Friday, February 1, 2019

"A Beautiful Angel Light"

       Angel light caught my eye when I turned off overhead light. 2-1-2019 Perryton, TX

I was going to bed, but when I turned off the overhead light in my dinning room this angel light caught my eye. The angel light shines 24 hours a day. It is a reminder to always pray for a granddaughter who gave it to me 25 years ago. I mention her name in prayer every night before I go to bed. I believe that is the reason she is still alive. She has had a bad life like millions of other babies born of troubled mothers. Only God knows why, but I know there was a reason. This granddaughter believes in God, and thinks grandmothers prayers will keep her living when she is struggling to beat the odds. I am so thankful for all the blessings God has given me.

I have been very busy again today, and did not plan to write a blog, but staying up an extra hour or so, won't hurt me. I need to release the love I have for God, and his children, (who are my brothers, and sisters,) every day. Otherwise I would become too overjoyed to do the work I need to do in order to maintain my home, and do the work God expects of me. I am so happy for all the prayers God has answered for me lately. I feel so unworthy, and I have to wonder why He is so good to me. However, I do ask Him for many things because He said, “ask and you shall receive.” I believe He is pleased to answer our prayers.

I have an unusual thing planned for this week-end, and I am moving by faith to fulfill that plan. I don't know if I am doing the right thing or not, but I am willing to try. Like I said, I am stepping out by faith. That's the only way God can use us. I have done this very thing before, and it truly was the work of God, but still there is that wonder will it be the same this time. It has taken God 15 years to answer this prayer, and that is why I am wondering if it is what I asked for. Nothing short of a miracle can make this request actually happen. The worse thing that can happen to me if it isn't God moving, is the embarrassment I might feel. I need to forget my pride. And I think I have.

Tomorrow will be the final day for preparing for this adventure. I hope I can sleep well tonight. Sunday is the big day, and I probably won't sleep at all tomorrow night. I have to say I am excited, and feel sure everything will work out for God's glory. If so, I will be the happiest I've been in years. Good night all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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