then act innocent when they find their baby dead. If the mind was that bad then why were they allowed to have a baby in their care? And what caused their mind to be in that condition? Yes there are some weeds that make a pretty flower, but still others that choke out every other weed by rapidly growing taller, and thorny without any help at all. It's a bum life to say the least to have to live in a world of vastly growing weeds, both plants, and humans. Get serious my friend, God needs help, whatever some may deny.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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