Sunday, August 11, 2019

"Beauty Without The Beast Please"

            My friend has a most beautiful Crape Myrtle bush. Love it. 8-12019 Perryton. TX

I am posting one of the most beautiful Crape Myrtle bushes I ever saw. One of my friends owns it, and I don't think there is another one in town that would compare with hers. I have had one for several years, and it never grows, or makes much of a bloom. This Crape Myrtle I have posted has two colors, red, and purple. And they both are coming from the same bush. It looks like a giant flower arrangement. Next spring I am going to pamper mine to the hilt. I am determined to get it to start growing, and making pretty blooms. My friend does have a special, magic touch when it comes to raising flowers, but I am fixing to have one also. We have had an extremely hot summer, and no one's flowers have been doing well. A few minutes ago I backed my car out of the garage, and the gauge showed 103 degree. I don't know how hot it was in the sun since my outside thermometer hangs on the porch always in the shade. We are needing rain badly.

All I have done today is fix lunch for my son, and spent several hours painting. I got tired of watching the news since all it was about is the sex ring-master that supposedly hung himself in jail. It is being said that many high-ranking politicians, and other high profile figures were determined to kill this pedophile before he had a chance to spill the beans on them. It has caused a very bitter war of words, and the US Attorney General has vowed to get to the bottom of it. It remains a great mystery how he could have hung himself since he was suppose to be on 24-7 suicide watch. The President was more concerned about him being murdered than committing suicide. Many believe he did have outside help, or at least help within the jail walls, to kill himself. It is a very suspicious happening to say the least. More and more we are seeing Satan get away with his wicked acts of corruption. We ask ourselves when will God say enough is enough. Who knows, His plan may be to bring judgment on them Himself instead of waiting for our justice system to finally convict them. This may be a bigger, and longer prison sentencing than the United States can control.

I have said before and I will say it again, I believe hell has already opened it gates, and we all are having to live partly in the crowd. That should make us more determined to keep our armor white. I certainly want to be in that number when the Saints go marching in. Money won't mean anything any more, and we all will be living like Kings, and Queens. What a switch from the way we lived on earth. It will be worth it all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp                                   

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