Thursday, February 28, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "The Sun Of My Life Is Shinnning"

Jean's Comment's: "The Sun Of My Life Is Shinnning":           The last day of February has loaned us a gorgeous sun.  2-28-2019 Perryton, TX   I do appreciate this last day of February w...

"The Sun Of My Life Is Shinnning"

          The last day of February has loaned us a gorgeous sun.  2-28-2019 Perryton, TX
I do appreciate this last day of February with the encouragement of this gorgeous sun. We have had too much cold, windy weather for my fancy. Having had the stomach flu twice since Christmas, and with two to three weeks of not leaving our body, I am more than ready for spring. Today has been nice, and I had to take a picture of this welcome sun.

I got home from work at 3:45 pm, and made this picture to put on my blog. I haven't had a chance to watch television today, but the hearing today with Michael Cohen was held behind closed doors anyway. I hope to catch some of the testimony later this evening. He must be shaking in his boots about now. He has a lot of evil sin to pay for. In fact if he gets by with all his lying it will just be reason to believe our justice system has lost all hope of credibility. He is in the lowest of evils along with Hillary Clinton, and others. They seem to have a pass to be given all the freedom they want to lie to our government, and get away with it. Treason is the best description for their ungodly acts. I will not give up on their punishment because I know what the bible says about people who commit such criminal acts as these have done. We must continue to support our President, and be prepared for the worst kind of hardship these criminals are trying to give us. We don't know when God will say enough is enough, but we do know that will happen soon.

I fully believe God is equipping His children for the worst kind of hardship in order to allow us to endure the suffering we will see our enemies go through. No enemy is too mean for us not to feel mercy for when the punishment is unbearable for them. I feel strongly that this will happen before evil can been destroyed for good. Some of these demons are living in our precious loved ones, and we would do anything to have them spared, but it just won't happen. God is loving, but He is just, and will keep his word no matter who may get included. When the last bell has rung, those who didn't hear it will be shut out for good. God is also long suffering, but He does call to order by and by. I thank my God so much for giving me peace when my heart is breaking for my lost loved ones. He never fails, and I never fail to ask again, and again. He also gives me victory without limit. What an awesome God He is. The time is still available to get serious with God, but it may not be tomorrow. Take heed, and answer His call. We can't change the past, but we can change the future.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "I Chose To Be A Juror Today"

Jean's Comment's: "I Chose To Be A Juror Today": I've been in court all morning. A Genuine Circus Court hearing by the House Oversight Committee with Convicted Criminal Michael Cohen....

"I Chose To Be A Juror Today"

I've been in court all morning. A Genuine Circus Court hearing by the House Oversight Committee with Convicted Criminal Michael Cohen. He's blaming his crime to President Trump. 2-27-2019 Perryton, TX
I have sit through a few court hearings before, but never any that would compare to the disgraceful, political, Democratic controlled House Oversight Committee in session today, 2,27,2019 with intentions of more fuel with which to impeach our President, Donald Trump. After over two years the evil liberal left have not been smart enough to impeach him. They are making themselves look more stupid every day. They have sealed their conscience so they don't know what embarrassment means. They are comparing themselves to two cock roosters who fight just because they are forced to. The weaker always loses, and even though there is blood on both fighters, the winning rooster is less injured. Satan always looses, but he never gives up. I am one of the interested persons watching and listening to this laughable court hearing. So far I haven't seen any blood, but the real pecking is yet to come. Two more days after today will this fight go on unless the weaker gets killed before. Why does America have to watch cock fighting instead of taking care of our real fighters, the men and women who are fighting the real enemy who are trying to destroy our God given democracy? Shame on all those lost souls who have elevated themselves above God, and surrendered to the Satanic army.

It is while our President is in a conference with the North Korean Leader, Kim Un Jonh, at this time, trying to work out a peace agreement, that This American Resistance mob is trying to unseat him. They would rather be blown up by a Hydrogen bomb than to see President Trump succeed. I have typed awhile, and gone back to the hearing awhile. I have heard most of the entire hearing, It is positively a damaging weapon being exploded on our great country by it's own people. How UN loyal can a human get to their own country after God has given them a leader to save their dirty, unforgivable sins by offering a chance to repent. I don't expect any change in those evil minded, determined people who have sold their souls for a bowl of soup. We must live with the end results of this mock hearing today. Shame, shame, and more shame is still to come, I believe. At this time I feel no sympathy for those hard hearted lairs who deserve just what they will get. They have had a chance to change and be called children of God, but they refused. The sooner the better when God reads them their sentence. I am not saying I am perfect, but God forbid I ever lie just to punish someone I don't like. No one living soul can get by with that with God. Some people must not have ever learned that. It's like they think God is not real, or all powerful. Too bad they have to find out too late.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "The Dust Of The Earth Claims My House"

Jean's Comment's: "The Dust Of The Earth Claims My House": Still trying to get my house cleaned after two bouts of stomach flu since Christmas. 2-26-2019 Perryton, TX   I have felt less energeti...

"The Dust Of The Earth Claims My House"

Still trying to get my house cleaned after two bouts of stomach flu since Christmas. 2-26-2019 Perryton, TX
I have felt less energetic today than I did yesterday. This flu bug just doesn't know when to leave. When I think I'm back to normal, I discover I am not. I just read on face book that the ones who get the greatest blessings are the ones who never give up. How long is never? I've been fighting a long time, and every day seems to sound better about leaving all my home work behind, and retiring to the land of “do nothing.” However, I never want to give up my independence. It would be best if I could just give up my idea of everything being in perfect order. I remember the last years of my mother's life. She wanted to travel most of the time. She usually would leave her luggage packed, because she hoped it would just be days before she would be leaving again. She lost all desire for the things she used to call important, pictures, gifts from children, and grandchildren. Pets, and keeping her tiny one-bedroom house in order didn't interest her at all. Her life became all about getting away, and having fun. She loved to spend time with her children, and friends clear up to the end of her life. When she left her big house for the small, simple one, she began to live in a different world. Her many years of hard work ended with a bang. Her health was good, and she made life good by turning loose of all old memories that didn't make her laugh. I haven't been able to do that yet, but who knows it may happen to me someday. I love my home with all my heart, and I never want to give up my world of pictures, and memories that line every wall of my house. Four bedrooms, and I hardly ever have company since my children, and grandchildren live far away. By the way I have lived in this house for 52 years after we had it built to our own desired plan. The memory clutter is about to take my pride completely away. Too much to dust, and notes of reminders are falling off the walls. As long as I can fumble through it, and keep my interest in painting, and writing partly going, I am good to stay.

Ask me where my President is today, or how much of the wall is up. I can answer those kinds of questions whether I get any house cleaning done at all. This earth is still my home, and my country is still mine, and I will fight till I die for it. I know who owns, and rules this land, and no one can take it from my Father God. We, his children, are privileged to know that when others are not, and do the foolish things of trying to take it over. How fun it is to watch fools become more foolish each day. Victory belongs to the wise, and those who trust God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Monday, February 25, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Fact Of Matter"

Jean's Comment's: "A Fact Of Matter": This is not a dream. A real sink full of dirty dishes with many on the side. 2-25-2019 Perryton, TX   Hello, and good morning. I am so...

"A Fact Of Matter"

This is not a dream. A real sink full of dirty dishes with many on the side. 2-25-2019 Perryton, TX
Hello, and good morning. I am so thankful to be back at my computer this morning after eight days of being down with a stomach flu. This was my second time since Christmas to be stricken with this unwanted virus. The many previous years that I hardly knew what sickness was has seemingly caught up with me. I will admit I was unable to function, but my dishes, and everything else waited patiently on me. My mean side is back up, and look out for my release of energy that's been locked up too long. Several of my family, and friends have had this virus also. Some had it much worse than I, and a few didn't even make it back to normal. I too, had a fight to conquer, believe me. It's funny how most of those captured days the sun never shined at all. Today it is shinning bright, and I am shinning with it. I did spend a lot of time in dreamland due to medication, but I'm not dreaming now. Most of those dreams were good ones, and I have to believe God was with me all the while. Hopefully some might even come true. When I am finished with this blog I will tackle my dirty kitchen with full force. I have no family close by, and I was sure not going to let my friends know I was locked down. I do have one son who is handicapped, but he kept close tabs on me. I assured him I knew when to go to the doctor, and not to worry about me.

I guess the worse thing about this virus was I didn't loose any weight. I knew I had to eat healthy so I kept every pound on. At least I didn't gain any. Oranges, bananas, pears, and tomato juice are delicious food, and drinks when your stomach tells you, mostly those, and lots of them. I'm adding some solids now, but very slowly. It seems as though the appetite has to return also. I missed church last Sunday, and I was deeply depressed over that. I accepted it as for a reason, and believe next Sunday will be a blessed one. Like I mentioned earlier in this blog, my fighting spirit is back to normal, and I challenge the evil to come near me. “If God be with us who can be against us?” Somehow I believe this virus was a test for my spiritual strength because I am certain I am facing one of the greatest challenges I've faced in years. I needed to prove my God can do all things through Christ our Savior. I'm not saying the rest of the way will be easy, but I am saying I will not tuck tail and run at another sign of resistance. Christ is the Church, and the Father raised Christ from the dead once, and He can do it again, with all due respect. I have denied myself much pride to make a statement like this, but when it's God's will, It's my will.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, February 18, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Important Dreams Are Not Just For Kings"

Jean's Comment's: "Important Dreams Are Not Just For Kings":            A glimpse of the sun peeking over the school buildings. 2-18-2019 Perryton, TX   This is the picture I saw this morning whil...

"Important Dreams Are Not Just For Kings"

           A glimpse of the sun peeking over the school buildings. 2-18-2019 Perryton, TX

This is the picture I saw this morning while drinking my first cup of coffee. Yes, I got up before the sun came up, and felt great after having a good night's sleep. I had eaten a light breakfast because I was planning to go to the Center for lunch. After I finished eating, something happened to me that had never happened before while sitting in my recliner watching news.

