Thursday, May 31, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "The Life Of These Hollyhocks Are Secret"

Jean's Comment's: "The Life Of These Hollyhocks Are Secret": The hollyhocks are looking pretty. Too much sun for them to show their brilliant color. 5-31-2018 Perryton. TX   Sixty hundredths of a...

"The Life Of These Hollyhocks Are Secret"

The hollyhocks are looking pretty. Too much sun for them to show their brilliant color. 5-31-2018 Perryton. TX
Sixty hundredths of an inch of rain last night has made the flowers perk up nicely. I took this picture of the hollyhocks with the sun shinning brightly on them so the color is not as brilliant as otherwise. We had a little hail with the rain and wind last night. The yard was a total mess this morning with limbs and leaves from the trees. I picked up a lot of them before I left for work, but there are still many left. The hail was not big enough to damage the flowers much, but the wind played havoc with the trees. I am thankful for the rain.

I came home form work today to find a nice surprise in my mailbox from my daughter-in-law. It was a book that I had mentioned to her that I could not find. She found it, and mailed it to me along with a sweet card, and a picture of me with my granddaughter. These children just won't stop being super nice to me. I feel so unworthy. They have done so much for me, and I do such little for them. I was very happy to get the book, and will report on it after I've read it. God has blessed my children so much, and they want to share with others. I am so thankful that I have such wonderful, sweet children, and grandchildren. They are my gift from God.

I have had a good day today, and the book gift just finished the list of things I am proud to have received from the Giver of all good gifts. I have no present worries at this time. I do have desires, but those too will happen in time. Nothing pressing is bothering me. I couldn't say that last night before I went to bed, God heard, and answered my prayers. How great He is. I'm planning on a good day tomorrow. I don't work, and the whole day will be mine to choose whatever I want to do. I expect to have another surprise or two to happen. I know not what, cause if I did it would not be a surprise if it did happen. I just know I want the very best of everything God can give me. Not that I am deserving, but because He promised to give us the desires of our heart. If I go shopping, and I find that one outfit that I cannot believe I did, I know God has given me my desire for a new outfit. Something I can't pass up, and can't wait to show it off. I do not want to be a duplicate of anything. It takes real originality to keep that from happening, when most clothing garments are duplicates. I like to find the right piece of another accessory to make the outfit seem all original. This is a woman thing, and not just my own idea. But sometimes we may get a little wild. So what, it says a lot about us.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Thankful Hearts Brings More Blessings"

Jean's Comment's: "Thankful Hearts Brings More Blessings": Roses are doing well, every bush in my front yard is looking great. 5-30-2018 Perryton, TX   I completed my schedule today. I have had ...

"Thankful Hearts Brings More Blessings"

Roses are doing well, every bush in my front yard is looking great. 5-30-2018 Perryton, TX
I completed my schedule today. I have had a busy morning, and did laundry and made stew this afternoon. A phone conversation with a friend, and my daughter, supplied some relaxation I really needed. I did have lunch at the Center today. That is always a relaxing hour or so, and catches me up on news about my friends. I would liked to have gone to a church dinner this evening, but I had just used up all of my energy. Now I have to be my own company the rest of the evening. My flowers do a good job at keeping me entertained. The nice, cool. evening breeze is enjoyable to sit out in. I have a great neighborhood, and live directly across from the school practice field. People are always walking their dog, or jogging past my house. Even with all of that, it is very lonely being alone. Since my mind has let go of so much political stuff the time goes by slowly. I do love my quite time because it allows me to think out of the box, but that too gets old. I desire to see more action, and participation in exciting things. I long to be with my children, and grandchildren more, but that too is a wasted thought. We all live many miles apart, in different directions. Everyone has a life of their own, and must live it as the Lord leads us to. I trust I am in His will.

How grateful I am for all my face book friends. Many of them will never know how much they bless me with some of their simple, humorous, words without a speck of dignity or meaning. You are company to me even though many I have never met. I can always go to my computer and find something to cheer me up. I hope I can do the same for others. It is amazing how much we can learn about our families just by pulling up face book. I'm not saying face book is altogether a good thing, but for now I am fine with it. What will be, will be. The future is not ours to choose. We can only choose to let God help us through all our problems. He is just, and He will take care of us if we live the best lives we can. Evil is here to stay, and no matter whether it's face book or something else, evil will always have a way to make us miserable. Thank God I have found the way to let go of my worries because I know Someone is looking out for me. We have to be reminded of that pretty often, but it always comes to our rescue. A good night's rest is the cure for all wondering minds. Pray that you won't be plagued with night mares. They are also a tool that Satan uses to beat us up while we are asleep. We can handle him with God's help.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "A Good Start A Bad Ending"

Jean's Comment's: "A Good Start A Bad Ending":                                       Some of my early beauties. 5-29-2018 Perryton, TX Gorgeous day, and joyous heart. The sun is so br...

"A Good Start A Bad Ending"

                                      Some of my early beauties. 5-29-2018 Perryton, TX
Gorgeous day, and joyous heart. The sun is so brightly shinning. The flowers are blooming beautifully. The yard is mowed, and my new plants are growing with leaps and bounds. I worked my five hours on the caregiver job with Nurses Unlimited, then came home and ate a light lunch of chicken and dressing, Four ounces. I allowed for a small serving of cantaloupe. Everything is working nicely for me now. I have dropped almost all of the extra pounds, and I'm being tempted every day to go shopping for new cloths. If only I can keep this good thing going, I will be a very happy fun-seeker. A bonus would be a nice rain tonight. The past two nights lightening and thundering was thought to bring a good amount of rain, Surprisingly not one drop fell. It has to visit us soon.

Tomorrow will be my day to rest and enjoy. Lunch at the Center is sure to do both. All I have to do is hold my plate while it's filled with good food. Go to my happy table of friends, and watch everyone enjoy their meal as much as I. After lunch I have a few things to do business wise, then I am going to watch the news the rest of the day. There is no let up of excitement with the news. I have learned to take it one day at a time. I don't even try to fix the mess our country is in anymore. I have also learned that my political intelligence is less than a mustard seed. I will be content to trust God with all the wisdom that our President needs. I will always vote, but I will not try to pressure anyone into my way of thinking. So far President Trump has been guided by God's hand if ever anyone ever was. If I am the only one in the world that thinks that, it's fine with me. I am at peace, and feel secure in my little comfort zone.

