Sunday, February 10, 2019

"A Happier Time In My Life"

My baby sister 2nd from left, Shirley, is in ICU in Oklahoma City. Prayers please. 2-10-2019 Perryton, TX
I found out last night that my youngest sister, Shirley, is in ICU in Oklahoma City, I thank her granddaughters who posted it on face book other wise I would never have known. I cried myself to sleep last night, then didn't sleep well. I never expected it to be this way, but only God can take control of our lives when He is ready. The picture I posted was taken two years ago. It is, L to R, Myrtle Jean, Shirley, Colene, and Betty. All my sisters. I love them all so much, and I will have to have lots of prayer to get me through if I lose one of them. I cannot drive the 250 miles there by myself any more. The traffic is too heavy, and I am too old to risk the trip. God will give me strength to handle whatever happens.

I did go to church this morning, and I felt the peace of God. I'm so thankful He's always by my side. Soon we all will be transported to that great city of peace, and love never to be separated again. I've always believed that one must make plans to go to that eternal resting place, and I trust my sister has done that. I have taught her the Word of God, and she once told me she was not the person she used to be. I stand on that promise, and it helps me bear the pain.

This Sunday has been dark, and dreary, but I trust I will see the sun tomorrow, if tomorrow ever comes. I still have lots of work to do for my Lord, but if I let the sorrow overtake me, I will be called a failure to Him. I am walking daily by faith, and not by sight. We choose our own path to follow, but if we listen to the wrong director, we will end up at the place of no return. We cannot keep living in the happy way we have always lived. God will be through of having patience with us, and will say, enough is enough. I don't know what tomorrow holds, but I know who holds tomorrow, and I know who holds my hand. At this time I feel wounded, but not forsaken. I will heal, and go on doing my work for God. He will help me understand the many things I am confused about today. But I must have patience also. Trials, and tribulations brings strength, joy, peace, and happiness. I have had this happen to me many times. The Word says without a battle there is no victory, also He says, the battle is mine, and not yours to fight. What more can we ask for? I will keep waiting for a call telling me good news, but only if my loved ones listen to God's voice. I am sure He is speaking to them.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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