Tuesday, June 19, 2018

"Thank You Jesus For My Flowers"

My day of work has ended. My day of rest has begun. A nice, cool place to sit while I enjoy my flowers. 6-19-2018 Perryton, TX
I came home from work to find a cool, shady place to sit while I enjoyed my flowers awhile. I though about a little glass of wine, but didn't partake. I am so in hopes it doesn't rain tonight because I really need to paint the patio floor tomorrow. I have it ready, but it's too late in the day, and I'm too tired to do it tonight. Once I get the floor painted, and the furniture back on the patio then it can rain, rain, rain. My day went well today. I was able to take a brake from work and do a little business for my son. I have a lot of work to do at his house when I get mine finished. At least for awhile I won't be getting bored.

I did miss the Congressional hearing today from the IG and acting director of the FBI., Christopher Wray. I got part of it, but I would have liked to have heard it all. It does appear to me that the entire Justice System is nothing but lies, alibis, promises, and a whole lists of other made-up reasons for delay, and refusal to comply. I sometimes wonder if I'm just having a bad dream, or can this actually be real? I do believe it is taking a huge toll on the decent, honest American people. If I didn't believe in God, I would say Satan has already won this war of “good against evil.” We must continue to believe in our Lord, and Savior to bring us through this crisis. We must also believe that God will give us peace when it looks like there can be no peace. Let us refuse to fall to pieces. The whole body, mind, and soul, needs to be working around the clock to fight this evil spirit. We have great Christian leaders, and I am sure we can trust God to use them to keep us safe. If we become discouraged then our bodies began to weaken, and sickness begins. That is just what the enemy wants because our faith weakens also. It's still there, but too weak to truly believe. Doubt has a way of hindering our faith without us realizing it. It is in times like these that we need a strong, well, Christian warrior to declare victory for us, just as a doctor brings health back to the sick body. The bible tells us that where two or three are gathered together in Jesus name, there will He be also. I am a firm believer of that scripture. “Believe, believe, and you will receive a miracle, but you must recognize it as such. Do not ever feel slighted by God. That would be called a spoiled child who wants more than they deserve. However, we must never give into the enemy who is sure to try and stop us from believing our God for our request. If we are humble, and honest with ourselves, then we can praise God for what we did receive. I'm not sure where this thought came from, but I think it came directly from God, possible for me, myself, and I.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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