Friday, August 30, 2019

"Everything Means Something"

Ennie meenie minny  mo, where did the fox go? He lost his tail for sure. 8-30-2019 Perryton TX.

I think a fox left it's tail in my yard today. I picked it up from off the ground, and took a picture. There is no plant in my yard that produces bushy tails like this. Fun times late in summer while sitting out in the yard. A few butterflies were seen zooming in and out, but didn't give me a chance to take their picture. I saw some very pretty ones, but they were not doing free photography. I think it's locusts I keep hearing every time I walk outside, but it sounds like someone's telephone is ringing off the wall. It never stops, so locusts are the only thing I can think of. My bird friends must have been in a meeting this morning, because I saw very few. They don't know what they missed. I came to watch them, but no show of them. Finally I came back inside to post my fox tail, and write my unfruitful field trip. Maybe something good will transpire from this blah experience. At least I broke inside boredom for awhile.

I am planning to meet a friend at 3 o'clock to have a late lunch. This is always an interesting time, and I so much look forward to it. Today I will be ordering a steak san because I have been craving one every since I watched my friend devour one last week. (This place makes very good steak sandwiches.) She had tator tots, and gravy with hers, but I will leave them off. I also talked with a friend whom I hadn't visited with in quite some time. She is doing very well considering the disability problem she has.

All of the above excitement happened after I had watched several hours of disgusting news about our defunct Department Of Justice system. My anger was high, and I needed to just talk to the birds. No birds, no talk, but I did find the fox's tail which made me feel awesome for nothing. My advise to all disappointed persons over our criminal system is take a deep breath, go look for the fox's tail, and keep the faith God gave you. It may not be our way, but it will be to our best interest. God will not fail. As long as God keeps our President Trump safe, he will bring us to victory bye, and bye. The cards were stacked against him, but he is a shuffler like no other. He will do more than cut the cards, he will accidentally separate them. Never, never under estimate President Trump. He is stronger than a bull's whip, and wiser than a serpent. I will continue to watch the next episode of this great, world changing novel, and the future most talked about event America has ever been faced with. God is long suffering, and he expects His children to be the same. Bring it on Satan, we are ready to show you just how feeble, and weak you really are.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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