I am being delayed from writing this blog because of too many calls. I cannot compromise my thoughts with someone else especially when it's nothing to do with what's on my mind. Maybe this was one of the days when I was just suppose to take it like it is. I'll think more about that later. To all anxious readers of hoping to read something interesting, I hate to disappoint you, but it will have to happen another time. Maybe some of you can fill in some of the blanks, and satisfy your own thoughts. As for me my blanks will have to remain blanks until I get the ridiculous words of those callers off my mind. I had to listen to one caller say the same thing I've heard them say several times before, even in the same conversation. Was my nerves being tested? Then another man was trying to speak to the man of the house about his ideas. I replied, “there is no man of the house here---at this time.” Oops, did I goof up. I was told at an early time in my life that these kinds of days would come. 

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, May 28, 2018

                       The live reaching out to the dead. 5-28-2018 Perryton, TX

No rain, but a lot of wind at the cemetery this morning. No shade, but the sunshine was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Even those who did not have hats on. After decorating the graves we were presented with a great, and honorable program from members of the National Guard, Veterans of Foreign Wars. Buy Scouts, and volunteers from local churches. Every grave-site in the cemetery seemed to come alive for a few minutes. What an uplifting feeling to see so many people visiting grave sites, and placing flowers on the graves. How real it became to us that soon that place would also be home to many of us there today. The two friends that I was with stopped at a restaurant and had lunch before going home. The rest of the day has been long, but the feeling of being close to our loved ones is worth it all. I have had two long phone conversations today for which I am thankful for. The blessing of family and friends can never be praised too much. Death is real, and certain, so let us make life the most enjoyable we can, while we can. Today will pass, then we can renew our hope tomorrow for another year of leaving our grief where we found it today.
I am expecting a good week ahead. Nothing for sure, but just feel certain that something good is going to happen. God always repays us for being patient with Him. I know He has heard every prayer I've prayed, and I know the answer is on it's way. For that reason I can already start smiling. When I was a child my parent's love meant more to me than all the money on earth. Now that I'm grown, and growing old, my Heavenly Father's love means the same to me. I feel so safe, and secure in His loving arms. If I have a need He will supply it. If I have a desire He will give it. He doesn't need riches to make this happen. He is the riches of all heaven and earth. I am a child of earth's wealth.
The war goes on between good and evil. It will never cease, but we have already won the battle because the Lord told us in His Word that the battle is not ours, but his alone. I believe him, and will take my rest from fear and worry. I am always anxious for tomorrow, because a new day is always encouraging. The sun comes up after surfacing the earth, and it always has something new to shine on us. It may just be new faith, new hope, or new courage, but it always reaches our souls and makes us smile till the last cup of coffee has been drunk. I want to share my blessings with everyone, so by faith I'm sending them to you.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Jean's Comment's: Why to figure out why myblog didn't post. Just t...

Jean's Comment's:

Why to figure out why myblog didn't post. Just t...
: Why to figure out why my blog didn't post. Just testing now.

Why to figure out why my blog didn't post. Just testing now.

Jean's Comment's: "The Live Reaching Out To The Dead"

Jean's Comment's: "The Live Reaching Out To The Dead": Enjoyed a nice memorial service at the cemetery this morning. 5-28-2018 Perryton, TX

Jean's Comment's: "The Live Reaching Out To The Dead"

Jean's Comment's: "The Live Reaching Out To The Dead": Enjoyed a nice memorial service at the cemetery this morning. 5-28-2018 Perryton, TX

"The Live Reaching Out To The Dead"

Enjoyed a nice memorial service at the cemetery this morning. 5-28-2018 Perryton, TX

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Forever His"

Jean's Comment's: "Forever His": Love the beautiful flowers in Kent and Angela's yard. Front and back. 5-27-2018 Perryton, TX I'm at home now, but I miss the ex...

"Forever His"

Love the beautiful flowers in Kent and Angela's yard. Front and back. 5-27-2018 Perryton, TX

I'm at home now, but I miss the excitement that I enjoyed for ten days with my children. I'm thankful for my home and friends, but when you're the only one in the house it sure gets lonesome. While I was outside yesterday my next door neighbor walked by and said a few words to me. She lost her husband three weeks ago after 74 years of marriage. When I asked her how she was doing she just smiled and with a quivering voice said, “it sure gets lonesome.” All I could say was I know what you mean. This lady has several family members living close by, and almost every day some of them are at her house. I guess she just can't manage the silent time she spends alone. She passes back and forth to a neighbor living next door to me, who are doing all they can to console her. I thank God for all the years He gave me, and my neighbor to love, and be loved, by a life long companion. He will not leave us alone, but we must learn to trust Him alone.

After church today I came home to an empty house. I have been trying to think positive about tomorrow, but when I remember what I will be doing tomorrow It don't help. A friend and I will be going to put flowers on our husband's grave, then go back to an empty house. We will stay for a memorial service which is very touching, but uplifting at the same time. Many people will be gathered there to remember their precious loved ones just like we will be. After the day is over it is always helpful to remember that we are not the only ones who grieve the loss of a loved one. We all were born to face such times in our lives. We have to know, and believe, that soon we will be forever set free from all pain and suffering.

Back to my post of the lovely home, and flowers, that I enjoyed for ten days, I have to be happy for all of the blessings God has given my children. Happiness trumps grief, and wins the game of pursuit. I am glad to say I am happy, and will continue to seek it every day of my existing life. Just one more day then I will be back on cloud nine. I can't explain it, but it sure is fun to be flying high. I will keep dreaming my dream of fantasy, and believing for that super day of unmasking the real me. Whether you will admit to it or not, that is a day that everyone dreams about. We will be glad to offer this body back to dust, and take on a new body of stars, and wings. I won't embark on that. But I will keep believing.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Happiness Can't Be Bought"

Jean's Comment's: "Happiness Can't Be Bought": The youngest of my sweet children, Kent, and me, at the Texas Capital Building. 5-26-2018 Perryton, TX   I'm so happy to post my y...

"Happiness Can't Be Bought"

The youngest of my sweet children, Kent, and me, at the Texas Capital Building. 5-26-2018 Perryton, TX
I'm so happy to post my youngest son, Kent, standing strong by my side. He is like a giant to me when it comes to fighting my battles with old age. He has been blessed with a sweet wife, and two beautiful children. A good job, and many privileged opportunities that came with it. However, he has not been given anything that he did not earn. He works hard, and never gives up on a task no matter how hard or difficult it may be. He taught his son, and daughter, to be the same determined, success seekers as he is. He has a helpmate who supplies them all with much wisdom, and faith in God. How can I ever thank God enough for all of that? The ten days I just spent with them was proof to me that life can be beautiful, and prosperous no matter what age you are. There is just one rule that one has to follow or beauty will turn sour. Stay away from the refrigerator at their house or your figure will prosper more than your money. There was lots of good stuff to eat, and I had lots of time to snack. I brought back five pounds of unwanted food, but it had already been eaten. I'm trying hard to clean it out of my body. I don't regret eating one bite of that good stuff. That was part of what made my vacation enjoyable. I will be contented while I count my carbs the next few days.

I did manage to do a lot of work in the yard today. I set out several plants, and sowed some flower seed. I still have a lot to do, but it will have to wait until next Wednesday. Tomorrow is church, then Monday is Memorial Day for which I will be going for special services at the cemetery. Tuesday I have to work, so Wednesday, wait for me please. I will have plenty of time to decide how to install my bird houses, and feeders. I'm so anxious to add them to my back yard that is beginning to look pretty again. I'm full of ideas if only I can turn them into reality.

Now for a bit of my political excitement. I feel sure that President Trump is up to another one of his big surprises for we Americans. He is going to make good on the plan to bring Kim Jong Un to a Summit meeting originally scheduled for June 12 in Singapore. This President is not to be doubted. He has a way that scares everyone,, but it has always worked for him. When it works for him it is working for America. Try as hard as they may, but no enemy country is going to escape this President's wisdom. Prayer is the key that unlocks the door to heaven, and President Trump holds that key. Rest assured that America will be made Great again.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, May 25, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Love And Honor To Our State Capital Austin Texas"...

Jean's Comment's: "Love And Honor To Our State Capital Austin Texas"...: My son was giving my daughter-in-law and me a tour of the Texas State Capital. It was very interesting. 5-25-2018 Perryton, TX   I am s...

"Love And Honor To Our State Capital Austin Texas"

My son was giving my daughter-in-law and me a tour of the Texas State Capital. It was very interesting. 5-25-2018 Perryton, TX
I am still pumped up about this honorable place called the Texas State Capital grounds. Many buildings, with many offices, with many state elected, and appointed men, and women, serve our proud portion of the United States here. If you ask me it is the best state in the union. My son, and both of his children have been volunteers, and paid employees to work at this weighty, influential Texas Power House. It gave back to them knowledge, and will power, to challenge every type of obstacle that crossed their path. God bless Texas, and God bless America. God is blessing my children, and grandchildren. They keep me on edge as to what opportunity they will be offered next. They just will not be satisfied with a life without challenges. I call this one of God's greatest blessing to man, although I have never fit into that category. I'm thankful for the simple life I have always been accustomed to. I have always been a lemon pie maker. If life gave me lemons, I made a pie. Sometimes the pie wasn't very sweet, but we always ate it without much frowning. Jesus carried his own heavy cross up the mountain to where He was to be crucified. I would not expect to be treated any better although, because Jesus did that, we do not have to be crucified. We all have a cross to bear, but it will never be as hard as Jesus cross.

My day has been filled with business trips to take care of personal needs. We are not without need to keep our business updated. This changing, challenging, sophisticated time we're living in is hard on our nerves. It seems like I am always being asked to change my routine to a new version of doing what I have been doing for years. Back to school, but not in a classroom. It's just whoever you can get to teach the new system. About the time I get it learned, it changes again. It's suppose to be easier, but how can you go through the dessert without water to get to “easier.” I hear ye Israelite children. I wouldn't want to change places with you. But I do have to praise your great leaders who led the way. We are all flesh and bones, and was created to live as such. When this life is over we may be allowed to look back at our graded test, and know more about how well we did. I can't feel too confident that I made a high score. I have never felt naturally smart. I depend upon God to help me with my work each day. I know that my score will depend mostly upon how I've treated other people. Everyone needs to study hard on this subject of love. It doesn't have a formula to go by. It just has a demand to “love thy neighbor as thyself.” If we don't love our-self then I don't think we will love others.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "The Friendly Rose"

Jean's Comment's: "The Friendly Rose": A sneak-peaking rose left it's own yard, and snuck under the fence to see what I was doing in Chuck's yard. 5-24-2018 Perryton, TX...

"The Friendly Rose"

A sneak-peaking rose left it's own yard, and snuck under the fence to see what I was doing in Chuck's yard. 5-24-2018 Perryton, TX
Chuck's neighbor's flowers are so nice to me. This pretty white rose sneaked under the fence to tell me hello. It had to bloom after it got under the fence. The opening is not wide enough for the full bloomed rose to come through without getting crushed. Last year we enjoyed the neighbor's holly hawks all summer. When they finally died I scrapped the stalks and brought them to my house and planted them. I now have pretty holly hawks in my yard. I don't need the roses as I already have lots of them, but I sure do enjoy the roses while at Chuck's house. The Master yard keeper knows how to make me happy. I love roses so much. With the inch and ¼ rain we got last night everything in the yard is looking good. It was too wet for me to work out, but I'm thankful for the rain. Tomorrow will be a big day for me unless it rains again tonight. I have several plants to set out, and do a little preparing the ground before I set them out. Those weeds and wild grass just will not stop bugging me. I also have my Mother's Day gifts to get stationed. A bird feeder with seeds, and a humming bird feeder has to be mounted on a pole that I must dig a hole to study them. A bird church house with a steeple, and another bird house has to be installed also. Thank you children for these nice gifts.

I went shopping today and bought myself a Mother's Day gift. I didn't intend to, but I could not resist the three things I bought. I was impressed with the watch that I thought would cost a lot, but when I heard the mark-down price quote, I said sold. I also lucked onto a pair of pants, and top that I simply loved. I told myself that was my own gift for Mother's Day. Sometimes I feel extremely blessed. I know I have a different taste for dress than most, but I do love what the Good Lord shows me. If my husband could see me today he wouldn't believe his eyes. Although he would be quick to tell me how pretty I looked. No matter what I wore he always told me that. I miss those words a lot. Memorial Day is coming up, and I will be putting flowers in the vase at his tombstone. It is so hard for me to walk away after five and one-half years of separation. A hundred friends can not take the place of a husband. I'm praying that God will fill that vacancy with someone who could pass for my husband's clone. However, I don't expect that to happen. I'm sure many widower's feel the same way. We must just dream on, and wait for our call. I have everything I need except that one love that most women desire.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "MY Home State Is Magical"

Jean's Comment's: "MY Home State Is Magical": Looking up to the top of the Texas State Capital dome's interior. A sight to behold. 5-23-2018   This was my shot of the Texas ...

"MY Home State Is Magical"

Looking up to the top of the Texas State Capital dome's interior. A sight to behold. 5-23-2018

This was my shot of the Texas State Capital's dome interior in Austin Texas. I took this picture a few days ago while standing under the dome and looking up. It seemed to reach clear to the sky. A very beautiful, impressive. sight indeed. The rotunda was many feet across forming a circle. I am so proud of our Texas State Capital buildings. Many lives have been dedicated to this symbolic work of freedom, and liberty. I praise each and everyone of them. I am especially proud of Governor Rick Perry who is the first Texas Governor to serve three terms as Texas Governor. He did a great job in serving our state. He continues to serve our country with President Donald Trump's leadership. I have met Governor Rick Perry and his mother and father. They are all part of what makes Texas a great state. Love of God, and country with a faith that never wavers. President Trump knows a good man when he sees one. I have never been one to wear dress gear that displays messages, but I am proud now to be wearing the T shirt my children got me while I was at the Capital. It is red with a white map of Texas and the word “HOME” stamped inside the state map. I'm not boasting, I'm just being honest. “God bless Texas, and God bless America.”

It was nice to be back at the Citizen's Center today for lunch. After a 10 day vacation I was glad to see all my friends. An extra large crowd was seen today at the Center. I think God is even blessing the old and the wise more all the time. We had to pull up an extra chair at our table today. Some kind of party was being held in another room that included a lot of guest. I'm always thrilled to see groups meeting at the Center since we are a self funded Senior group. It takes a lot of expense to keep the place operating nicely. If anyone is needing to be with family more come and join this great family of nice people. The only thing I see against it is that one cannot stick to a diet while eating there. The food is always good, and the cooks don't remove the calories. Meat and salad are good diet factors, but the mashed potatoes, gravy, and luscious deserts are not. Plus the variety of wonderful breads. I ate watermelon today instead of that mouth watering coconut pie. I have to say the watermelon was good.

Yes, I had a good vacation, but it is always good to get back home. Thanks to everyone for having patience with me while I missed writing my blog for those days. I hope it will be back to normal soon. I do love my readers, and keep them all in my prayers.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp
Perryton, TX

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "These Bombers Replaced The Swords"

Jean's Comment's: "These Bombers Replaced The Swords":                 B 52 jets at Dyess Air Force Base in Abilene TX 5-22-2018 Perryton, TX   The B 52 bomber planes were next to the most i...

"These Bombers Replaced The Swords"

                B 52 jets at Dyess Air Force Base in Abilene TX 5-22-2018 Perryton, TX
The B 52 bomber planes were next to the most impressive thing about my recent trip. Of course My granddaughter's college graduation was number one, but these bombers were more than just planes. The picture I have posted was taken a long distance from where the planes were parked. They are very big bombers with an accuracy that no one can mock. I was told that a few weeks ago when the Syrian Dictator used poison gas on his people that our President had these very B 52's ready within a few days to leave Dyess Air Force Base with bombs on board, and fly directly to Syria and drop them. The Pilots never slacked off until they were back within landing sight of the same base they departed from. This is what I was told, but not by any official news reporter. I did hear the President say it was fast, and 100 percent right on each and every target. I imagine this made a believer out of many other countries who had thought the U.S. was powerless after eight years of depleting our defense. It didn't take long for President Trump to gain back the ability that our country has always been known for in being the most powerful country on the planet. Hurrah! For God's help in time of need. We have always had great, qualified, U.S. Armed Forces Personnel, but without a great Commander-In-Chief it is of no avail. Plus we must be aware that all countries have spies even among their high ranking members, but it is very bad when the enemy is the highest ranking member of a country. Every true American should be thanking God daily for sending us the right leader to restore our Christian values.

Lastly let me say only the love of God is the reason any of us are living peacefully, and enjoying the better things in life. Let us not forget that many good, innocent people must die in order for any of us to keep living. No one wants it to be that way, but the Almighty God has the power to do whatever has to be done even though we do not understand. We are not better than anyone, but for some reason God has been merciful to us. I will never forget to thank Him daily many times through out. Neither will I forget the ones who have died without reason, and know that it could have been me. I have to believe they did not die in vain, but only to fulfill God's plan. By faith I know I will see Jesus, and live forever in his Glorious Eternity. That's what He asked us to do, live by faith and trust Him. It may be hard, but much harder not to trust Him. “This world is not my home, I'm just a passing through.” I must have been no older than five years old when I first heard that song. Bring back these good old songs dear lord.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, May 21, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "I Hear But Not See"

Jean's Comment's: "I Hear But Not See": This is not just the sky. A giant B 52 is in the small cloud almost centrally located in the pic. 5-21-2018 Perryton, TX   To some th...

