Saturday, June 2, 2018

"Silver And Gold Have I None"

Gold and silver have I none but such as I have give I unto you. Acts 3:6--6-2-2018 Perryton, TX
I'm so happy this Saturday afternoon to be home watering my yard. It has been an all day event. I cleaned out the flower beds, and have been watering every since. The young robins were enjoying the water from the sprinkler. They were so pretty. I am very tired, and must miss the Widower's meeting this evening, but it's feels nice to have worked all day. My yard is looking much better. I probably have set the tone for rain tonight, but if so that's alright with me. The more water the better. I have a silver, and gold rock in my flower garden that I got in this picture. The silver rock is a natural one, but the gold one is a nugget that has been sprayed with gold paint. They add something special to the collection of flowers, and bird feeders, and such. I am rushing up the maturity of the flowers, but it's just fun to work with them. Several of the plants haven't even come up yet. I welcome them any time. The rose bushes look so trim without all the dead branches that had collected among them. Even with gloves, and a long sleeve shirt I still sacrificed a little blood. Those throne y beauties sure can dare you to cut on them. They got a hair cut any way. I probably cut out ten pounds of mint plants that I fight every year. They smell good, but they multiple faster than any other weed. I can't get completely rid of them.

I'm planning on relaxing, and watching television this evening. I'm not for sure if I will make it to church tomorrow or not. My bones are starting to feel sore already. I may continue with my relaxing tomorrow. I'm sure I will be visiting with friends on the telephone, and may be invited out to eat lunch. I will be cooking though for Chuck. He gets tired of batching all week so I try to cook a lot for him. I'm always glad for Sunday's to come and go. I'm anxious to start another week, and wait for news about the safety of our country. I feel sure that all of the corruption that is being uncovered in our government will not go without many being seriously punished. If it does, it will be the cause of a Civil war in the worse way. Either way we are looking at plenty of excitement to follow. Again I warn people to stay close to God, because He is the only hope for innocent people. We must bear in mind that our schools are not even a safe place for our children anymore. The evil has grown just like I mentioned about the mint in my flower beds, it has multiplied and spread out into the most sacred places in our world. It's roots are too deep to be completely removed. We must be aware always. God will take care of his children, but we must trust, and honor Him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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