Saturday, February 16, 2019

"A Little Bird Will Take The Message"

A visitor this morning outside my kitchen window while I was doing dishes. 2-16-2019 Perryton, TX

When there is no one to talk to, and you're feeling lonely, God sends His angle bird to cheer you up. The pretty yellow, and orange colors don't show in the picture, but they were so pretty. I do believe in angle birds. This past week has been pretty rocky, and I needed a message from God to strengthen my faith. I just got it, and now I am rejoicing in His love. “Fear not for I am with you always.” That is all I needed to get me going this morning. My load of worries have turned into excitement. I can't wait for tomorrow to get a positive answer to one of my most desired prayers. By faith I will not doubt. By faith I will keep climbing. By faith I will reach the top by, and by. Oh glorious day when I see Jesus. I've been waiting a long time. Not that I'm in any big hurry, because I really do enjoy living for Jesus, even in this old world of sin, and sorrow. When He is ready for me, He will take me. Let me be faithful until that day. I know when I need another visit from an angel, I will get it.

I have talked to two of my children this morning. Both of them live over 400 miles from me. I don't get to see them often, but we do talk about every week. My four children are the greatest blessings of my life. My grandchildren come next. God really did give me some of His best. I could not ask for anything more perfect for my needs. They definitely are not for trade. My husband, the father of all my children, loved them as much as I do. His last words before his death was to the doctor. “I am ready to go, but I hate to leave my family.” He was 86, and all his children had been grown for years. He will never have known how much his children have blessed me. However, I could be wrong. He may be looking down on our lives each day. I trust God that he is at perfect peace, and happiness. He left this world with a perfect mind, and no pain at all.

I have more work waiting for me yet today. I will do my own hair again, since my beauty operator can't please me. I must prepare food for dinner tomorrow after church. That means a trip to the store, and it's getting late in the evening. Just remember many of you are on my prayer list, and I will continue to pray. Only God is the answer to all our needs. He has a will, a plan, and a way already laid out for you. Try hard to recognize the visiting angel God will be sending you. It may not be a bird, but it will be there in some shape or form.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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