"I Hear But Not See"

This is not just the sky. A giant B 52 is in the small cloud almost centrally located in the pic. 5-21-2018 Perryton, TX

To some this B 52 jet may not be of any interest, but I was thrilled to finally have gotten a bomber jet in my shot after trying for several hours. These wicked planes flew over my son's house in Abilene, Texas every few minutes. Sometimes three together would be flying close with three more following close behind. They were flying so fast I couldn't get them focused in time to get the picture. After many tries I finally got one big B 52 in my camera. Dyess Air Force Base on the outskirts of Abilene, Texas is the home of these daring, precise bombers. The first I became aware of this was when I heard a terrible loud noise over my head while sitting in the yard of my son's house. I though a bomb had already been dropped. It happened so fast I could not see the jet before it was out of sight. Too many high topped, closely situated houses were hiding my view. In this post you can see the bomber in a small white cloud near the center of the picture. I didn't have time to zoom in so the jet looks very small. It really is huge when you see it on the ground. Kent took me as close to the base as was possible, and I got a good picture of three parked planes although I was still a far piece from them. I will post them later. I had to remember the old song we sang when I was a child. “Coming in on a wing and a prayer.” I think it was written during World War Two. “God Bless America.”

I do believe that more and more each day people are waking up to the fact that our country is under siege. Not to the extent that we are close to being captured, but to the point of taking every precaution possible to ensure our great country and its constitution will always remain just that. Any smart person will not disagree that God Almighty is our greatest defense. We the American people have that defense in our leadership today. What did we ever do to deserve that powerful leadership? Only the mercy of God Himself. Many narrow minded people still think they are just fine with doing the things they have always done, although they know they are going against their teaching, and the Word of God. Sorry, but the day is coming when they will learn different, but probably too late. What will it take for people to deny themselves and follow God? Seeing their children suffer for mistakes they did not make? Or seeing them grow up to make the same mistakes their parents made? What a sad day is coming for the ungodly, unconcerned, fault-finding, infidels. You have already seen the way you can change your attitude if you have been reading this post. I pray many of you will, and be made a happy, (in spite of your struggles,) person. God will never leave, nor forsake you if you are sincere about your promise to Him.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Momentarily Relaxed"

Jean's Comment's: "Momentarily Relaxed":            Myrtle Jean relaxing at son's house in Abilene, Texas. 5-19-2018 Perryton, TX   After 10 days of fun, excitement, e...

"Momentarily Relaxed"

           Myrtle Jean relaxing at son's house in Abilene, Texas. 5-19-2018 Perryton, TX
After 10 days of fun, excitement, exhaustion, and recuperation, I am back home. I had a great time and enjoyed every minute of my time spent with family. My granddaughter's college graduation from UT in Austin was a significant event for me. She is the youngest of my grandchildren, and I am so proud of her prompt, high GPA after just three years of college. Somehow the picture I made of her in cap and gown didn't take on my camera, but she was a beautiful darling graduate. One of a kind, and definitely one of the most artistic figures to walk across the stage. What a joy to be her grandmother.

My son and daughter-in-law gave me a tour through the State Capital Building while I was there. It was a heart touching sight, and I was made even prouder to be a Texan. The flags were flying at half-staff in memory of the 10 school children and teachers who were killed in Santa Fe, Texas earlier in the week. The security at the entry gates, to say the least, sent fearful thoughts through your mind. We were reminded of just how far from the secure, peaceful feeling we use to have when going near our countries protective places. As we were leaving the Capital grounds we saw an expensive large camera lying on the cement slab of a pole standing close to the building. It was so obvious we had to wonder how any one would not have picked it up. My daughter-in-law said, “that is an expensive camera someone has left there.” I said someone may be watching it. Although no one except people passing by were to be seen, it could have been loaded with a bomb or some other explosive devise. We didn't bother to pick it up and turn it in. Yes, that is the condition of our God-loving country today. Fear grips the hearts and minds of almost everyone. Although I enjoyed the tour through the State Capital Building I was somewhat relieved when we got in our vehicle and drove off. “God Bless America.”

I was made even more alarmed when I stood in the yard of my son's house in Abilene, Texas and watched large bomber planes flying close to the ground getting ready to land in the Military base a short distance away. The loud noise was frightening. I have some pictures I took of several bomber planes parked on the ground of the air base waiting to take off when notified. I will be posting them at a later date. Thank God for every man and woman who have dedicated their lives for defending our country. They are brave, and are ready to give up their own lives to save others. Several retired military pilots live in the housing project where my son and daughter-in-law live. There are other retired military families living there also. It makes for a proud neighborhood. Does any of us realize just how blessed we are? “Thank you Lord.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Drink Fast Thristy Yard"

Jean's Comment's: "Drink Fast Thristy Yard":         Rushed home to finish watering the yard before I leave. 5-10-2018 Perryton, TX Last minute do's can be anguish when you...

"Drink Fast Thristy Yard"

        Rushed home to finish watering the yard before I leave. 5-10-2018 Perryton, TX
Last minute do's can be anguish when you are leaving home for 11 days. Chuck will watch my house, but he doesn't do anything to keep it looking fresh. I have watered the yard for the last two days. Surely it will rain once while I am gone. I need to sweep out my car, and wash off some bird poop that happens when I park under Chuck's trees. I'm running out of time, but just had to write one more blog before I go. I returned a library book, and went shopping for, most important, a college graduation card for my granddaughter. A little more packing to do, and a major work-over on my old body will be the thrill of my life. Bath, shampoo, hair set, nail filing, and polishing. Plus several things that I forgot till the last minute. Is it any wonder why I don't like leaving home? However, after all is said and done, I will be the most honored mother, and grandmother for one whole week. I am so blessed to have such a sweet family, and I will be elevated much higher than I deserve, It's hard to bring myself down after I get home.
Chuck's nice neighbor brought over a large loaf of home made bread today. I ate a double slice with butter while it was still warm. Good- bye little gold sequin tunic that I was going to wear to my granddaughter's graduation. I love home made bread too much to care about what I wear. After all I should be thankful that I can eat anything I want without it bothering my stomach in any way. I seldom have to even take a roll aid. As far a weight problem, I do have that. My scales just won't lie to me, and if they did my jeans would tell off on them. Hum! Can I talk about something else? I'm getting depressed.
I can't say much about the news as I have been too busy to watch much lately. After I get to my son's house I will catch up on everything. All I will have to do is watch television. Oh yes, and eat. I do know that our President is still doing wonders for our country. I guess I have decided to let him do his job without my slugging it out with his ultracrepidarians. I still cheer his risk-taking face book supporters on. Some of them are over the limit of what face book will allow, but go right on claiming their free speech rights, when they get out of face book jail. These brave speech warriors are a big reason that our President is getting things done like he promised. I pray for them along with our President, and Vise President every night. Prayer is the key to every door that has to be unlocked. The Master of every situation holds the skeleton key, and uses it when we tell Him to let our great leaders in. Everyone has a job to do in this evil world of sin.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "My Heavenly Tree Is Starting To Sparkle"

Jean's Comment's: "My Heavenly Tree Is Starting To Sparkle": My heavenly tree is beginning to look heavenly. Yellow, star sparkling leaves are getting a bright yellow glow/ They will turn solid yello...

"My Heavenly Tree Is Starting To Sparkle"

My heavenly tree is beginning to look heavenly. Yellow, star sparkling leaves are getting a bright yellow glow/ They will turn solid yellow. 5-9-2018 Perryton, TX.

This beautiful summer day is making me have a beautiful feeling. Everything is starting to seem perfect, although I know it's just a feeling, not a reality. At least I can get something done. I got out of my lazy chair, and it's amazing how much I have accomplished this morning. I expect to have my 10 day supply of cloths, and other essentials packed by this evening. There will be no time tomorrow since I have to work. I will leave early Friday morning. I had worried that I would not be ready when the time came for me to leave, but last minute enthusiasm happened. Why did I ever doubt? Most of the front yard is watered, and the back will be by tonight. I'm almost through deciding what I will take to wear for each day I am gone. I do quite often have mood changes, so I have to allow for that by taking some substitutes. I have to dress according to the mood I am in. I think I'm going to love this time of being with my family, and celebrating the achievements so many of them have earned all in one basket. I am not going to boast, but I have plenty to boast about. God didn't forget us when the going got tough. He made us get tougher. He always has, and always will be our guiding light. I just need to dance a little jig right now.

On top of all the other stuff I had to do this week, I had to finish a book that I got from the library. I only had a week to read 368 pages because It would be coming due a few days after I was to leave on my trip. It was a hard to find book. My library had to order it from Alexandria VA. If I had to comment on this book I wouldn't know how to start. I would swear it was the most exaggerated book I ever read, yet it is suppose to be based on a true story of the Arthur. I can't say yet, since I haven't finished the book, but I think it is almost impossible for everything in the book that I've read so far to be exact. Maybe I am judging too quickly, but if so the book is so dumbfounding I have to lay it down awhile and get my brain to functioning right again. That's why It's taking so long for me to read it. The Arthur is one of my friends on face book, and I am able to characterize her as the person I am reading about in the book. I just can't separate the humor from the facts or for the life of me, how any one person could be so different in so many ways. An innocent victim, yet so determined to keep being vulnerable. The book is”False Victim” by Kathie Truitt. I can't find in the book when it was published, but I know it has been less than twenty years ago. Let me be clear. This face book friend has many friends, and most all of them love her, and her ways to pieces, including me. If possible read her book.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "A Creepy Cat Feeling"

Jean's Comment's: "A Creepy Cat Feeling":   Sitting across the street from this monstrous cat, it looked vicious. 5-8-2018 Perryton, TX   I visited my son this morning. Across ...

"A Creepy Cat Feeling"

  Sitting across the street from this monstrous cat, it looked vicious. 5-8-2018 Perryton, TX
I visited my son this morning. Across the street from his house was this vicious looking cat. It was camping in a yard of a vacant house. It was very large, and at first sight I thought it was something other than a cat. I was thinking maybe a mix between an alley cat, and a bob cat. I have never seen a cat in this neighborhood for a long time. I think the animal control workers have gotten rid of all the cats that used to be thick there. It has been several years since the animal control workers captured every cat that came close to that neighborhood. They did a good job in keeping the area free from cats. I would hope they are notified that a vicious looking cat was seen there today. Since I don't live there I didn't report it myself, but it is possible the ugly, creature might be rabid.

My friend from another city returned from her eleven day trip yesterday. She had met another friend who lives here, and together they went on this trip. She was extremely tired and spent the night with me before going home this morning. We sit up till eleven o'clock talking about all the fun they had while gone. Her feet and legs were swollen, but other than that she did very well physically. Especially since she had been trying for two months to get well enough to make this trip. She brought me two pretty tops which I like a lot. She did a quite a lot of shopping while she was gone. I look forward to having her back.

My own trip will begin this Friday. I will be traveling to Abilene, Texas to be with a son, and daughter-in-law a week before going on to Austin for my granddaughter's college graduation. My daughter and her family will join us there. An after graduation celebration will happen that evening. Friday May 18th. We are so proud of this granddaughter who graduated in three years. She has worked hard, and earned every bit of the honor she will be getting. Chuck will be here to watch my home while I am gone. It seems like I have been bouncing around a lot lately. I have had my hand in several important matters. Several of my friends needed me to help them in some way or another. I was glad to be part of their need, and thank God for working out all things well. It has left me full of joy, but need to calm down myself, and get back to living my life one day at a time. It's hard for me to dismiss all my worries when I felt so involved in helping God do his work. I had to be showed He did not need my help, just my praise. I did not know all my prayers would not be answered just like I wanted them to be, but I know now that God is still at work. I praise him for everything that helped my family, and friends get a better hold on life. His ways are perfect.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, May 7, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Natures Best In My Own Back Yard"

Jean's Comment's: "Natures Best In My Own Back Yard":           This reddish orange-breasted bird is entertaining me. 5-7-2018 Perryton, TX I enjoy sitting out in the cool breeze while ...

"Natures Best In My Own Back Yard"

          This reddish orange-breasted bird is entertaining me. 5-7-2018 Perryton, TX

I enjoy sitting out in the cool breeze while the birds entertain me. This pretty bird was so feisty, and seemed to be preforming just for me. I knew birds could walk, but I didn't know they could run along the ground as fast as a marathon runner. Even on two or three inches of thick grass. They peck at the ground a lot, but when I see them take off running I think they might have seen a bug. Some of the birds that share my back yard are so beautiful. Every color in the rainbow, and all sizes and shapes. They are a lot of company to me.
I am waiting for the arrival of my two friends most any time now. Today is the last day of their eleven day trip. They called this morning to say they would be here sooner than they had expected. I am anxious to hear all about the interesting sights they visited. I do know they were in Savannah, Georgia about the time a U S military plane went down near there, killing all nine passengers. Not a good happening while trying to enjoy a fun trip. My heart goes out to all the families of those who lost their lives. One of my friends on this trip is a good friend of the next-door neighbor to me who passed away night before last. I told her about it this morning when they called. She said, “ well I'll be going to another funeral when I get hone.” It seems like every time she returns from a trip she has a funeral to attend. She is a kind, and faithful friend to everyone.

I didn't go to the Center today for lunch. I had some things that needed attention so I skipped, and made good of my leisure time. I am preparing to be gone a week leaving this Friday. I had several things to do before I could leave. I will be attending my granddaughter's college graduation in Austin,Texas next week. My car will be in the garage at Abilene getting a short fixed in the lightening system while I am gone to Austin. Thank God for my son, and daughter-in-law, who takes good care of me. It seems like they are the best at doing the impossible since they live over three hundred miles from me. One thing for sure they are responsible for, they keep me young. I love that best of all. My grand children are my best friends. They are fun to be with. Every last one of them. When I return home from this one week trip, I'm afraid I will not be ready to get back into the old grind of being alone most of the time. It will take some time as always. But the wheel of fortune keeps spinning, and some day I expect to hit the jackpot. I will forever keep trying.
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "It's Real We All Must Go"

Jean's Comment's: "It's Real We All Must Go": Can it get any more beautiful? I sat out watering the yard watching this bright sun sink to the ground. 5-6-2018 Perryton, TX  This Sun...

"It's Real We All Must Go"

Can it get any more beautiful? I sat out watering the yard watching this bright sun sink to the ground. 5-6-2018 Perryton, TX 

This Sunday has been a blessed day for me. I have done a lot of cooking, and watering the yard. My dear, elderly, next door neighbor passed away last night, and I made a large green chili casserole to take over there. I had already planned to make one for a friend who will be getting here tomorrow from her 11 day trip. She will be staying a night or two with me before she goes home. I just made two big casseroles instead of one. I also made a cake for us. Of course I had to go grocery shopping again since I was going to be making two casseroles. Again I am heavy hearten about losing a nice guy who has lived next door to me for many years. His elderly wife did a perfect job of taking care of him. She is smiling through her tears, and I had to fight tears as I tried to sound positive. They were one of the more fortunate families who had everything they wanted. A nice lovely home, and a big beautiful yard. This couple certainly did enjoy living up to the last minute of Grover's life. He did go quick and peacefully. His wife, Cleo, will continue to weed her flower beds, and water the plants and yard. She is in her nineties, but walks without a walker, and still drives. I felt lucky to have such an inspirational couple next door to me.

I ate with the Widowed Group last evening. I had missed a few times, and was glad to be back with those nice people. Somehow they make me feel happy even when I've had a bad day. I know they all have lost their companion just like I have. Therefore they must feel the same loneliness I feel although they never admit to that. It's like we have a party every Saturday night. Water is our drink because caffeine keeps us awake. Some order a child's plate because they cannot eat much any more. I usually order a salad for the same reason. Tomorrow I plan to go to the Center for lunch. That is if I can get get my work done in time. With company coming tomorrow evening I have several last minute things to do. I'm not sure what time my two friends will return from their trip.

Sometime tomorrow. I'm anxious to hear all about their excitement of visiting so many places. I had no desire to go with them, although my son begged me to go, and would have paid for my trip. I just don't want to get very far from home any more. I like to go a lot, but not far. There is no place like home, even though I live alone. My husband's pillow is always there in case he might slip in some night. I often wake up and find myself feeling for him. It hurts for awhile, but God always lets me go back to sleep. He wipes all my tears away quickly.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, May 4, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Something To Think About"

Jean's Comment's: "Something To Think About": Love this flight of rain clouds. Hope they decide to dump more rain. 5-4-2018 Perryton, TX   These clouds look like more rain. We can c...

"Something To Think About"

Love this flight of rain clouds. Hope they decide to dump more rain. 5-4-2018 Perryton, TX
These clouds look like more rain. We can certainly use some more. The sky was so beautiful with all these white clouds everywhere. I started to turn on the water, but decided to wait because it could rain some more. Instead I swept out my garage, and sit down at the computer to tell you about my day. I have had a great day. I cleaned my kitchen good before getting ready to go to the Center for lunch. The catfish fried golden, crispy, brown with fried potatoes was so good. Brown beans and hush puppies was even better. I skipped the corn-on-a cob. It all was too much. I ate some salad, and a wonderful piece of lemon chiffon pie. When I got home I had to lie down and rest until my lunch settled a bit. After going outside to check on things I was amazed at all the beautiful white clouds under a gorgeous blue sky. I had to take a picture, although I know people get tired of seeing my overhead pictures so much. The sky is the limit for me, and I climb as high as possible every day. I feel like there is something wonderful beyond those blue heavens. I have to agree with ex-First Lady, Barbara Bush, when she answered her son after she chose to take no more treatments. George W. asked her the question. “Mom are you ready to go? Yes, she answered. I hate to leave your dad, but I know I'm going to a pretty place.” Within hours Barbara Bush was on her way to that pretty place. Let us never doubt that.

I have spent the better part of the afternoon watching the news. It never seems to get better for our President. Every single promise he made has, and continues to be fulfilled, but the evil left will never accept anything for our country but evil. Could this mean that God will again have to part the waters to let His people pass through it all? It happened once, it could happen again. Don't try to use the “common sense” thing on me. It wasn't common sense when God parted the Red Sea, and let His people walk on dry ground to escape the evil country they were ruled by. It wasn't common sense when God let the water roll back and drown all the enemies who were chasing them. It won't be common sense when God decides enough is enough, and lets his children escape the evil that controls our country now. Those who are weak in the faith should wake up and go to their knees. Even common sense should tell you that. This war we are in is real, and will not get better until God pulls the trigger. I know it's hard to believe, but how could anyone doubt that? Sin will always be sin no matter how much we think different. Just because you say, “well everyone does it anymore,” is no reason to say it's no longer sin. I am in no way a fanatic, but neither will I say the ten commandants are no longer required. Neither will I agree that anything anyone wants to do is O K with God. God have mercy on those who do think that way.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "Clearing The Forest Of Dead lim...

Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "Clearing The Forest Of Dead lim...: Jean's Comment's: "Clearing The Forest Of Dead limbs" : Hurrah! I'm a supper lady. All dead limbs cut up and ready to ...

"Beauty In A Tube"

Today after my tree limb job was finished we had a little over two inches of rain in 30 minutes. 5-2-2018 Perryton, TX
Yesterday if you read my blog I was asking for a down pour of rain. Today within an hour of finishing my big job of clearing the tree limbs off my yard we got 2 inches of rain in 30 minutes. A DOWN POUR INDEED. Now after the rain soaked in some, I just finished spreading the last of the weed and feed. Isn't God good? I feel so blessed today. It isn't big faith in God, it is faith in a big God. Anyone who can't believe that has just not grown up yet. Their mind has yet to matured. I kept looking on the weather channel for a sign of rain, but all I ever saw was a 10 percent chance. The sun came out right after it rained, and has shone brightly the rest of the day. I am trusting God now to let those weeds be tender when I start chopping them down tomorrow. I may be able to pull some of them up since the ground will be wet. The ground has been too hard to cut, or pull weeds for a long time. Yet they grew fast. My flower garden isn't too bad yet. A lot of new plants are coming through the ground, so I have to do most of the weed clearing on my knees.

Today was lunch day at the Center. Yes, I had to miss so I could do my yard work while the wind had decided to be still for awhile. I know I missed a good time, and some good food, but I am so glad for all the difference my yard is showing now. I still have Friday to take in some fun and fellowship. I am looking forward to then. The big day I'm excited about is Mother's Day May the 13th.We mothers will be treated with a big juicy steak, and baked potato. We will be dressed up fit for a Royal Banquet. Some of us whom our children didn't forget, will be wearing corsages, while some of us will have some of our children with us. I won't be lucky enough for that, but I know my children will be thinking of me. I appreciate so much the good people at the Citizen's Center who work so hard to make the place a blessing for all to attend.

I am about ready to recline myself and start reading a good book I got today. I will be talking more about it later, as I know it is a real heart touching, and suspenseful story. I have gotten acquainted with the author on face book, and she is a person of interest by everyone except the law. She makes one laugh, cry, pray, and be glad of who you are. This particular book can be seen on Investigation Discovery. “False Victim” by Kathie Truitt. A must read.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Jean's Comment's: "Clearing The Forest Of Dead limbs"

Jean's Comment's: "Clearing The Forest Of Dead limbs": Hurrah! I'm a supper lady. All dead limbs cut up and ready to haul to landfill. 5-2-2018 Perryton, TX I just finished doing the bi...

"Clearing The Forest Of Dead limbs"

Hurrah! I'm a supper lady. All dead limbs cut up and ready to haul to landfill. 5-2-2018 Perryton, TX

I just finished doing the biggest job in my forest. I sawed, and broke a huge pile of dead limbs and moved them to the alley for hauling to the landfill. I may not be able to get out of bed in the morning because there was a lot of muscle power used today. That's o k. I loved every minute of it. And my back yard looks so much better with that horrible looking pile of dead tree limbs gone. I'm excited, and I may cook some steaks on the grill that the tree limbs had covered up. My neighbor came over while I was putting the last big limb in the dumpster, and told me the next time to just pile the limbs in the alley behind his fence. I hope there won't be a next time. At least for a pile this big. I'm having all my plum trees removed this fall. I'm going to reward myself with a piece of that apple pie I have refused to taste after making it several days ago. Chuck has eaten most of it, but I still have a big piece left. I will regret it in the morning, but I need an up-lifter for now. I still have coffee left in the pot from this morning. Nothing could be better than fresh, apple pie, and coffee. I will leave off the ice cream.

This world, my world, our world, what can we expect next? Eighty year old men are going to prison for supposedly sex crimes that happened many years ago. (Woe be to all women with a bitchy nature). The evil politicians on the left are trying to force the United States to ignore our laws and let thousands of immigrants enter the country all at once. This is for no other reason, but to try to destroy this Great America Country we have been blessed with for so long. The Democrats are using every means possible to do away with our constitution. They would like to control like Syria, and some other non-democracy countries. “Lord help our President to defeat every last one of those evil, demon possessed angels who are still very powerful. Cast them all out of our country to where ever they can be slaughtered by your good warriors.” Our Christian nation has too many, still faith believing hopefuls, to use the destructive force that You have always approved of when evil became the uncontrollable enemy.” You have put a man in power for America who is the right choice for this needed “clean up” job, but He doesn't have enough followers of the same mean character, even myself, to follow through. I would that everyone confess their evil, and ask for forgiveness, but I am told by God's word that that is not going to happen. We need more Little David's. Peace will never happen until Jesus returns back to earth. It can't happen too soon for me.

P.S. Face book please don't delete my blog today. Please be fair.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "A Downpour Is Welcome Here"

Jean's Comment's: "A Downpour Is Welcome Here":                                 Looked a lot like rain clouds, but not so. 5-1-2018 Perryton, TX The little hope we had for rain has fa...

"A Downpour Is Welcome Here"

                                Looked a lot like rain clouds, but not so. 5-1-2018 Perryton, TX
The little hope we had for rain has faded away. I watered the yard for several hours today. The weed and feed had to be watered in before it started burning the grass. In just three days the yard has made a terrific improvement. I was very tired from moving the sprinkler around, but the results are so rewarding. It looks like I will be working hard for several more days. I have a large pile of dead limbs that I have to cut up and fit into the dumpster. Then the back yard still has to be spread with weed and feed. If it doesn't rain soon, I will be watering for a long time yet.

Yes, today has been tough to endure. Not because of work, but because of worry over family members, and friends. Even some who are not either, but I hear, and see their sad stories, and it makes me cry. We know God is good, and God is all love, but why does His children have to suffer so much? If He wasn't God He would have died long ago from grieving over His children. I am so glad I can trust Him to help me with my tears. He does truly understand. I don't, and never will, understand God's ways, but I know they are the best for everyone in the end.

The few words I have written tonight don't mean much to many of you, but they have given me great relief by not keeping them to myself. The more we share with each other the more our hearts get refilled. Having said that I must sign off and go to bed before I fall asleep at this computer. I am at peace, and hope you are also. Good night.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp