Wednesday, August 14, 2019

"Friend Or Stalker"

I think I'm being stalked, This looks like the same bird that starred at me yesterday at Chuck's house. I posted that bird thinking he was very friendly, but now today I think he is at my house. 8-14-2019 Perryton, TX
I walked outside awhile ago and sit down for a few minutes to observe the new appearances since yesterday. I immediately saw a large, clear, plastic ball with writing, and pictures covering it. There are no children living close to me, so my first thought was where did it come from? Afraid to touch it because of all the evil things I've been reading about explosives being put in water bottles, and other objects then being thrown in peoples yards, only to explode when they are picked up to be thrown in the trash. I did take a picture, but a second after I sat down I would swear this same bird that starred at me yesterday at Chuck's house immediately landed right in front of me. Stalker? Well Chuck lives a mile from me, so what else could you call it. Anyway I changed the picture I was going to post, and posted the stalker. Some might say I'm trying to get my children to worry about me, but not really. I just think they need a big laugh. It runs in our family. But, it isn't altogether crazy because it is a fact that unheard of things are now being heard of. At least it keeps us on our toes. We are living in changing times. I have to go over my, “to do list,” at least twice every night before I go to bed. I've been known to leave the door unlocked. I would rather be positive, than hopeful.

How can I post such gloomy stories, yet be so happy, and have such great expectations? Because I trust my God, and that is what He told me to do. A fact is a fact, but God's trump card is winner over all. If I ever have to use it, it's in my hand. I have had to use it many times, and always to my advantage. I may always be expressing fear, and doubt, but I always know I have that trump card in my hand.

I used most of my time today doing what I love best. Painting with oil to deliver my heart, and soul. Pretty, and real, are my two most loved subjects. Real faces with real personalities are number one. I put a part of me in each one that no one can ever take away. Pretty is the natural art work of God. He also put a part of Himself in every thing He created. I like to copy His beautiful land with trees, streams, mountains, skies, oceans, flowers, birds, animals, sea creatures, and all other forms of creation by that great Master Artist. Years ago my art instructor taught us that most people of any intellect at all could look at our art work, and describe the feelings of our mind. I put him to the test on that, and to my surprise he read my mind perfectly. I have never forgotten that. He has long been deceased, but I wish so many times I could ask him questions still. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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