Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Wait For The Icicles To Melt"

Jean's Comment's: "Wait For The Icicles To Melt": One of the many beautiful trees showing off in my town. This one is just across the street from my church.11-30-2016 Perryton, Texas, Th...

"Wait For The Icicles To Melt"

One of the many beautiful trees showing off in my town. This one is just across the street from my church.11-30-2016 Perryton, Texas,
The sun makes this tree seem so brilliant. Notice the dead tree in front. 11-30-2016 Perryton, Texas.
The shaded church is where I attend. It is pretty when the light is on it. 11-30-2016 Perryton, Texas

I am showing some of the gorgeous fall colors of trees here where I live in Perryton, Texas. These trees happen to be right across the street from my church about four blocks from where I live. There are many more colorful trees scattered all around the city. The last of spring and summer beauty is about to come to an end with dead limbs taking its place. Icicles will be hanging from the branches a big part of the winter. Those can be beautiful sometimes also. I have seen some as long as ten feet. I am trying to adjust to the bad weather that will happen in a short time. I started back to painting again today. I think I will be content as I love painting so much.

Since I have been home from Thanksgiving visiting my children, my spirit has escalated. I seem to have been receiving messages, (some might call them vibes,)  that take me to the prayer closet where I can talk to the Lord and tell Him all my troubles. Then He tells me to tell Him what I want. I lose all shyness and tell Him what I really want to happen. I give Him all the reasons why I want these things, pointing out that I know I am not deserving, but He can work miracles, and I want a miracle to take place soon. Like a child asking Santa for certain presents, I must seem the same to my Father in heaven. We are little children in His sight. He cares for us, and wants to give us even better gifts than our earthly fathers gave us. How can we blame anyone but ourselves if we are living below a bountiful life? At this time I am very happy even with the icicles that are fixing to hang from our limbs. They will melt, and new life will spring forth because of them. I believe I will be posting nothing but good news for the next several months. Stay in touch with me and find out how many gifts I have received from my Heavenly Father who is King of all Kings.

How much does God have to do for us before we realize He is doing lots more than we deserve? Are we spoiled so badly that we pout if we get our feelings hurt? When I compare myself to Jesus, I just want to hide and never be seen again. The fact is He does not want us to hide, He wants us to repent and let Him give us a happy and prosperous life. I’m wiping all shame from my face and eating from Jesus table just as He has invited me to do. I will never be perfect until the day I leave this old sinful world and receive a new life in Glory Land. Until then I will do the best I can to help everyone who are stymied and holding onto life by a thread. I will try to speak words of love and encouragement, and forever hold these hurting souls up before God. These are the things that make us fit to eat at the Kings table.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp


Monday, November 28, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Death Comes To All Life"

Jean's Comment's: "Death Comes To All Life": The last leaves of the blackberry vines for this year. Such pretty red colors. 11-29-2016 Perryton, Texas.                              ...

"Death Comes To All Life"

The last leaves of the blackberry vines for this year. Such pretty red colors. 11-29-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                                 Fall is beautiful while it lasts.  11-29-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                  The empty Robin nest is completely visible now. 11-29-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                          A tiny rosebud is still clinging to life. 11-29-2016 Perryton, Texas

A nice sunny day the 29th day of November 2016. My pretty back yard has all but died for this year. What is left has some pretty red tones that cheer the heart somewhat. A reminder of the birthplace of the pretty little Robins is looking forsaken. I showed pictures of them while still in the nest just hours after they hatched out. I posted them on my blog. This past summer has been a good one to remember. I have lost several good friends who  unlike my yard beauty won’t be coming back. Some things we lose forever, others we lose for just awhile. It takes the love of God to balance the temporary with the forever. Life goes on for the mortal soul even though it has to get revived from time to time. When it’s time to leave the world forever God will prepare a heavenly home that will never need weeding or watering for the yard. The tiny rose bud I saw on a bush today gives me faith still. I think it will open up to full glory before it freezes to death. Some species  are more tolerable and can live longer than others. A mark of the High calling God, no doubt. There is an end to everyone and everything that lives. “Let us rejoice and be glad.”

