Wednesday, June 27, 2018

"If It Wasn't For Flowers What Then"

           More flowers arriving every day in my flower garden. 6-27-2018 Perryton, TX
I have been amazed at how many flowers have started blooming since all the rain. I didn't expect half this many since most of them are volunteers. A few are new to my flower garden. I believe the birds had to plant some of these seeds since I have not had them before. I am enjoying every flower that's opened up their heart and let me see their beauty. Now that the ground is dry enough for me to clean out the wild grass, and weeds, the beauty will show off much more. I hope to get it done before it rains again.

I was able to go for lunch today at the Center. Since I've been so busy lately I haven't been for awhile. We had a large crowd, and as usual a delicious meal. We were proud to applaud one of our members who was honored by a representative of Boy's Ranch, for buying his 39th pair of boots for a boy who graduated from that school. The boots are hand made, and bear the name brand of the Boy's Ranch school. The Boy's Ranch has been in existence for many years, and has produced many young men who had no chance of education, or dignity otherwise, to become highly accepted leaders in various places. Our Senior member so gracefully took over the responsibility of the man who originated the idea, after that man died. It makes us all proud to be sharing our friendship with people like this one who accepted the honorable plaque today.

This has also been another day of my ratting, and raving about the changes being made in our every day lives. I had to buy a new vacuum sweeper. It cost double the price of my old one, and I actually thought I would throw it in the dumpster. I got almost no instructions with it except a manual with nothing but Spanish writing. I had to try for hours to figure it out. I still don't know how to get the dust canister out to empty it. There was a large paper that said do not take this product back to the store, call this number for questions. I have been known to do that before only to get recordings for thirty minutes, then if you do finally get to speak to someone, it's like they are barely able to speak English. I didn't even try. The mystery is this. This sweeper wouldn't pick up a tiny thread lying on the carpet no matter how many times I swept over it. Yet it picked up crumbs, and etc. The canister is clear plastic and I couldn't see hardly any dust or fuzz after I had swept the entire floor. My old sweeper would have made the canister half full. I sat down in disgust and had to admit that my carpet looked almost new. Where did all that dust and fuzz go, and why wouldn't the sweeper pick up a tiny piece of thread. I am not stretching it, I went around the floor picking up with my hand several little white pieces of such and such after I finished sweeping. My carpet is dark wine, and white shows up big time. I am more puzzled than angry now. I never enjoyed putting puzzles together. I will wait for someone who does.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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