Wednesday, May 23, 2018

"MY Home State Is Magical"

Looking up to the top of the Texas State Capital dome's interior. A sight to behold. 5-23-2018

This was my shot of the Texas State Capital's dome interior in Austin Texas. I took this picture a few days ago while standing under the dome and looking up. It seemed to reach clear to the sky. A very beautiful, impressive. sight indeed. The rotunda was many feet across forming a circle. I am so proud of our Texas State Capital buildings. Many lives have been dedicated to this symbolic work of freedom, and liberty. I praise each and everyone of them. I am especially proud of Governor Rick Perry who is the first Texas Governor to serve three terms as Texas Governor. He did a great job in serving our state. He continues to serve our country with President Donald Trump's leadership. I have met Governor Rick Perry and his mother and father. They are all part of what makes Texas a great state. Love of God, and country with a faith that never wavers. President Trump knows a good man when he sees one. I have never been one to wear dress gear that displays messages, but I am proud now to be wearing the T shirt my children got me while I was at the Capital. It is red with a white map of Texas and the word “HOME” stamped inside the state map. I'm not boasting, I'm just being honest. “God bless Texas, and God bless America.”

It was nice to be back at the Citizen's Center today for lunch. After a 10 day vacation I was glad to see all my friends. An extra large crowd was seen today at the Center. I think God is even blessing the old and the wise more all the time. We had to pull up an extra chair at our table today. Some kind of party was being held in another room that included a lot of guest. I'm always thrilled to see groups meeting at the Center since we are a self funded Senior group. It takes a lot of expense to keep the place operating nicely. If anyone is needing to be with family more come and join this great family of nice people. The only thing I see against it is that one cannot stick to a diet while eating there. The food is always good, and the cooks don't remove the calories. Meat and salad are good diet factors, but the mashed potatoes, gravy, and luscious deserts are not. Plus the variety of wonderful breads. I ate watermelon today instead of that mouth watering coconut pie. I have to say the watermelon was good.

Yes, I had a good vacation, but it is always good to get back home. Thanks to everyone for having patience with me while I missed writing my blog for those days. I hope it will be back to normal soon. I do love my readers, and keep them all in my prayers.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp
Perryton, TX

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