Sunday, May 20, 2018

"Momentarily Relaxed"

           Myrtle Jean relaxing at son's house in Abilene, Texas. 5-19-2018 Perryton, TX
After 10 days of fun, excitement, exhaustion, and recuperation, I am back home. I had a great time and enjoyed every minute of my time spent with family. My granddaughter's college graduation from UT in Austin was a significant event for me. She is the youngest of my grandchildren, and I am so proud of her prompt, high GPA after just three years of college. Somehow the picture I made of her in cap and gown didn't take on my camera, but she was a beautiful darling graduate. One of a kind, and definitely one of the most artistic figures to walk across the stage. What a joy to be her grandmother.

My son and daughter-in-law gave me a tour through the State Capital Building while I was there. It was a heart touching sight, and I was made even prouder to be a Texan. The flags were flying at half-staff in memory of the 10 school children and teachers who were killed in Santa Fe, Texas earlier in the week. The security at the entry gates, to say the least, sent fearful thoughts through your mind. We were reminded of just how far from the secure, peaceful feeling we use to have when going near our countries protective places. As we were leaving the Capital grounds we saw an expensive large camera lying on the cement slab of a pole standing close to the building. It was so obvious we had to wonder how any one would not have picked it up. My daughter-in-law said, “that is an expensive camera someone has left there.” I said someone may be watching it. Although no one except people passing by were to be seen, it could have been loaded with a bomb or some other explosive devise. We didn't bother to pick it up and turn it in. Yes, that is the condition of our God-loving country today. Fear grips the hearts and minds of almost everyone. Although I enjoyed the tour through the State Capital Building I was somewhat relieved when we got in our vehicle and drove off. “God Bless America.”

I was made even more alarmed when I stood in the yard of my son's house in Abilene, Texas and watched large bomber planes flying close to the ground getting ready to land in the Military base a short distance away. The loud noise was frightening. I have some pictures I took of several bomber planes parked on the ground of the air base waiting to take off when notified. I will be posting them at a later date. Thank God for every man and woman who have dedicated their lives for defending our country. They are brave, and are ready to give up their own lives to save others. Several retired military pilots live in the housing project where my son and daughter-in-law live. There are other retired military families living there also. It makes for a proud neighborhood. Does any of us realize just how blessed we are? “Thank you Lord.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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