I barely heard a knock at my door. I couldn't get up. I kept trying so hard to get to the door, because I felt sure it was someone special who had come to see me. Finally I made it to the door, but I couldn't talk. I was trying so hard to tell the two ladies to come on in, that I would be OK. They came in, and I began to explain that I was cleaning house. All my furniture from the combined dinning, and living room was moved to one wall area of the living room. I kept trying to say just one word, but nothing would come out. The two ladies sat down, and I started to pick up a pile of leaves in the floor. The large bare area of the room was not cluttered, so I wasn't too embarrassed. I guess I had just decided to vacuum under every piece of furniture in the house. A joining bedroom just had the bed in it, and I was glad when my son Kent went in there to do something that was getting things ready for the big interview that was about to happen. I realized some big politician was, (I don't know which one,) talking with great concern about our country. I could hear him, and hear the two ladies giving their opinions, but I couldn't see them except in a daze-like manner. I kept trying to talk, but not a word could I say. I could see my son, Kent, there, and I realized he had planned this meeting. Then I started trying to tell the people I had had a stroke, but I knew I would get my feeling, and speech back in time. I kept listening to the politician, and the ladies talking with extreme concern about what the evil Democrats had done to our country. By now I had decided I would always be a stroke victim never to walk normal, or able to speak again. I was trying to accept it with a good attitude when suddenly I came back to life, The Politician, and the two ladies voices became clear to me now. They were on television, and my house was not out of order. I was so shocked till I just began to thank God for giving me back my normal life. I am now trying to make some sense of this recliner experience, since I have never gone to sleep in my recliner before. This happened after I had drank coffee, and had breakfast. Also after I had taken a picture of the peeping sun. I know this dream is for me to figure out, so needless to say I didn't go to the Center for lunch today.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Little Bird Will Take The Message"

Jean's Comment's: "A Little Bird Will Take The Message": A visitor this morning outside my kitchen window while I was doing dishes. 2-16-2019 Perryton, TX   When there is no one to talk to, ...

"A Little Bird Will Take The Message"

A visitor this morning outside my kitchen window while I was doing dishes. 2-16-2019 Perryton, TX

When there is no one to talk to, and you're feeling lonely, God sends His angle bird to cheer you up. The pretty yellow, and orange colors don't show in the picture, but they were so pretty. I do believe in angle birds. This past week has been pretty rocky, and I needed a message from God to strengthen my faith. I just got it, and now I am rejoicing in His love. “Fear not for I am with you always.” That is all I needed to get me going this morning. My load of worries have turned into excitement. I can't wait for tomorrow to get a positive answer to one of my most desired prayers. By faith I will not doubt. By faith I will keep climbing. By faith I will reach the top by, and by. Oh glorious day when I see Jesus. I've been waiting a long time. Not that I'm in any big hurry, because I really do enjoy living for Jesus, even in this old world of sin, and sorrow. When He is ready for me, He will take me. Let me be faithful until that day. I know when I need another visit from an angel, I will get it.

I have talked to two of my children this morning. Both of them live over 400 miles from me. I don't get to see them often, but we do talk about every week. My four children are the greatest blessings of my life. My grandchildren come next. God really did give me some of His best. I could not ask for anything more perfect for my needs. They definitely are not for trade. My husband, the father of all my children, loved them as much as I do. His last words before his death was to the doctor. “I am ready to go, but I hate to leave my family.” He was 86, and all his children had been grown for years. He will never have known how much his children have blessed me. However, I could be wrong. He may be looking down on our lives each day. I trust God that he is at perfect peace, and happiness. He left this world with a perfect mind, and no pain at all.

I have more work waiting for me yet today. I will do my own hair again, since my beauty operator can't please me. I must prepare food for dinner tomorrow after church. That means a trip to the store, and it's getting late in the evening. Just remember many of you are on my prayer list, and I will continue to pray. Only God is the answer to all our needs. He has a will, a plan, and a way already laid out for you. Try hard to recognize the visiting angel God will be sending you. It may not be a bird, but it will be there in some shape or form.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, February 15, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Whale Of A Fish"

Jean's Comment's: "A Whale Of A Fish": Speaking of a whale of a fish, Austin Sharp, my grandson, age 2, caught his first one. His aunt Betty helped him pull it out. Lake Sanford...

"A Whale Of A Fish"

Speaking of a whale of a fish, Austin Sharp, my grandson, age 2, caught his first one. His aunt Betty helped him pull it out. Lake Sanford, Texas.  Austin is 25 now. 2-15-2019 Perryton TX
I just had to show the beginnings of a bright young grandson I have. I hardly ever mention this guy in my writings, but he never leaves my mind for long. In 1995 my husband and I bought a lake home on Lake Stanford, Stanford, Texas. My son and his family lived in the city of Stanford. One summer my sister, Betty, and husband, Jim, brought their camper down to visit us on the lake. Jim was a pro bass lover, and this lake was stocked with bass. My sister went to town and bought little Austin, age 2, a tiny rod, and reel. They were going to teach Austin how to catch bass. She helped him get his line out in the water them let him take over. All of the crew were unsuccessful in catching bass, so we were reeling in to go to the campers. Just as Austin had his line at the edge of the water something grabbed it and ran. Aunt Betty was standing by, and began to scream hold it Austin, hold it. She reached for his line and helped him pull it out of the water. When Austin saw the 18 inch bass he threw the line down. It scared him so bad. I love this picture, and I love my grandson. He is having a birthday in a few days, and I want to wish him a happy birthday. He is my super bass pro, and all kinds of other super pros. He lives in Houston, Texas, and is loved greatly by all his family. Happy Birthday Austin.