Sometimes when it seems that we’ve been stripped of every ounce of dignity we ever had, and the curtain has been closed on our stage of performance, it would indicate a time to lay it down. It was at just such a time for me recently when two angels of God called me on the phone on two different days and lifted my spirits. Neither of these knew I was in deep need of encouragement. That’s why I’m sure God laid me on their heart. Both of these calls were surprisingly unexpected, and I received a full charge from the messages they delivered. I have always declared that Christians must take the bad with the good, but some of the bad is almost too bad to recover from. “Not so, saith the Lord. Ye shall mount up with wings as eagles. Ye shall walk and not grow weary, ye shall run and not faint.” My life is in God’s hands, and if I should die a horrible death I count it as a martyr’s  death. I will, by all means, stick to the promise God made to me at the time of my conversion. “I will not suffer the redeemed to the horrible death.” I have been redeemed, and I try every day to live a Christ-like life putting others before myself. His love is greater than all my self-denials. The stripes that are put upon me are some of the same ones put upon Christ. However, by His stripes we are healed. By my strips I am weakened, but only till an angle comes to bring Christ’s healing. I will praise Him forever.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "The Warmth Of Love And Beauty"

Jean's Comment's: "The Warmth Of Love And Beauty":                               Asparagus victims of fall outrage. 11--19-2016 Perryton, Texas.     The memorial resting place for my lov...

"The Warmth Of Love And Beauty"

                              Asparagus victims of fall outrage. 11--19-2016 Perryton, Texas.
    The memorial resting place for my loving plants and flowers. 11-19-2016 Perryton, Texas.

It’s now time to bury the dead. What a sad day for me! I know I can get through this long fall and winter, but not without mourning the loss of all my beautiful roses, flowers, asparagus plants, fruit trees, and a green lush lawn of grass. I’m not a winter person, and I don’t like snow. I used to thrill at the idea of going with my family to the ski slopes of Colorado and new Mexico. We enjoyed those times and the cold didn’t even seem cold. Things have changed a lot since then. My children cannot talk me into going skiing with them any more. The New Mexico cold is cold now, and I don’t see the beauty of the snow-covered slopes any more. The youthful thrills and excitement has a way of slipping from the aged old bodies and minds of cracking joints. The nature of age is designed and placed upon all humanity. To strip it would only bring harm and unpleasant feeling to the deserving, retired body.  I accept my age with gratitude and  will treat it with respect. I don’t expect to live to be nine hundred years old like in old bible times, but I would not refuse to if that was my intended destiny. I do like to pretend that I am possible living to be over 100. Even longer if I reach that mark. Although I have to say I plan each day as if it were my last. I think I am on the right path.

I know New Years Eve is still over a month away, but I made reservations today to spend it with my two sisters in Clinton, Oklahoma where we will quietly rest and play the games of slot. This is the life style old age affords the deserving retiree. I am so thankful for the love of my few living siblings and their families. Even more thankful that they like to do the same things I like to do. We all are thankful that God has given us health and means to enjoy the latter years of our life. Let the young do the hazardous things they enjoy, but let the older do the common sense things they enjoy. All will be happy, and all will be loved with a sweet, sweet spirit. I extend my hand to everyone around the world to accept the things you can do, and not try to do the things you cannot do. Put on your cloak of honor, and be proud of who you are. You were commissioned to do a job at birth, and never, never doubt that. We just must put forth an effort to do the job better each day whatever it may be. We may never get fired for under performing, but neither will we ever be promoted. When I play the game of slot I play to win. If not I try, try again. I never give up. What’s your game? Are you still trying to win? Try harder and enjoy while you are doing so.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, November 18, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Beauty Is All Around Me"

Jean's Comment's: "Beauty Is All Around Me":              My neighbor's pretty fall foliage around her house. 11-18-2016 Perryton, Texas. The sun was shinning on my neighbor’s h...

"Beauty Is All Around Me"

             My neighbor's pretty fall foliage around her house. 11-18-2016 Perryton, Texas.

The sun was shinning on my neighbor’s house late this evening, making the entire place a subject of art. It was so pretty I just had to stop and take a picture. The foliage was so colorful with many different shades making  a gorgeous background. How can we say good-bye to such beauty and heart thrilling trees and bushes as they are about to disappear till next spring. I get real emotional beginning in the late fall. I never liked to see sick or dying anything, although I know that is what life is all about. The next warm day we have I will be going out to cut down all my dead plants and cover the roots with straw so they can come back up next spring.

I stayed in the house all day except for a quick trip to buy the local news paper. I vacuumed most of the rooms before giving out. I will finish tomorrow and do the rest of the cleaning. My son and granddaughter are coming to spend a night with me, then take me to their house for Thanksgiving. I feel lucky not to be cooking a big Thanksgiving dinner, although I do miss it a lot. I will just make a small pan of cornbread dressing and bake a chicken breast to leave here for Chuck. Of course I will be making my famous pumpkin pie. I will take one of the pies to my son’s house and leave the other one here. I have enjoyed the Thanksgiving season more this year than any other in a long time. I hope the Christmas spirit lands on me the same way. For some reason I have been feeling so blessed as if something great is about to happen. That is a Christmas present I’m looking forward to. Sometimes the best gifts don’t come in packages.

