Saturday, August 10, 2019

"Depart From Me Ye Workers Of Iniquity"

Nothing like a pair of love birds. Just talking, and enjoying each others company. 8-10-2019 Perryton, TX
These two birds are enjoying each other as they clearly are talking, and possibly catching up on the news. I watched them for a good while, and they stayed together longer than I've ever seen birds stay in one place. It made me lonesome to watch two love birds having such a good time. I'm sure their babies are grown up now, and have left the nest. I have heard, and I think it's true, that once birds mate they stay together for life. Next breeding season they will have new babies, and life goes on for them like God planned it. Nature is a life creating process that God made for everything that lives, whether human, animal, or seed sown in the grown. What a great, and wonderful world the Master of life gave us. So sad that the human race has decided to change God's plan for His people, and make their own plan. From this day on I see a troubled world which will get worse by the day. I believe the scripture will soon be fulfilled that says before the end of time people will be praying for the mountains to fall on them. This life will be just that unbearable. Do we have anything to look forward to? I believe nothing but the fact that we will be going to a better place to live through out eternity. We must trust God, and endure till our name is called for that great, and final day.

In spite of all the bad news, and the knowledge of nothing getting better, I am very happy, and contented with who I am. I truly enjoy just a cup of coffee with a friend. The friends I have are fool prof, and I would not have any other kind. I have some loved ones who have not been put in the firing pot yet, therefore they are not fool prof. Sorry to say I cannot trust them with my life. They must be refined to face a strong enemy such as we have in our presence today. You can find them in our schools, in our churches, yes, I mean that, in our civic clubs, and anywhere else we might be found. I will not say I just love people who are not subject to differ from my observation, because God gave us love for everyone. But I am saying be ye as wise as a serpent, and as harmless as a dove. Matthew 10:16 KJV. A serpent isn't harmless, but they are very wise. Let us be a wise, harmless child of God that will always trust Him. I am aware that anywhere I go any more could be a death trap. We see it happening every day, but with God as my protector, I am not afraid. Of course He expects us to use the wisdom He gave us. Don't pick up that snake just because God said He is our buckler, and our shield. A fool you would surly be. I have seen this very thing happen, and the fool got bitten and died. It has been news on television, and I've heard it through out my life. Do not tempt God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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