Monday, June 25, 2018

"The Honey Day Lily"

                      This Sunny Honey Daylily makes me happy. 6-25-2018 Perryton, TX
It really happened. We got another 2 and .2 inch of rain last night. Also had a high wind that did some damage to my flowers. We have recorded about 9 inches of rain in the past few days. This is a blessing from God if there ever was one. I had another two blessings happen today that are personal, and I won't go into detail, but I am rejoicing over them. Every time we think everything is framing up on us it always turns out to be just the opposite. I have to feel ashamed when the worry I carried around turned into the nicest things that I didn't deserve. How long will God have patience with me? Or maybe God was just getting me ready for a big worry. Whatever the case, I will always trust God with all my worries. I will never fail to thank Him for all the answers to my prayers.

This has been one of my lazy days, and I haven't done anything to be proud of. I even came up with a way to fix dinner without cooking. I decided on a hobo dinner. My taste called for chicken, potatoes, carrots, green peas and onions. I wrapped all these ingredients up in foil after seasoning them well, and put them in the oven to bake for two hours. I will unwrap the foil, empty the delicious food on a plate, and eat til my taste is satisfied. I can smell it now as it bakes in the oven. Hopefully I will have more spunk tomorrow. Maybe, I tell myself, I'm just tired after doing all the work on my patio, and it's just now catching up with me. Maybe I just need more rest without mental distractions. I think my bed will feel extra comfortable tonight.

I have had some comments thrown at me that I need to ponder for awhile. Those kind that at first you don't know how to take them. Those kind that you probably never will know how to take them. Were they meant for extra nice compliments, or were they meant to let you know in a nice way just how stupid you are? Probably a little of both. I will not gloat, neither will I be offended because I love those people no matter what they say. Sometimes I think I fail in so many ways to let people know how much I appreciate them. Once in awhile is not enough. We need to commend everyone who personally offers us a nice compliment or does something nice for us, whether we feel worthy of it or not. We need not to think “they already know I appreciate them. I don't need to say anything. A smile is enough.” A kiss would be much better. I think I will start kissing more, and talking less. However, when Judas kissed Jesus, he was identifying him to his would be killers. “God never let us be guilty of kissing someone for any reason but love.”

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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