Clue, clue. I am expecting healing for my paralyzed great grandson. I am shocked at what I’m hearing from him, and I feel healing is coming. After seven years he is still expecting to be healed. He told me yesterday that physical therapy was starting to help. As far as I know he is still in hospice care. He was put there three weeks ago, but is still taking therapy. He is twenty and has been paralyzed for seven yeas from his neck down. I wrote a book titled “When The Angel Came” not long after this little guy was hit by a fast moving car. I mentioned him in one of my stories. At that time my faith was high and I clung onto it daily. I talked about how many times this little fellow had climbed a high mountain when the family reunions were held each year at Quartz Mountain State Park. I said in the book that I knew he would climb that mountain again someday. Year after year went by without any hope from doctors, and my faith dwindled. Now I am wondering if my prediction might still be coming true. After he was put in hospice, and after I hadn’t talked with him hardly since the accident, (due to his non-emotional condition,) he called me a few days ago. As I said I almost fainted to hear the strong, clear, encouraging voice of the boy I thought was almost dead. I have talked to him twice since, and he seems so hopeful that he is getting better. I have been rethinking my idea of giving up on that trip up the mountain. Could it possible be so? I’m asking God for a gift of healing for Christmas this year.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "The Many Blessings Called Thanksgiving"

Jean's Comment's: "The Many Blessings Called Thanksgiving": This big turkey is daring someone to let the air out of her. Compliments of my creative neighbor. 11-16-2016 Perryton, Texas. The cow a...

"The Many Blessings Called Thanksgiving"

This big turkey is daring someone to let the air out of her. Compliments of my creative neighbor. 11-16-2016 Perryton, Texas.
The cow ate while the turkey dared. 11-16-2016 perryton, Texas.
The yard gate is decorated with pumpkins and gourds. Fall flowers and sassy turkeys. 11-16-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I made it down the block today to take some pictures of my wonderful, Holiday-creative, neighbor’s yard. The entire yard was covered with interesting foul, turkeys, animals, pumpkins, gourds, Pilgrims, and many other things that made the eyes sing. What a dedicated person to making every holiday come alive in her yard every year. The wind was blowing the huge inflated turkey’s head  which made it seem like it was saying “I just dare you to kill me.”  Then the big inflated black and white spotted cow was eating grass without any fears at all. I love the exciting scenery my neighbor fills her yard with every holiday. It’s almost like reading a story book.

Yes, it’s almost Thanksgiving and I will be spending it with my youngest son and his family. It’s always a blessing to be able to spend time with them. I only see them about twice a year. My son and daughter-in-law both like to cook so there is always lots of good food. I have to diet when I get back home to lose all the extra weight I put on, but its worth it. I will be fixing a small Thanksgiving  dinner to leave here for my son, Chuck, who lives close to me. He used to share a Thanksgiving dinner with a homeless friend that he grew up with. That friend moved away a few years ago and Chuck no longer hears from him. Most of Chuck’s friends live far away. Its nice that he has unlimited calls on his phone because he talks a lot to all of them.

I talked again today to my great grandson who is currently in hospice care. He told me he was at home now and doing great. Before I hung up with him I asked him if there was anything he wanted to say to grandma. He said. “I love you.” I told him I loved him too, and almost broke down, but didn’t. I am waiting patiently to see what is going to happen to this request of a miracle from our loving God. It looks like after seven years of being paralyzed from his neck down, and being moved to hospice care, that maybe God is planning to send us that miracle after all. Who can ever deny that God can do anything? When we turn loose and give it all to God, He will give us strength to wait it out. This grandson’s attitude has been awesome every since he regained conscience from the accident. All he knows about it is what people tell him. He remembers everything before the accident, but just don’t recall being hit by a car. At 13 years old, and a complete paralyses from the neck down, that is a remarkable blessing for all. Shortly after the accident this amazing child said he saw two angels at the foot of his bed. They told him he was in God’s care. I believe that is what has kept him alive all these years. He’s been educated, and still has hopes of getting well, God bless him many times over.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, November 14, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "An Awesome Sight Of Light"

Jean's Comment's: "An Awesome Sight Of Light": This is a picture of the super moon. I missed shooting it because it appeared this morning at 7:30 am,  I took one tonight shown below. 11...

"An Awesome Sight Of Light"

This is a picture of the super moon. I missed shooting it because it appeared this morning at 7:30 am,  I took one tonight shown below. 11-14-2016  Perryton, Texas
Super moon tonight at 7:30 pm. With my camera. Nothing different about this pic. 11-14-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I waited all day to get a picture of the super moon tonight. When it finally  showed it looked just like any other moon. I looked on the computer and discovered the super moon today was at 7:30 am instead of pm. I missed it, but found one on the computer and posted it. I have drifted away somewhat from being interested in the moon. I guess I finally got enough of an amazing thing. The condition of the world has been taking center stage in my life for the past two years. Now that the election is over maybe I can settle down to being normal.

