Friday, August 2, 2019

"Hot Days Are Real Both The Weather And The News"

Very hot day in Perryton today. 94 degree in the shade of my porch. 8-2-2019 Perryton, TX
Today is one of those days I never like to see. I believe we have reached the 100 degree mark, The last time I looked on my car gauge it read 97. It's much hotter now than then. Not one speck of breeze can be felt, and I have had to be out, and about a quite a bit. It feels nice and cool sitting at my computer writing this blog. I'm behind on my schedule, but hopefully I can catch up tomorrow. I had to spend two hours in the repair shop while my car was being repaired. Actually just some minor things replaced.

I had a nice lunch at the Center today, as always, and stayed longer than usual to visit. I saw some friends there that I had not seen there before. That's always nice, and make sure I let them know I am glad they came. We also had bierox which was my first time to eat it there. That is one of my favorite foods. It put me in motion to make some myself. I went to the grocery store when I left the Center, and got the things I need to make bierox. In a few days I will be rolling out the dough, and baking several of these delicious German-like burgers. They freeze well, and are handy to have when I don't want to cook.

I was happy to get to visit with two of my children, and one of my sisters today by phone for quite some time. Keeping in touch with my family even though we live great distances apart, is most important to me. I can keep them on my mind for the rest of the day, and even into the night. When I know they are happy, then I am happy. They are aware of their blessings just as I am aware of mine. Nothing in this world can satisfy like the love of your family. If that isn't a blessing I don't know what is.

As tired as I am this evening I will be making a pot of stew before I go to bed. It's partly already ready. I am stocking my freezer with dishes of assorted food, so I can relax when I don't feel like cooking. Those days do come often, but when I cook I always make extra to freeze. Television has been mostly unattended for the past several days at my house. I believe things are going to get more interesting very soon. I want to be ready for the full show without any recesses. If I am let down by the office of the Justice Department, then I will be hard to get along with for a long time. I have high hopes in our system as it stands now, but anything could happen to change that belief. As most of you know we have already had one hard blow from the AG who we thought was going to call all the crimes what they really were. I am now beginning to wonder about the future of America. It's all in God's hands, and that is enough to keep our hope up.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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