Monday, February 25, 2019

"A Fact Of Matter"

This is not a dream. A real sink full of dirty dishes with many on the side. 2-25-2019 Perryton, TX
Hello, and good morning. I am so thankful to be back at my computer this morning after eight days of being down with a stomach flu. This was my second time since Christmas to be stricken with this unwanted virus. The many previous years that I hardly knew what sickness was has seemingly caught up with me. I will admit I was unable to function, but my dishes, and everything else waited patiently on me. My mean side is back up, and look out for my release of energy that's been locked up too long. Several of my family, and friends have had this virus also. Some had it much worse than I, and a few didn't even make it back to normal. I too, had a fight to conquer, believe me. It's funny how most of those captured days the sun never shined at all. Today it is shinning bright, and I am shinning with it. I did spend a lot of time in dreamland due to medication, but I'm not dreaming now. Most of those dreams were good ones, and I have to believe God was with me all the while. Hopefully some might even come true. When I am finished with this blog I will tackle my dirty kitchen with full force. I have no family close by, and I was sure not going to let my friends know I was locked down. I do have one son who is handicapped, but he kept close tabs on me. I assured him I knew when to go to the doctor, and not to worry about me.

I guess the worse thing about this virus was I didn't loose any weight. I knew I had to eat healthy so I kept every pound on. At least I didn't gain any. Oranges, bananas, pears, and tomato juice are delicious food, and drinks when your stomach tells you, mostly those, and lots of them. I'm adding some solids now, but very slowly. It seems as though the appetite has to return also. I missed church last Sunday, and I was deeply depressed over that. I accepted it as for a reason, and believe next Sunday will be a blessed one. Like I mentioned earlier in this blog, my fighting spirit is back to normal, and I challenge the evil to come near me. “If God be with us who can be against us?” Somehow I believe this virus was a test for my spiritual strength because I am certain I am facing one of the greatest challenges I've faced in years. I needed to prove my God can do all things through Christ our Savior. I'm not saying the rest of the way will be easy, but I am saying I will not tuck tail and run at another sign of resistance. Christ is the Church, and the Father raised Christ from the dead once, and He can do it again, with all due respect. I have denied myself much pride to make a statement like this, but when it's God's will, It's my will.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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