It seems like there is always something to disrupt our happiness when we feel so blessed sometimes. There is never going to be anything but a short vacation from life’s hard work and worries. Some day beyond this beautiful moon there is going to be perfect peace and rest forever and ever. We must comfort one another with these words and be thankful for friends who will share our burdens with us. When I saw this gorgeous moon tonight I was reminded of the quote, “A picture is worth more than a thousand words.” I will keep my eyes glued on things above. Day by day we are getting closer to our eternal home.

I often think of all the good times we have missed just because of sin that creeps into our lives and separates us one from another. A life without sin is fiction. It just didn’t happen, but we only cause ourselves more sorrow by holding onto the evil that attacked us. Some people call it “naïve.” I think of it as being jealous, or without compassion. Whatever, it is sin that needs to be denied. Sometimes we need to put ourselves in the washing machine with a lot of soap and wash out the dirt in our lives. A dirty body will soon become a stinky body if not washed often. Worse than that it becomes an ugly body. Eventually it becomes a sick body without remedy.

I have been highly alarmed by all the foolish, disgusting sights that’s been happening all over America for the past few days because some harboring hate-mongers didn’t get their way. How sad to know that these people have sealed their conscience, and few, if any will ever realize their foolishness. We have to ask ourselves how could this kind of evil penetrate so deeply into the heart and destroy a soul that was intended to be whole. The fact remains that separation has happened and sorrow and bloodshed will follow many to an early grave. I can’t see a repentance in the future. I see only a doomed life for more people than I ever imagined. The love of God must stay in our hearts regardless of all the evil that confronts us every day. It didn’t use to be this way. What happened?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "What Where When And Why"

Jean's Comment's: "What Where When And Why": My granddaughter and family, Angela, Kenny, Brittni, Zak, Gabriel Farquire. I have an update on Zak. The little boy standing. He is four i...

"What Where When And Why"

My granddaughter and family, Angela, Kenny, Brittni, Zak, Gabriel Farquire. I have an update on Zak. The little boy standing. He is four in the pic, but is 20 today. Been paralyzed from the neck down for seven years. 11-13-2016 Perryton, Texas.

As some of you may have read my blog a few days ago where I had shared the terrible news that my great grandson had been put in hospice, I now have an update.

The call I’ve been waiting for to hear of Zak’s death came last night only it was from Zak himself. At first I thought I was getting another scam call, and it wasn’t until I asked him several questions that I was convinced it was Zak. Since his accident seven years ago I had not seen him but once. That was two years ago and he acted like he barely knew me. A large group of family members had been asked to meet with some of Zak’s social workers  and Zak to discuss what to do with him as he was approaching his eighteenth birthday. He no longer could be kept in the facility where he had resided for several years after he became 18. Zak was hit with a car by a drunken driver while he was riding his scooter along with his father and a friend riding bicycles. He was thirteen at the time. He was left with a paralyzed body from his neck down, but his brain was not damaged. It is amazing how much he has been able to do with the help of sophisticated technology and super good doctors and nurses. His education is on a first year college level. He has been taught to use a computer, cell phone, and play games by the touch of his tongue.

When I saw him two years ago I could hardly keep the tears from running down my cheeks. He had turned into a handsome young man even with the paralysis that had him trapped. He was not even able to turn his head because of a brace that kept it stable. Somehow the moving of his head would cause damage to the spine. Please don’t get bored before you read the rest of this story.

I was with Zak’s mother when she had a C-section surgery to deliver him from her tummy. He was born with a breathing problem and the doctor thought he might not live. While the nurses was making arrangements  to send the baby to a larger and more modern hospital, Zak’s mother and I held hands and prayed for his breathing to become normal. God immediately answered our prayers and Zak went home the next day. I was able to spend some time with Angela and the children until they moved away so far I hardly ever got to see them. Zak was probably seven or eight when they moved. I had some very precious memories of my granddaughter and her children that have not faded. I have prayed for them every night since Zak’s accident.

