Saturday, February 9, 2019

"What A difference A Day Can Make"

How can I lose 5 pounds with a lunch like this? Chicken and cheese san, and cherry cheese cake. 2-0-2019 Perryton, TX

My taste buds are blooming big time. When I get all my weight back off, boom, here I go again. I love cherry cheese cake, and I hadn't eaten a piece forever. Life can get sad sometimes. I hate it when I gain a pound. I have kept my desired weight for over two years, with just a bit of fluctuating now, and then, but now I am about to give into my taste buds. I have been carrying five extra pounds since Thanksgiving, and Christmas. It looks like I may be carrying another five if I can't get my act together. I can control it, but I sure hate to keep eating just low carb foods.

I can boast of a very productive day today. I have done more today than I've done in a long time. I ran the sweeper, cleaned a bathroom, and mopped the floor. Washed three loads of laundry, washed a sink full of dishes, and mopped the kitchen floor. Dusted, and folded, and hung all the laundry. I made a cherry cheese cake, and am getting ready to make a meatloaf for tomorrow's Sunday dinner. At last I will be soaking in a tub of bubble bath, and doing my hair for church. I wish I could have days like this more often. I believe I have just finished going through a “ship wreck.” type of storm. Jesus has come to my rescue. If only I could keep believing.

I have yet to find that complete satisfaction in my life of solitude, but I think it was meant to be that way. We need to keep moving forward, and not get stuck in the mud if it's raining. We probably can be through the storm if we keep traveling, and not wait for the rain to stop. The days will come to bring us joy if we will be patient, and trust God. Like a child I want to be bubbling over with excitement full time. That will never happen as long as we live on this wicked old earth. But I'm always ready for that fun, and laughter when it does come our way. I am always ready for a new tomorrow when I go to bed at night. I'm so thankful for the contented feeling I have every morning while I have my coffee, and wait for the sun to come up. I dare say without my television I would not be so contented. Our poor parents were never blessed with the pleasure in life like we have known it. Yet they probably were more contented than we are today. They had something more than television or McDonald's to grab a sausage biscuit. My dad was getting the stove heated up so my mother could cook biscuits. I think she thoroughly enjoyed that. We all sat around a table together and ate breakfast before the bus came to take us to school. I'm sure our parents were glad to be free of noisy, rushing kids trying not to miss the bus. I miss my parents so much, and have hopes of seeing them again someday.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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