I have laid down my fish, and whale story I was reading yesterday. It didn't have a good plot, and was making me depressed. The story of Jonah, and the Whale is not one I would recommend to be read. Although it is a bible story, and everyone should read it. Take it seriously, and run back to Nineveh. It's better to face criticism than to be in the belly of a whale. “Not my will, but thine be done.” I can be sweet, and sour at the same time. If I need to change some of my attitudes, then help me Lord to change them, otherwise do the same to others. The whale didn't like Jonah in his belly so he vomited him up. Hopefully if I am being swallowed by a whale, the same will happen to me. Jonah, and the whale both lived happily ever after. It will be worth a try, so help me God. There is an old saying that goes like this. “You can take the old gal out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the old gal.” You can take me out of my church, but you can't take my church out of me.” After 37 years, my church is still in me even though I have attended another church regularly. My seat is empty, and so are most of the other seats, but we are going to fill them up again, by God's help.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Three Fishes And A Whale"

Jean's Comment's: "Three Fishes And A Whale":    Three fishes and a whale. That's what my life looks like today. 2-13-2019 Perryton, TX The sky is filled with mysteries tod...

"Three Fishes And A Whale"

   Three fishes and a whale. That's what my life looks like today. 2-13-2019 Perryton, TX

The sky is filled with mysteries today. All around the globe I see clouds that resemble something familiar. The picture I posted looked like three fish, and a whale. I had to be reminded of the mystery I am dealing with at this time. I can't ever remember a time in my life when I have been so confused about making a decision. For several weeks I have been earnestly seeking God's will for me, but I cannot get the positive answer. I think I have it one day, then I decide I didn't have it the next day. It is a decision I have to make, because I cannot go on with what used to be. I understand most people are faced with these kinds of ill feelings sometime in their life, but after a few days of fasting, and a dream or two, the answer finally comes for them. So far I have not fasted, or had a dream, but I have talked for hours about this change in my life with close friends. I think I am afraid to get that serious with God again. I am not as young as I used to be, therefore I have a way too many if's come to mind. I know what I want to do, but not sure if it's the right thing to do. To speak the truth, I don't want to do either of the two things I'm hassling with, but I am thinking the choice has to be made, if I continue to feel the closeness of God in my life.

When I saw these clouds in the sky today I thought that looks like three little fish and a huge whale. That is what my life looks like also. The whale is just a threat to me what will happen if I make the wrong choice. I won't be able to get away if I choose unwisely because the whale will swallow me up just like it did Jonah. Jonah tried to run away from God, because he didn't want to do what God asked him to do. The time has come for me, like Jonah, to face the unwanted task. My feelings no longer take fist place. It's bear the cross, or forfeit the crown. I don't know how much longer I will be tortured, but I am growing impatient more every day. Who knows if this may be the time for me to die on the cross like Jesus did. Of course not the same type of death, nor for the same reason, but I feel everyone will have a cross to conquer before they leave this life. I pray I will not be like Jonah, but I understand why Jonah tried to run away. Let us forget ourselves, and turn the other cheek to those who feel too good to treat us like they would want to be treated. By the grace of God I will make the right choice.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, February 11, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "There It Is The Sunshine I Needed Today"

Jean's Comment's: "There It Is The Sunshine I Needed Today":         The sun is coming up this morning. but best of all I can see it. 2-11-2019 Perryton, TX   This morning I am feeling so blesse...

"There It Is The Sunshine I Needed Today"

        The sun is coming up this morning. but best of all I can see it. 2-11-2019 Perryton, TX

This morning I am feeling so blessed after two days of worrying about the condition of my baby sister. She has been in ICU for several days, but this morning she will be moved to a room. She has some problems, but needs more test made to find out what they are. I am positive God has answered our prayers, and will let her go home soon. I thank everyone who prayed for her. She is a person like everyone has heard about, “too good for their own good.” But in the end God remembers these good people, and heals their bodies when they get sick. There is another special person in my life who has been given the same miraculous healing as my sister. They also gave everything they had to others who weren't deserving of it. But when death knocked on their door, God sent it away. Now they are a living example of God's rewarding, healing power. There was no sunshine, literally, for me the past day or two, but this morning the sun is rising fast. I posted a picture of it's beauty. I'll be walking, and talking, in the sunlight all day today. I'm so glad I don't get taken to the wood shed every time I make a mistake. God just takes the sunshine away from me for awhile. He knows I am not perfect, and only corrects me in a mild kind of way. He never forgets my past deeds of “doing unto others as I would have them do unto me.”

I am looking forward to many more years of joy, peace, and happiness. They always follow a terrible storm. I don't like storms, but they will come because they are part of God's creation. He won't stop the storms, but He will protect us from all harm. Woe be to those whom don't believe. They may not die, but they will suffer fear, and doubt much longer. They will feel the guilt of their mistakes much longer. I would describe myself of being in a mild kind of storm at this time. One day I am feeling positive, the next day I am feeling negative. Then I receive a signal of danger, that makes me call upon the Conductor for more guidance. He assures me I am going the right direction, and asks, “why did you doubt in the first place?” I have to answer, “I don't know Lord. Maybe it's because I'm getting old.” I feel safe, but I would rather feel certain. I believe I will have to continue to battle this mild storm, and just hope it doesn't get more fierce. I trust I will continue to move on even though I may have to move by faith for a time. There is always a safe landing somewhere ahead. My sailing is slow at this time, but I truly believe it will speed up in the near future. I can almost feel a shout right now.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Happier Time In My Life"

Jean's Comment's: "A Happier Time In My Life": My baby sister 2nd from left, Shirley, is in ICU in Oklahoma City. Prayers please. 2-10-2019 Perryton, TX   I found out last night that...

