Wednesday, February 6, 2019

"Winter Is Still Real To Me"

This evergreen tree is ever white this morning. Solid ice, and my car can be seen in the garage. It will stay there today. 2-6-2019, Perryton, TX

This evergreen tree is ever white this morning. It is solid ice as is every tree around. I made a quick trip to deliver a letter, but don't plan to get back out. The fog was heavy earlier this morning, and I longed to see the sunshine. At this time 2:15 p m I can see a tiny bit of sun. Hope is always just a prayer away. Thank you Lord for making me happy again,

I was so encouraged last night after hearing our President give The State Of The Union Address. Every Christian or decent person hearing that speech should be rejoicing today. But sadly that is not happening. This world is filled with evil people, and will be till Christ returns. We must endure the hate, and take the insults with a grain of salt. Christ is our example. He knew nothing but evil people trying to destroy Him, and finally they did. However, it was just for three days. Jesus came up out of the grave, and even walked to where His disciples could see him. He still walks with us today although many of us can't see Him. Nothing we do, or say is hidden from Him. I trust I will never do things that displeases Him, although I know that is impossible. We cannot be perfect, but according to His Word we must strive to be perfect. The fact is no one knows the extent of sin in their lives. God is the judge, and He is the perfect decider of our deeds. We are just acting like little children when we tell others they are not fit to be our friends because they do things we don't approve of. Jesus said to those who do that, “get the plank out of your own eye before you try to remove the sliver out of someone else's.”Then He said to the woman's accusers “He that is without sin let him cast the first stone.” The accusers disappeared quickly. The evil I am speaking of is of a Satanic spirit, and not an individuals personal sin. We must recognize the difference in world wide sin, and the sin of an individual.

If anyone thinks they are smart enough to reject a person who does not meet their belief of how they should live, please introduce yourself to me. That is not to say a person who is hiding some sin from the law of the land if there is positive proof you know, but the law doesn't. Also those who do not live what they preach is fake Christians, but should not be judged as hell doomed. Remembering there is always room for repentance, without you or I knowing it. It is a scary thing to put yourself in a judges robe without hearing both sides of the case. I believe there is a big difference between an extremely bad sin, and one that doesn't suit our own personal belief. The Word of God teaches that there will be wars, and rumors of wars, but we have to fight for our own land, and not against our own fellow warriors. Let us be made wise, and fight a good fight.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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