Wednesday, May 30, 2018

"Thankful Hearts Brings More Blessings"

Roses are doing well, every bush in my front yard is looking great. 5-30-2018 Perryton, TX
I completed my schedule today. I have had a busy morning, and did laundry and made stew this afternoon. A phone conversation with a friend, and my daughter, supplied some relaxation I really needed. I did have lunch at the Center today. That is always a relaxing hour or so, and catches me up on news about my friends. I would liked to have gone to a church dinner this evening, but I had just used up all of my energy. Now I have to be my own company the rest of the evening. My flowers do a good job at keeping me entertained. The nice, cool. evening breeze is enjoyable to sit out in. I have a great neighborhood, and live directly across from the school practice field. People are always walking their dog, or jogging past my house. Even with all of that, it is very lonely being alone. Since my mind has let go of so much political stuff the time goes by slowly. I do love my quite time because it allows me to think out of the box, but that too gets old. I desire to see more action, and participation in exciting things. I long to be with my children, and grandchildren more, but that too is a wasted thought. We all live many miles apart, in different directions. Everyone has a life of their own, and must live it as the Lord leads us to. I trust I am in His will.

How grateful I am for all my face book friends. Many of them will never know how much they bless me with some of their simple, humorous, words without a speck of dignity or meaning. You are company to me even though many I have never met. I can always go to my computer and find something to cheer me up. I hope I can do the same for others. It is amazing how much we can learn about our families just by pulling up face book. I'm not saying face book is altogether a good thing, but for now I am fine with it. What will be, will be. The future is not ours to choose. We can only choose to let God help us through all our problems. He is just, and He will take care of us if we live the best lives we can. Evil is here to stay, and no matter whether it's face book or something else, evil will always have a way to make us miserable. Thank God I have found the way to let go of my worries because I know Someone is looking out for me. We have to be reminded of that pretty often, but it always comes to our rescue. A good night's rest is the cure for all wondering minds. Pray that you won't be plagued with night mares. They are also a tool that Satan uses to beat us up while we are asleep. We can handle him with God's help.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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