"A Happier Time In My Life"

My baby sister 2nd from left, Shirley, is in ICU in Oklahoma City. Prayers please. 2-10-2019 Perryton, TX
I found out last night that my youngest sister, Shirley, is in ICU in Oklahoma City, I thank her granddaughters who posted it on face book other wise I would never have known. I cried myself to sleep last night, then didn't sleep well. I never expected it to be this way, but only God can take control of our lives when He is ready. The picture I posted was taken two years ago. It is, L to R, Myrtle Jean, Shirley, Colene, and Betty. All my sisters. I love them all so much, and I will have to have lots of prayer to get me through if I lose one of them. I cannot drive the 250 miles there by myself any more. The traffic is too heavy, and I am too old to risk the trip. God will give me strength to handle whatever happens.

I did go to church this morning, and I felt the peace of God. I'm so thankful He's always by my side. Soon we all will be transported to that great city of peace, and love never to be separated again. I've always believed that one must make plans to go to that eternal resting place, and I trust my sister has done that. I have taught her the Word of God, and she once told me she was not the person she used to be. I stand on that promise, and it helps me bear the pain.

This Sunday has been dark, and dreary, but I trust I will see the sun tomorrow, if tomorrow ever comes. I still have lots of work to do for my Lord, but if I let the sorrow overtake me, I will be called a failure to Him. I am walking daily by faith, and not by sight. We choose our own path to follow, but if we listen to the wrong director, we will end up at the place of no return. We cannot keep living in the happy way we have always lived. God will be through of having patience with us, and will say, enough is enough. I don't know what tomorrow holds, but I know who holds tomorrow, and I know who holds my hand. At this time I feel wounded, but not forsaken. I will heal, and go on doing my work for God. He will help me understand the many things I am confused about today. But I must have patience also. Trials, and tribulations brings strength, joy, peace, and happiness. I have had this happen to me many times. The Word says without a battle there is no victory, also He says, the battle is mine, and not yours to fight. What more can we ask for? I will keep waiting for a call telling me good news, but only if my loved ones listen to God's voice. I am sure He is speaking to them.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "What A difference A Day Can Make"

Jean's Comment's: "What A difference A Day Can Make": How can I lose 5 pounds with a lunch like this? Chicken and cheese san, and cherry cheese cake. 2-0-2019 Perryton, TX My taste buds ...

"What A difference A Day Can Make"

How can I lose 5 pounds with a lunch like this? Chicken and cheese san, and cherry cheese cake. 2-0-2019 Perryton, TX

My taste buds are blooming big time. When I get all my weight back off, boom, here I go again. I love cherry cheese cake, and I hadn't eaten a piece forever. Life can get sad sometimes. I hate it when I gain a pound. I have kept my desired weight for over two years, with just a bit of fluctuating now, and then, but now I am about to give into my taste buds. I have been carrying five extra pounds since Thanksgiving, and Christmas. It looks like I may be carrying another five if I can't get my act together. I can control it, but I sure hate to keep eating just low carb foods.

I can boast of a very productive day today. I have done more today than I've done in a long time. I ran the sweeper, cleaned a bathroom, and mopped the floor. Washed three loads of laundry, washed a sink full of dishes, and mopped the kitchen floor. Dusted, and folded, and hung all the laundry. I made a cherry cheese cake, and am getting ready to make a meatloaf for tomorrow's Sunday dinner. At last I will be soaking in a tub of bubble bath, and doing my hair for church. I wish I could have days like this more often. I believe I have just finished going through a “ship wreck.” type of storm. Jesus has come to my rescue. If only I could keep believing.

I have yet to find that complete satisfaction in my life of solitude, but I think it was meant to be that way. We need to keep moving forward, and not get stuck in the mud if it's raining. We probably can be through the storm if we keep traveling, and not wait for the rain to stop. The days will come to bring us joy if we will be patient, and trust God. Like a child I want to be bubbling over with excitement full time. That will never happen as long as we live on this wicked old earth. But I'm always ready for that fun, and laughter when it does come our way. I am always ready for a new tomorrow when I go to bed at night. I'm so thankful for the contented feeling I have every morning while I have my coffee, and wait for the sun to come up. I dare say without my television I would not be so contented. Our poor parents were never blessed with the pleasure in life like we have known it. Yet they probably were more contented than we are today. They had something more than television or McDonald's to grab a sausage biscuit. My dad was getting the stove heated up so my mother could cook biscuits. I think she thoroughly enjoyed that. We all sat around a table together and ate breakfast before the bus came to take us to school. I'm sure our parents were glad to be free of noisy, rushing kids trying not to miss the bus. I miss my parents so much, and have hopes of seeing them again someday.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, February 8, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "I Couldn't Keep My Promise"

Jean's Comment's: "I Couldn't Keep My Promise": I thought the sign was a realtor's sign, but it just read, home of a U.S, Soldier. No sale information   anywhere, yet the house is ...

