Wednesday, May 2, 2018

"Clearing The Forest Of Dead limbs"

Hurrah! I'm a supper lady. All dead limbs cut up and ready to haul to landfill. 5-2-2018 Perryton, TX

I just finished doing the biggest job in my forest. I sawed, and broke a huge pile of dead limbs and moved them to the alley for hauling to the landfill. I may not be able to get out of bed in the morning because there was a lot of muscle power used today. That's o k. I loved every minute of it. And my back yard looks so much better with that horrible looking pile of dead tree limbs gone. I'm excited, and I may cook some steaks on the grill that the tree limbs had covered up. My neighbor came over while I was putting the last big limb in the dumpster, and told me the next time to just pile the limbs in the alley behind his fence. I hope there won't be a next time. At least for a pile this big. I'm having all my plum trees removed this fall. I'm going to reward myself with a piece of that apple pie I have refused to taste after making it several days ago. Chuck has eaten most of it, but I still have a big piece left. I will regret it in the morning, but I need an up-lifter for now. I still have coffee left in the pot from this morning. Nothing could be better than fresh, apple pie, and coffee. I will leave off the ice cream.

This world, my world, our world, what can we expect next? Eighty year old men are going to prison for supposedly sex crimes that happened many years ago. (Woe be to all women with a bitchy nature). The evil politicians on the left are trying to force the United States to ignore our laws and let thousands of immigrants enter the country all at once. This is for no other reason, but to try to destroy this Great America Country we have been blessed with for so long. The Democrats are using every means possible to do away with our constitution. They would like to control like Syria, and some other non-democracy countries. “Lord help our President to defeat every last one of those evil, demon possessed angels who are still very powerful. Cast them all out of our country to where ever they can be slaughtered by your good warriors.” Our Christian nation has too many, still faith believing hopefuls, to use the destructive force that You have always approved of when evil became the uncontrollable enemy.” You have put a man in power for America who is the right choice for this needed “clean up” job, but He doesn't have enough followers of the same mean character, even myself, to follow through. I would that everyone confess their evil, and ask for forgiveness, but I am told by God's word that that is not going to happen. We need more Little David's. Peace will never happen until Jesus returns back to earth. It can't happen too soon for me.

P.S. Face book please don't delete my blog today. Please be fair.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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