Friday, February 8, 2019

"I Couldn't Keep My Promise"

I thought the sign was a realtor's sign, but it just read, home of a U.S, Soldier. No sale information   anywhere, yet the house is for sale. 2-8-2019 Perryton. TX 

What does it take to make a strange person even stranger? This house I have posted, is located only three blocks from me. The people moved out over two moths ago, so I told a friend who lives in another city, that I would drive over today and get her the information about who she could call. I had seen a yard sign, and had assumed it was a Realtor's sign, but upon close up contact today I discovered it was not. The sign just read. “HOME OF A U.S. SOLDIER.” Nothing else was on the sign, nor was there a telephone number anywhere to be found. I know these people. The man use to be the minister of a church here. They moved a way off to another state, and no one seems to know anything about getting information about the house. It's very strange to say the least. I have heard that President Trump is doing great things for our vets, so I wonder if maybe there is a program now that will buy the homes from vets who are in need of selling quickly. If so I applaud our President for that service to our ex-American troops. Times are changing every day, and it pays to stayed tuned into the news. Most of all it pays to have patience.

I count today as an almost wasted one. I did get some encouraging mail today, but other than that I have done nothing of importance. My work is still undone, and I can't seem to get any ambition at all. I know there has to be something in the making for me, but I do need more patience. So many times we try to get ahead of God, and because He loves us He will not rush to calm our anxiety. I have no doubt that God will fail to repay us for our obedience, and faithfulness to Him. Neither will He fail to punish those who put themselves before Him, and cause great distress to His cause. While I am waiting this out, I have to go about my business, and not try to interfere. I pray for ambition, and desire to do my own work. Most of all I pray for wisdom, and guidance to follow God's will. He knows what is best for me, and I dare not wait upon Him. I often change my mind from day to day, but I believe that is because God is talking to me. I don't call it wishie, washie. I call it obeying the voice inside me that keeps me out of trouble. When it's time for me to do something I have been putting off, God will give me the desire. It all gets done in due time. How lucky I am. I never get in any hurry if it's of my own choice, but sometimes I pray for a little push. I can go now, wait, or say never, but only God can lead the way. I will ask my Heavenly Father first.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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