"I Couldn't Keep My Promise"

I thought the sign was a realtor's sign, but it just read, home of a U.S, Soldier. No sale information   anywhere, yet the house is for sale. 2-8-2019 Perryton. TX 

What does it take to make a strange person even stranger? This house I have posted, is located only three blocks from me. The people moved out over two moths ago, so I told a friend who lives in another city, that I would drive over today and get her the information about who she could call. I had seen a yard sign, and had assumed it was a Realtor's sign, but upon close up contact today I discovered it was not. The sign just read. “HOME OF A U.S. SOLDIER.” Nothing else was on the sign, nor was there a telephone number anywhere to be found. I know these people. The man use to be the minister of a church here. They moved a way off to another state, and no one seems to know anything about getting information about the house. It's very strange to say the least. I have heard that President Trump is doing great things for our vets, so I wonder if maybe there is a program now that will buy the homes from vets who are in need of selling quickly. If so I applaud our President for that service to our ex-American troops. Times are changing every day, and it pays to stayed tuned into the news. Most of all it pays to have patience.

I count today as an almost wasted one. I did get some encouraging mail today, but other than that I have done nothing of importance. My work is still undone, and I can't seem to get any ambition at all. I know there has to be something in the making for me, but I do need more patience. So many times we try to get ahead of God, and because He loves us He will not rush to calm our anxiety. I have no doubt that God will fail to repay us for our obedience, and faithfulness to Him. Neither will He fail to punish those who put themselves before Him, and cause great distress to His cause. While I am waiting this out, I have to go about my business, and not try to interfere. I pray for ambition, and desire to do my own work. Most of all I pray for wisdom, and guidance to follow God's will. He knows what is best for me, and I dare not wait upon Him. I often change my mind from day to day, but I believe that is because God is talking to me. I don't call it wishie, washie. I call it obeying the voice inside me that keeps me out of trouble. When it's time for me to do something I have been putting off, God will give me the desire. It all gets done in due time. How lucky I am. I never get in any hurry if it's of my own choice, but sometimes I pray for a little push. I can go now, wait, or say never, but only God can lead the way. I will ask my Heavenly Father first.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Winter Is Still Real To Me"

Jean's Comment's: "Winter Is Still Real To Me": This evergreen tree is ever white this morning. Solid ice, and my car can be seen in the garage. It will stay there today. 2-6-2019, Perry...

"Winter Is Still Real To Me"

This evergreen tree is ever white this morning. Solid ice, and my car can be seen in the garage. It will stay there today. 2-6-2019, Perryton, TX

This evergreen tree is ever white this morning. It is solid ice as is every tree around. I made a quick trip to deliver a letter, but don't plan to get back out. The fog was heavy earlier this morning, and I longed to see the sunshine. At this time 2:15 p m I can see a tiny bit of sun. Hope is always just a prayer away. Thank you Lord for making me happy again,

I was so encouraged last night after hearing our President give The State Of The Union Address. Every Christian or decent person hearing that speech should be rejoicing today. But sadly that is not happening. This world is filled with evil people, and will be till Christ returns. We must endure the hate, and take the insults with a grain of salt. Christ is our example. He knew nothing but evil people trying to destroy Him, and finally they did. However, it was just for three days. Jesus came up out of the grave, and even walked to where His disciples could see him. He still walks with us today although many of us can't see Him. Nothing we do, or say is hidden from Him. I trust I will never do things that displeases Him, although I know that is impossible. We cannot be perfect, but according to His Word we must strive to be perfect. The fact is no one knows the extent of sin in their lives. God is the judge, and He is the perfect decider of our deeds. We are just acting like little children when we tell others they are not fit to be our friends because they do things we don't approve of. Jesus said to those who do that, “get the plank out of your own eye before you try to remove the sliver out of someone else's.”Then He said to the woman's accusers “He that is without sin let him cast the first stone.” The accusers disappeared quickly. The evil I am speaking of is of a Satanic spirit, and not an individuals personal sin. We must recognize the difference in world wide sin, and the sin of an individual.

If anyone thinks they are smart enough to reject a person who does not meet their belief of how they should live, please introduce yourself to me. That is not to say a person who is hiding some sin from the law of the land if there is positive proof you know, but the law doesn't. Also those who do not live what they preach is fake Christians, but should not be judged as hell doomed. Remembering there is always room for repentance, without you or I knowing it. It is a scary thing to put yourself in a judges robe without hearing both sides of the case. I believe there is a big difference between an extremely bad sin, and one that doesn't suit our own personal belief. The Word of God teaches that there will be wars, and rumors of wars, but we have to fight for our own land, and not against our own fellow warriors. Let us be made wise, and fight a good fight.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "And Then God Made Light"

Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "And Then God Made Light": Jean's Comment's: "And Then God Made Light" : Sometimes the globe would smoke up if the wick was turned too high. 2-4-2019...

"A Slight Change Of Atmosphere"

One of the many gifts my daughter has given me over the years. How true these words are. 2-5-2019 Perryton, TX
My sweet daughter gave me this plate with these inspiring words printed on it several years ago. It sits on my hallway table 24-7. I read it almost every day of my life. This past week it has taken on special meaning. For some time now I had felt like a door had been closed to me. I was not satisfied any longer to be the idle person I had become. I didn't know why, or what to do. I just kept praying about it then another door opened for me. I reluctantly walked through that open door to find myself feeling a bit uncertain. I felt certain for awhile, then I would feel uncertain. At times I want to runaway to anywhere. At other times I wanted to stay forever in this new found place. I keep praying, but then I would remind myself that I've already walked through that door. Why would I keep wondering if I did the right thing or not. Day, by day, step, by step, I am going to keep on keeping on. I have no idea what the future may hold for me, but for now I plan to find out.

I have been satisfied with my walk with God for many years. I am certain that I am not going to change anything in my life that may not be pleasing to anyone else. I do feel that I will have to make that understood if I remain in the new found place I now occupy. It will remain to be seen if I can still be me, or if I have to be someone else. I just simply will not be ruled by a spirit I do not believe in. Some may already be saying “you went through the wrong door.” I cannot tell God which door I want to go through. He opened this door to me for a reason. He will never leave me alone, and I will stay the course. I can get used to disagreeing with certain people with God's help to explain my position. I have not been tempted to eagerly disagree with anyone in years. I have always had a sweet spirit to help me keep my mouth shut. But on the other hand I have always been with people I love, and respect, even though we may not always agree. I hope to find this same love, and respect, among a new type of people. I know most of this new crowd, and I do love, and respect them. If I have to leave it will be because I was driven out, not because I wanted to leave. Surly I can find that happy medium there. I am honestly feeling like I am trying God's patience with me. I know without a doubt that God opened this door for me, and I am arguing with him now. Please pray for my weakness, and keep listening to hear more about this new adventure.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, February 4, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "And Then God Made Light"

Jean's Comment's: "And Then God Made Light": Sometimes the globe would smoke up if the wick was turned too high. 2-4-2019 Perryton, TX How many time have I watched my dad read th...

"And Then God Made Light"

Sometimes the globe would smoke up if the wick was turned too high. 2-4-2019 Perryton, TX

How many time have I watched my dad read the family bible by the light from kerosene lamps? Too many to count. I'm living with those days now, and I love it. Precious memories that will never fade away. As I mentioned earlier when the wick would get turned too high, in order to give more light, the globe would smoke up. It was my job to wash the lamp globes every night before they were lite. I had to listen to caution every time, “be careful and don't break the globe.” We never had any extra ones around, and those globes were as fragile as an egg shell. My hand was small enough to go up in the globe, and my parent's hands were not. I had to make the globes shine. My granddaughters gave me these two lamps several years ago for Christmas. I cherish them just because they loved to hear my stories about no light at night, but kerosene lamps. The girls were 11, and 13, when they gave these lamps to me. Now they are 44 and 46. Some of my children gave us the big family bible that is in the picture. When I pass away it will be at least a year before my children can go through my house full of treasures. I found a dollar bill inside this bible when I was going to take a picture of it. It was in good shape, but old. I finally discovered it is a silver certificate, but I could not find a date. It has Washington's picture on it, and clearly has the letter B stamped on it. I have no idea who put it there. After 69 years of marriage, this old pack rat has collected a lot. Only God knows how much I hate to go off and leave all my treasures to be taken to the landfill. My children are not collectors of anything but maybe a few of mothers favorites.

I am still in an enthusiast mood today. I feel like I am living back in the sixties again. I have fought many battles since then, but I actually believe God has given me peace to last me the rest of my life. I may have more battles, but I think God wants me to give them all to Him. I didn't even watch the Super Bowl yesterday, because I had more important things to interest me. I may watch the State Of The Union Address tomorrow night, but I don't feel excited about it. I know what our President has done for our country without watching it all over. He is in my prayers every night. He will not fail. I would rather watch the failures of the Democratic Party as they get more and more disgraceful, and the consequences are not far away for them. I hope no one will let me miss something about this big piece of news. I love victory calls for the fighters who have never let down on their faith. That would be the President, vice President, and all their supporters. “Move on. Christ ambassadors.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "You Are My Sunshine My First Love"

Jean's Comment's: "You Are My Sunshine My First Love":             I was waiting this morning for the sun to greet me, and it did. 2-3-2019 Perryton, TX   The night finally ended. I lay in...

"You Are My Sunshine My First Love"

            I was waiting this morning for the sun to greet me, and it did. 2-3-2019 Perryton, TX

The night finally ended. I lay in bed for quite some time after I fully awoke, awaiting the sun to come up. My big day had arrived. I was dressed and ready for church an hour before I left. Up to the very last minute I kept telling myself don't do it. By faith I kept saying back to myself, I'm going to do it/

I am almost a charter member of the First Assembly of God Church here in Perryton, Texas, but for the past 37 years I have been a member of another church. We had raised our children in the AG, and I had been an active member for several years. Off, and on, my dear AG church was plagued with evil, and so remained a struggle for many years. It did manage to relocate in a large, beautifully built building, and for one year my husband and I went back to our first love. We found the same old evil spirit was there, and we had to go back to the church we had been a member of for 25 years. That church was home to over 250 members who were successful business people, and who treated everyone with respect. The thing is, it was not the faith that neither of us had grown up in. My heart remained in the AG, while my body attended another church. After 18 years of asking God to deliver me to my own faith, the answer finally came.

Yes, the last Pastor stayed for 18 years, and left with only a hand full of members to deal with the fate. At first I was skeptical, and was told there was nothing left but a building with a large mortgage, and it probably would be sold. After 18 years, and a financial report like that, was God really answering my prayer? I felt so sure it was God, yet how could I leave my long attended church without more surety than that? I had to find out first hand. The church had been without a pastor for two months, and still is without, when I made the decision to step out on faith.

This morning I attended the First AG church that I helped found, and was nourished by it's older members who were so precious to me. I was in my early twenties, and had two small children when we moved to Perryton, and we never missed a service for years. I was impressed this morning although I did not get the red carpet laid out to me. Most of the people there (which were few,) never knew me from attending the church before. All older members had moved out. I did not expect the red carpet welcome, and instead I went around and introduced myself to most everyone. I'm sure those people were wondering “what is this.” The Superintendent from the AG district was there to meet with the members, about their future. He made it clear that the district had no intentions of selling the property. He made sure the people need not worry, because he could feel the spirit there this morning. “We will get you a pastor, and get you through this,” he promised.

I mentioned in my blog yesterday that I hoped to get an invite for lunch today, I had no idea the church would be having a pot luck lunch. I got invited, and enjoyed a nice lunch while fellow shipping with friends I was making at the same time. At this time I cannot say it is a done deal, but I feel more positive today than I did yesterday. At least I am rejoicing, and have a lot more faith.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Today Is A Special Wedding Anniversary"

Jean's Comment's: "Today Is A Special Wedding Anniversary": Today February 2, 2019, my husband and I would have been married 69 years. These past 6 years have been hard to manage. 2-2-2019 Perryton,...

"Today Is A Special Wedding Anniversary"

Today February 2, 2019, my husband and I would have been married 69 years. These past 6 years have been hard to manage. 2-2-2019 Perryton, TX
At the end of this day I have finished my work task, and am ready for my special day tomorrow. I have mixed emotions, but am ready for the show down. Surly this is a moving of God upon my life. My hair dresser was out of town so I did my hair myself, I think I like it better than when the hair dresser does it. I have my Sunday church outfit picked out, and I am very excited. I cannot explain myself any more, but hope to a little later on. A miracle is about to happen, and there is no other way to explain it. I am hoping my husband is looking down on me at this time. He would be pleased.

I painted almost 3 hours today. I loved every minute of it, and can't wait to get back to it again. Everything is just coming back the way it should, and I can say my life has changed for the better. I told a friend that I have waited 15 years for this to happen, and I'm not for sure if it is real or not, just yet. She told me God bottles up our prayers for a very long time when He needs to. But He never lets them go sour. At other times He answers immediately. I believe that with all my heart. This friend does not live here, but she made me promise I would follow my feeling to step out by faith. What would we do without good Christian friends?

I have no plans for tomorrow other than church, but I am hoping for an invite out for lunch. Such little insignificant things as this I do not ask God for. He sometimes gives me the desires of my heart without asking him. However, I will be happy to come home and fix my own lunch. I am prepared for either situation. I just love the fellowship when eating with someone else. I did sleep well last night after 4 o'clock since it was almost 2 o'clock when I went to bed. I didn't get up till 9. I'm so hoping to get to sleep earlier tonight. I cannot sleep late tomorrow.

Monday will be my Senior Citizen lunch day. I have missed those all week, but plan to attend them all this next week. As you probably have noticed I have let up on the news, but I believe we are about to start hearing some doozies right away. I'm trying to get ready for it. Our democracy has crumbled to the point of no return. What will the end results be? I won't even guess at that one. I just know that everyone better move closer to God, because He is our only hope. People on both sides of the political spectrum are apologizing right and left for sins they committed years ago. “Be sure your sins will find you out.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, February 1, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Beautiful Angel Light"

Jean's Comment's: "A Beautiful Angel Light":        Angel light caught my eye when I turned off overhead light. 2-1-2019 Perryton, TX I was going to bed, but when I turned off th...

"A Beautiful Angel Light"

       Angel light caught my eye when I turned off overhead light. 2-1-2019 Perryton, TX

I was going to bed, but when I turned off the overhead light in my dinning room this angel light caught my eye. The angel light shines 24 hours a day. It is a reminder to always pray for a granddaughter who gave it to me 25 years ago. I mention her name in prayer every night before I go to bed. I believe that is the reason she is still alive. She has had a bad life like millions of other babies born of troubled mothers. Only God knows why, but I know there was a reason. This granddaughter believes in God, and thinks grandmothers prayers will keep her living when she is struggling to beat the odds. I am so thankful for all the blessings God has given me.

I have been very busy again today, and did not plan to write a blog, but staying up an extra hour or so, won't hurt me. I need to release the love I have for God, and his children, (who are my brothers, and sisters,) every day. Otherwise I would become too overjoyed to do the work I need to do in order to maintain my home, and do the work God expects of me. I am so happy for all the prayers God has answered for me lately. I feel so unworthy, and I have to wonder why He is so good to me. However, I do ask Him for many things because He said, “ask and you shall receive.” I believe He is pleased to answer our prayers.

I have an unusual thing planned for this week-end, and I am moving by faith to fulfill that plan. I don't know if I am doing the right thing or not, but I am willing to try. Like I said, I am stepping out by faith. That's the only way God can use us. I have done this very thing before, and it truly was the work of God, but still there is that wonder will it be the same this time. It has taken God 15 years to answer this prayer, and that is why I am wondering if it is what I asked for. Nothing short of a miracle can make this request actually happen. The worse thing that can happen to me if it isn't God moving, is the embarrassment I might feel. I need to forget my pride. And I think I have.

Tomorrow will be the final day for preparing for this adventure. I hope I can sleep well tonight. Sunday is the big day, and I probably won't sleep at all tomorrow night. I have to say I am excited, and feel sure everything will work out for God's glory. If so, I will be the happiest I've been in years. Good night all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp