Sunday, June 3, 2018

"A Day To Rest Not Feast"

     Sunday birdwatching. Front porch view. Also watering yard. 6-3-2018 Perryton, TX
I did stay home from church today. It was just a day I needed to rest and enjoy the birds. The birds were very entertaining bathing in the water from the sprinkler. I sat on the front porch and watched them for an hour or so. I keep hoping the humming birds will come back. Everything is fresh and clean just waiting for them. I do have a little bull frog who helps me when I'm cleaning out the flower beds. He gave me a scare yesterday when I almost picked him up with a hand full of mint. He didn't hop off, just sat and watched me. The 8” red worm the size of my little finger is what made me want to quit digging. I could never stand worms. I can put a minnow on a hook, but not a worm. I am always on the look out for little snakes when I'm working in the flower beds. Occasionally I see one of them. They are absolutely a nightmare to me.

Tomorrow, (June 4) is my daughter's, my only daughter, birthday. I would love to be with her to celebrate, but life just won't let us do all the things we would like. I live nearly 400 miles from her, so our physically visits are not often enough. I did see her two weeks ago at my granddaughter's college graduation. I wished her an early Happy Birthday then. I sent her a card, and told her I loved her. All of her life she has done wonderful things for me. Every room in my house, the garage, the yard, the storage house, and many times over, I have her gifts to remind me of how sweet she has been. She never came back home after going to college, because she met, and married the man of her dreams. After forty years they are still happily married. Can any mother wish for more than that? Thank you Lord. Life just gets sweeter every day.

I can t get my mind off that cherry pie something told me I need to make. I survived the desire to eat some strawberry cheese cake I bought for Chuck last week. I did eat a small piece, but now I am craving one of my own home made cherry pies. Sometimes we just have to cave in, and regret it for days. Nothing seems to satisfy my craving for cherry pie. I will not, absolutely not, buy ice cream. How can I eat cherry pie without ice cream? I think I can. Pecan pie has been on my mind also. Why all the rich foods all at once? I have sacrificed them for so long, why don't the desire leave me alone? My menu for today so far has been three small links of sausage, two small waffles with a little syrup, and a pot of coffee. For lunch I had a ground beef patty with mushroom, and onion gravy, and a dish of mixed vegetables. Now I'm about to make a cherry pie. What is wrong with me? I still have some pants with elastic waists.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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