Wednesday, February 27, 2019

"I Chose To Be A Juror Today"

I've been in court all morning. A Genuine Circus Court hearing by the House Oversight Committee with Convicted Criminal Michael Cohen. He's blaming his crime to President Trump. 2-27-2019 Perryton, TX
I have sit through a few court hearings before, but never any that would compare to the disgraceful, political, Democratic controlled House Oversight Committee in session today, 2,27,2019 with intentions of more fuel with which to impeach our President, Donald Trump. After over two years the evil liberal left have not been smart enough to impeach him. They are making themselves look more stupid every day. They have sealed their conscience so they don't know what embarrassment means. They are comparing themselves to two cock roosters who fight just because they are forced to. The weaker always loses, and even though there is blood on both fighters, the winning rooster is less injured. Satan always looses, but he never gives up. I am one of the interested persons watching and listening to this laughable court hearing. So far I haven't seen any blood, but the real pecking is yet to come. Two more days after today will this fight go on unless the weaker gets killed before. Why does America have to watch cock fighting instead of taking care of our real fighters, the men and women who are fighting the real enemy who are trying to destroy our God given democracy? Shame on all those lost souls who have elevated themselves above God, and surrendered to the Satanic army.

It is while our President is in a conference with the North Korean Leader, Kim Un Jonh, at this time, trying to work out a peace agreement, that This American Resistance mob is trying to unseat him. They would rather be blown up by a Hydrogen bomb than to see President Trump succeed. I have typed awhile, and gone back to the hearing awhile. I have heard most of the entire hearing, It is positively a damaging weapon being exploded on our great country by it's own people. How UN loyal can a human get to their own country after God has given them a leader to save their dirty, unforgivable sins by offering a chance to repent. I don't expect any change in those evil minded, determined people who have sold their souls for a bowl of soup. We must live with the end results of this mock hearing today. Shame, shame, and more shame is still to come, I believe. At this time I feel no sympathy for those hard hearted lairs who deserve just what they will get. They have had a chance to change and be called children of God, but they refused. The sooner the better when God reads them their sentence. I am not saying I am perfect, but God forbid I ever lie just to punish someone I don't like. No one living soul can get by with that with God. Some people must not have ever learned that. It's like they think God is not real, or all powerful. Too bad they have to find out too late.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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