Tuesday, February 26, 2019

"The Dust Of The Earth Claims My House"

Still trying to get my house cleaned after two bouts of stomach flu since Christmas. 2-26-2019 Perryton, TX
I have felt less energetic today than I did yesterday. This flu bug just doesn't know when to leave. When I think I'm back to normal, I discover I am not. I just read on face book that the ones who get the greatest blessings are the ones who never give up. How long is never? I've been fighting a long time, and every day seems to sound better about leaving all my home work behind, and retiring to the land of “do nothing.” However, I never want to give up my independence. It would be best if I could just give up my idea of everything being in perfect order. I remember the last years of my mother's life. She wanted to travel most of the time. She usually would leave her luggage packed, because she hoped it would just be days before she would be leaving again. She lost all desire for the things she used to call important, pictures, gifts from children, and grandchildren. Pets, and keeping her tiny one-bedroom house in order didn't interest her at all. Her life became all about getting away, and having fun. She loved to spend time with her children, and friends clear up to the end of her life. When she left her big house for the small, simple one, she began to live in a different world. Her many years of hard work ended with a bang. Her health was good, and she made life good by turning loose of all old memories that didn't make her laugh. I haven't been able to do that yet, but who knows it may happen to me someday. I love my home with all my heart, and I never want to give up my world of pictures, and memories that line every wall of my house. Four bedrooms, and I hardly ever have company since my children, and grandchildren live far away. By the way I have lived in this house for 52 years after we had it built to our own desired plan. The memory clutter is about to take my pride completely away. Too much to dust, and notes of reminders are falling off the walls. As long as I can fumble through it, and keep my interest in painting, and writing partly going, I am good to stay.

Ask me where my President is today, or how much of the wall is up. I can answer those kinds of questions whether I get any house cleaning done at all. This earth is still my home, and my country is still mine, and I will fight till I die for it. I know who owns, and rules this land, and no one can take it from my Father God. We, his children, are privileged to know that when others are not, and do the foolish things of trying to take it over. How fun it is to watch fools become more foolish each day. Victory belongs to the wise, and those who trust God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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