The call I received last night nearly sent me to the emergency room with shock. I had thought my great grandson was near death, He had been taken from his hospice care unit where he stayed and put back in the hospital, because his condition was such that he couldn’t be denied extra pain medicine. My son had told me it couldn’t be long. Then my phone ring about 8:00 last night.
“Hello grandma Sharp. This is Zak.”
“No way my brain told me, this is not Zak.
I had never heard a more strong and plainer voice than I was hearing now.
“Is this Zak Farquer, I asked?”
“Yes, Angela’s son. She is here with me.”
“I can’t believe it’s you, Zak.”
“Yes, I got your number from papa Rick.”
At this point I knew it must be my dying great grandson calling me.
“How are you doing,” he asked?
“I’m doing good to be 83 years old,” I told him. “How are you doing?
“I’m doing good too. I wanted to call you.”
I said to him, Zak I can’t believe this is you. I’m so glad you called. You have made the rest of my day and night.” I told him I had prayed for him every night since the accident. He thanked me and said I do appreciate that.
“I got baptized last February.”
“You did?” You are getting ready to go to your eternal home where there will never be no more pain or sorrow.
“I can’t wait,” he said.
Then he started asking me how other members of the family was, and I was even more shocked since he had had almost no communication with any of them. Our conversation lasted at least twenty minutes. He told me, “I have your number now I will be calling you more.” Then he said “grandma you have my number because it’s the one I’m calling from and it’s on your phone.”
“Is this your cell number,?” I asked.
“yes, and you can call me anytime.” How could he answer my call if there was not someone to hand him the phone? He can’t move a muscle but his eyes and lips. Again I was reminded of all the other miracles that had made Zak’s life more bearable. 

I cried and thanked God for an hour after we hung up. I felt like something had happened and I didn’t know what. I guess I will never know, but I know God knows all about it and I trust Him to handle it in His own way.

I have peace this morning and I know God is real and alive.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "The Trump Plane Has Just Landed At The White Hous...

Jean's Comment's: "The Trump Plane Has Just Landed At The White Hous...: President elect, Donald Trump's plane just landed in DC and a transition meeting will began soon with President Obama. 11-10-2016 Perr...

"The Trump Plane Has Just Landed At The White House Airport"

President elect, Donald Trump's plane just landed in DC and a transition meeting will began soon with President Obama. 11-10-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I had thought when the election was over I could get back to my normal routine, but I find myself glued to the television more now than ever. People I truly believe this transition is not going to be simple. Mr. Trump and President Obama have already been meeting this morning much longer than expected. I am now hearing that the meeting has adjourned. Mr. Trump is headed to Capital Hill to have lunch with Speaker Paul Ryan and Vice-President elect, Mike Pence. What is going to happen after lunch? I just can’t leave my television for I am on pins and needles. The opposing party is not wanting to hand over the key until Mr. Trump agrees to some of their demands. That is not going to happen, and I feel sure another fight is coming between the two parties. I hope I am wrong, but so far I have had it right most of the time. I just feel the curse is much greater than we thought upon America. I will keep praying along with millions of others that the curse will be broken, hopefully without any bloodshed. I wonder are we at the cross roads of live or die, and which ever has the wickedest army will definitely lose, but not without bloodshed. Every Christian needs to bury themselves in the Word of God, and pray without ceasing. The time of “The sword” is no doubt in full force. The Word declared it would happen. The sword population is much greater than all the rest. A part of the bible that I don’t fully understand, but I believe it because the Word says it. The hope of the Christians is the power of the Almighty God. We must never doubt it.

So if I do not clean my house and cook the regular meals it’s not my fault. I am washing the feet of Jesus. What do you think? I will dress up and go out to celebrate when it’s all over. Believe me I am looking forward to that. My son has already told me he is coming to take me to his house in Abilene for Thanksgiving. I hope the fight has ended by then. I do want to have a loving, enjoyable time while with my family. By faith this Thanksgiving will be the best I ever had. What an awesome God we have. So to all my friends, and relatives, Christians across the world,  I wish the same Thanksgiving joy to you. Needless to add I wish the brave leaders and warriors of our great nation a safe and blessed Thanksgiving. Prayers will continue to be expressed with sincere tears to our Almighty God. He will always hear and answer needs.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "In The Beginning I Painted Them"

Jean's Comment's: "In The Beginning I Painted Them": Our new 45th United States Of America President Donald J. and First Lady, Melania Trump. paintings by Myrtle Jean Sharp. Paintings finishe...

"In The Beginning I Painted Them"

Our new 45th United States Of America President Donald J. and First Lady, Melania Trump. paintings by Myrtle Jean Sharp. Paintings finished on 4-27-2016 just after Mr. Trump announced his candidacy for president. I was able to hang these in the Perryton Citizen's Center for several months, expressing my faith in them becoming president and First Lady. I was right. 11-9-2016 Perryton, Texas. 

The Father above gave us the best Thanksgiving gift ever last night when He elected Donald J. Trump as our 45th president of the United States of America. I hope all humanity can accept that and not try to go against the will of God. People need to wake up and know that God is not mocked, and what so ever a man soweth that shall he also reap. You and I are part of the new chapter in history that took place last night November 9, 2016. I am proud, and although I may not live long enough to reap the full benefits of this new era in America, I am happy for my children and grand children who will be protected from the awful threat they were facing before. God spoke to the people last night and said, “If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves and call upon My name, and turn from their wicked ways I will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14. Thousands and millions of Christians were seeking God’s help for the past eighteen months pleading for mercy to save, and heal our land. The answer came last night when the enemy tried, but failed to block His plan. God spoke and said, “Donald J. Trump will be your forty-fifth president.”  We Christians believe Mr. Trump is our messenger for the day. We know as well as he, that he is not God, but is seeking to lead the people just like Moses led them from Egypt. His job is not going to be easy, but if we the people keep lifting him up in prayer, and hold up his hands when they become too tired to hold them up on his own, then God will lead us on to complete victory.

The world took on a new direction last night. I am not a prophet but I do read the bible a lot, and I believe God is still in control of His chosen people. We are the off spring of Jacob who is the father of the twelve tribes of Israel who God delivered out of Egypt’s bondage. From the day of their exit until this day the people have bad times and good times. America is another promised land God led His people to after they disobeyed His commands and brought judgment upon themselves. The first fruits of Jacob were still strong and sought to find a new way to keep His contract with the people. They knew their vows to God, and set out to find a way they could keep them. Columbus, and a small crew discovered this great land we call America today. Eventually they sailed the seas with a small number of God-believing people and landed on dry land. The time since Egypt’s exit and the time of exit from England was the difference in traveling the seas. When leaving Egypt God literally had to part the sea so the people could pass on dry land. When exiting England ships had been invented, and the people did not have to flee in secret. They were simply looking for a place to worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob like their forefathers did. In my opinion America had long passed the agreement by it’s founders to keep and honor the constitution and live by the word of God. Over the two hundred plus years since America was settled, corruption has multiplied, to the extent that another movement by the same Christian roots of Jacob was formed. That is not to say we now can be free to go back and worship like we used to, but it does say we the people still have faith in the Almighty God. He has delivered us from an evil force that nearly destroyed us. I don’t know what the next chapter will be, but I know God will always be there for a people who will trust Him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Don't Just Say It Do It "

Jean's Comment's: "Don't Just Say It Do It ":     One flag under one nation under God for liberty and justice for all. 11-8-2016 Perryton, Texas. Today November 8, 2016 we elect the ...

"Don't Just Say It Do It "

    One flag under one nation under God for liberty and justice for all. 11-8-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Today November 8, 2016 we elect the most important president America has ever had. Either we save America or we lose her. At this time America is hanging in the balance. Your vote could be the one that tips the balance to a winning party who could make “America Great Again,” It’s not too late if you haven’t already voted you still have time. Drop everything now and go vote for Donald Trump. He is our only hope, because God has spoken loud and clear. He has let the people see, and hear, just what this corrupt Clinton, Obama leadership has done to America. For those who still refuse to vote them out, God have mercy on you, including those who dance around the Bush!!! using big uncommon words to try and influence people. They have already exposed themselves to being part of the corrupt majority who have been following this group of genocide rulers for the past eight years.

I heard the United States president  say just recently while campaigning for who he hoped would be his successor, “that we are not American citizens, but world citizens.”  How could he have spoken any plainer by saying America is no longer a free nation, but part of the New World Order with one ruler? His agenda is to step down and put his most powerful, woman  co-worker in a position that can take up where he left off while he is seeking more power than he has now. I believe his thoughts are this woman as president can continue to use her evil endeavors to benefit his agenda and never be convicted of anything. He is right about that because we all have already seen that. My dear friends, we no longer have an honorable justice system, and the FBI cannot do their job because they are under control of the President’s justice system. Can you see where we stand as former free, Americans citizens? We’ve been ambushed without much hope unless we put Donald Trump and his great, and notable, backers in office. He has an army of honorable Generals, Admirals, elite active, and retired Congressional personal, Evangelicals, Catholics, and many more intelligent people behind him. I would hope that those who still support Hillary Clinton would take a more serious look at her record and tell me you still believe in her. She is part of the Obama threat to hand our country over to the most gruesome, power seekers, of the largest population on earth to steal our constitution and put us under their laws. In these last few hours before the time has ended for you to help our country survive, please go vote if you haven’t already. I know it takes a brave person to acknowledge their concern for this terrible dilemma we’re in, but I have prepared for the worse instead of running away from the truth. God will reward those who listen to His voice.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "I Was In Need Of A Great Blessing"

Jean's Comment's: "I Was In Need Of A Great Blessing": "A Day For You" Women;s Conference at Community Worship Center Perryton Texas with speaker Sharon Sands. 11-5-2016 Perryton, Tex...

"I Was In Need Of A Great Blessing"

"A Day For You" Women;s Conference at Community Worship Center Perryton Texas with speaker Sharon Sands. 11-5-2016 Perryton, Texas.

What a blessing it was to attend the women’s conference meeting at Community Worship Center yesterday. About 400 women gathered to enjoy a full day of fun, worship, fellowship, and delicious food. The meeting was perfectly organized, and I was so proud to be a part of such a wonderful event in my own city. The speaker, Sharon Sands, was both humorous and spiritual. She created an atmosphere of wide spread praise throughout the large crowd. I have to give praise also to the many workers who made this special event possible. The tables were beautifully, diversely, decorated in awesome arrangements. The table I sat at was adorned with amazing patriotically  servers. The flatware was shiny, silver, plastic that I thought was real silver until I picked up a spoon. All eight ladies eating at that table were made to feel more thankful to God for this great country which we are fighting hard for at this time. Our hostess was especially kind and interested in each one of us enjoying ourselves. I did not stay for the second session  because I had become too tired after the first five hours. The rest of the meeting  was mostly singing a few songs and drawing for door prizes. It would have been interesting but my body was not up to it. I am thankful that I was privileged to attend such an inspiring meeting, and I am thankful for the beautiful church facilities shared by Community Worship Center.

I am strengthened today by going to this meeting while I wait for word that one of my great grandsons has passed on. He has been put in hospice and is expected to succumb from the terrible accident he was involved in six years ago. He was left paralyzed from his neck down every since he was hit by a car while he was riding a scooter. His brain was not injured, but he had to wear a neck brace so he couldn’t turn his head. This child is 20 now and has been a trooper all these years. The fact that he has known all these years that he didn’t have long to live has made it harder for him to deal with. I could write a book about this boy that would bring tears to anyone’s eyes who read it, but I will never do it. I was present when he was taken from his mothers tummy by C-section. He had a serious breathing problem, and the doctors was not sure he would live. While they were making arrangements to transfer him to a more modern hospital, his mother and I held hands and asked God to heal him. The answer came immediately, and the baby went home the next day. The baby grew with family problems which was very difficult for him, but he managed to live for 14 years before being in this awful accident. I have to believe that God has a special reward for him. I love him so much, but have only been able to pray for him all these years. Many miles have separated us, and I have only got to see him a few times since the accident. I will get over his loss, but not without much pain from my heart. I don’t see how the pain could be much worse than what it has been all this child’s life.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, November 4, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "My Mother's Spirit And I Walked Together Today"

Jean's Comment's: "My Mother's Spirit And I Walked Together Today":                      Snapdragon planter. Fall flowers still blooming. 11-4-2016 Perryton, Texas I walked through my yard today with my m...

"My Mother's Spirit And I Walked Together Today"

                     Snapdragon planter. Fall flowers still blooming. 11-4-2016 Perryton, Texas

I walked through my yard today with my mother’s spirit. I remembered when mom used to come outside and join me while I was playing around in the yard. She sometimes would say lets go for a walk. We lived in the country and there was lots of space for one to venture through barnyards, pasture, orchard, and a short walk took us to the creek bottom that ran through our place. There we watched squirrels scampering up trees, and sometimes dipped our feet in the shallow stream. My mom was always young at heart, and made us children laugh a lot. She seemed more like a big sister to me than a mother. I loved being alone with mom, and listening to her interesting stories about her childhood. She was the youngest child in her parents family with eight years between she and the next youngest child, a brother. I knew she was pretty spoiled because I heard my uncle Less talking to her a lot. He treated her like she was his daughter. She also loved him a lot. Mom’s other siblings were half brothers and sisters as her mother was left a widow at a young age with three small children. They were about grown when my mom was born.

Today as I walked around my yard I felt my mother’s spirit walking beside me. I am not sure just what it meant, but I was reminiscing and it seemed so nice. My mother has been gone from this life for 24 years. I still miss her every day. If I could have her back I know I would spend more time with her. I would also treat her with more respect than I sometimes did. It’s strange how the behavior of our past comes back to haunt us many years later. We can ask Jesus to forgive us every day, but we cannot ask those we loved so much to forgive us after they are gone, however I can do better to help the ones I still have with me to cheer up and take a walk with me. I think this may be why I had this strange experience such as I did today. I need to think more about others and less about myself. With God’s help I will do that. I have been left to know how lonely and discouraged one can become in this dimming life. It gets harder with time, and only I can help the situation. I realize one has to be strong and make right choices or the burden of life can over take you. I trust God to open my eyes to where I need to go and what I need to say. Someone, somewhere needs me, and I need them as well. I am reminded of the song a man wrote after he lost his loving wife. He was lost and didn’t know where to go, so he wrote the song, “Take My Hand Precious Lord Lead Me On.” I love that song, and now I am singing it for my own prayer.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, November 3, 2016

"Dead But Alive"

Glorious sun hovering over scattered clouds today. Tells me somrthing good is about to happen. 11-3-2016 Perryton, Texas.

November the 3rd one day after the Cubs made history in 2016. I am glad they won, but a little sad the Indians didn’t win. The Cleveland Indian’s baseball team was Perryton, Texas favorite major league team for several years while Perryton’s first son, Mike Hargrove,  coached them. Mike did good while he was with the Cleveland Indians. Perryton, Texas has a Mike Hargrove sign at both entrances’ into the town. They also have a baseball field called Mike Hargrove Field. Mike made us all proud. He is just one of several hometown personalities who have made Perryton, Texas proud. We do enjoy living in this town known as “Perryton Pride.”

I made a quick walk through the dying back yard and saw this gorgeous bright sun hovering over many small white clouds. It was so interesting to look at. When there is nothing pretty on the ground to look at just lift your head and look up. There is nearly always something of interest above the ground. I was reminded of the space station I heard about last night on the news. The astronauts up there are being sent a ballet to vote for their choice for president. With just five days left it sounds mighty speedy to me. It also sounds like fiction, but we know that it is all very true. What are we turning into? How long will we be studying trying to keep our active minds acting properly? It seems like when I have finally got something learned in this modern time, it all gets changed and I have to start all over. One thing I know that won’t change I will never get on a missile to go to outer space. I have heard that in the near future it will be available for anyone to do just that. I want to help Donald Trump to make America Great again and stay with her. I do read my bible a lot, but to my knowledge I cannot find anything about people becoming so wise that they can be shot to the moon. Yet we know it has happened. Am I missing something in the bible? I probably need to enter a school of ancient bible history, except I don’t think I would pass an entrance test. At least I do have something to think about each day that I continue to live.

I am happy to be attending a Women’s Conference this Saturday at the CWC here in Perryton. The speaker will be Sharon Sands. I have attended these meeting before and they are truly a blessing. This is something the Community Worship Center has each year with a different speaker each time. It always draws a big crowd of women,  and I enjoy it so much. Hope to see a lot of my friends there. A good meal is served at noon, and it is always special. Everyone is welcome, and a very friendly atmosphere can be felt in every crack and corner. Come shouting in, and share the blessings.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "World Series 2016"

Jean's Comment's: "World Series 2016": What a game coming up shortly!!  Seventh game for Indians and Cubs. World Series special. 11-2-2016 Perryton, Texas. I used to be an avi...

"World Series 2016"

What a game coming up shortly!!  Seventh game for Indians and Cubs. World Series special. 11-2-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I used to be an avid baseball fan for many years until several years ago the Majors decided to go on strike, and I haven’t watched them since. But somehow I happened to turn onto the fourth game in this years World Series between the Cleveland Indians and the Chicago Cubs. I was hearing the stats on both teams, and suddenly became interested. I had been thinking that Chicago had become a God-forsaken state after hearing about all the run-a-way crime and murders for the past few years. I wondered if this was the same Chicago that now was playing in the World Series. Then for several years one of our own home town boys coached the Cleveland Indians. Mike Hargrove I believe took the Indians to the World Series at least one time. He has been retired now for a few years, but I still have a special place for the Indians. So with all that being said I decided the Cubs needed to have my support more than the Indians since Mike Hargrove was no longer their coach. As I said my first game to watch this year in the World Series was number four. The Indians had won the first three games, and now the Cubs was ahead in the fourth game 3 to 1. Suddenly this game got exciting. But then when the Indians made another score, I lost interest and went to bed. To my surprise the next morning I learned the Cubs had won the game. Now the score was 3 to 2. Another game would have to be played. I forgot to watch it the next night, but learned the next morning the Cubs had won again.  Now the score was 3 to 3. I was buried in disbelief. Tonight the seventh game will be played then the World Series will be history for 2016. I don’t plan to watch it, because I cannot take the emotional stress like I used to. You see I want both teams to win. What a bummer am I. When you’re not really rooting for one team to win it just don’t seem as exciting, yet I do want to know who won the World Series for 2016. I think if I was not so mired up in the political news I would watch the play-offs  tonight. The presidential winner is far more important and takes priority over all else. I will be analyzing the winner of the game tonight with the greatest of my brain power. I’m sure no one will ask me for my results, so I will keep it all to myself. All things happen for a reason, and I try hard to find the reason. This is the part of me that keeps me alive and happy. When I go to bed at night and can’t sleep I have loads of homework to work on.  It’s nice not to remember when you quit working and went to sleep. Enjoy the game or yell your head off at the corruption of politics. Which ever you choose.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp