Saturday, January 30, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "My Happy Birthday And Song Of Redemption"

Jean's Comment's: "My Happy Birthday And Song Of Redemption": A gorgeous floral arrangement from my son and family for my birthday. So sweet of them to think of me. 1-30-2016 Perryton, Texas. Then t...

"My Happy Birthday And Song Of Redemption"

A gorgeous floral arrangement from my son and family for my birthday. So sweet of them to think of me. 1-30-2016 Perryton, Texas.
Then the sun was about to go down as you can see through my dinning-room windows. 1-30-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Today was one of my happiest birthdays ever. I received calls starting this morning, then had flowers delivered to my door, and several cards put in my mailbox. My son, Rick, took me out for a steak dinner, and that made my day complete. So thankful for all the love shown to me this birthday. I thank everyone who helped make my day a happy one.

After Rick took my picture with my beautiful flowers I glanced out the dinning room window and saw this bright sun just about to go down under the house tops. I took some pictures of it through my lace drapes. Sometimes many things at once can be overwhelmingly wonderful. I believe my Lord was trying to say, “Happy Birthday” to me also. Eighty three years ago I joined my mom and dad’s family of one other child, making them very happy. Eventually they were blessed with the seventh child. Four girls and three boys. My three brothers have joined my mom and dad in heaven, and we four girls are awaiting for our call. This life has been good to me, but there comes a time when things begin to get rough. The old body was just made to live for a few years, then a new body will be replacing it in another world. My bible tells me we have never know joy such as we will have in the new life. That is something to look forward to.

Some of us are about to lose our wheel of time. Mine seems to be breaking loose from it’s axle. I don’t know how many more bumps it can take before completely jarring loose, but I am good to the last bump. When God is through with me He will take me home. He told me that at the beginning of this journey many years ago. I have to keep traveling through all the pain and embarrassment that is cast upon me. The more I suffer the more I appreciate my parents, and grand parents who lived and suffered long before I was born. I also feel some of the pain of my Savior while He was struggling to get through His bout of suffering unjustly, and without shame from the ones who put the death sentence upon Him. At least He is my example making it easier to endure my own pain and suffering. I can never repay my debt of love to my Jesus. While I rumble through the rest of my life I ask God to forgive me daily of my sins and failures. Nothing but the blood of Jesus can cleanse and set us free. No matter how much you may slander me or try to rob my victory, you can never be successful. You are not fighting against flesh and blood, but against principalities of darkness and evil doers. The Spirit that dwells within us is our shield and guard.  Let us labor, and faint not, for if we are faithful to the end we shall reap a blessed reward.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "The Time Has Come For All Warriors To Check In"

Jean's Comment's: "The Time Has Come For All Warriors To Check In": Donald Trump portrait by Myrtle Jean Sharp. My camera didn't do him justice. Looks better off the camera 1-23-2016 Perryton, Texas. ...

"The Time Has Come For All Warriors To Check In"

Donald Trump portrait by Myrtle Jean Sharp. My camera didn't do him justice. Looks better off the camera 1-23-2016 Perryton, Texas.
Melania Trump portrait by Myrtle Jean Sharp. Wife of Donald Trump. 1-23-2016 Perryton, Texas.

After much consideration with these two famous people with slightly different personalities, who happens to be man and wife, I have chosen them to be my next President and First lady. I have laid aside fancy speech-type personalities who have someone else write their speech then read it off a teleprompter. No matter how well the speech may sound it is just that, a speech without merit or intent to be executed. I believe I am only one of millions who have made the choice to abundant the so-called good speaker, and get serious with laying-the-law down to our enemies. Our enemies are anyone who refuses to follow our constitution, and who hands over the American powerful strength that has long been bought by blood and dedication. Lets shoot them to the moon and forget about them. A nice change to the First Lady would be to admire, and respect the womanly body God gave to be the helpmate of man. I believe we have both of these qualities in Donald J. Trump, and wife Melania. The children of this family should speak wonders. The Trump bashers have been looking around the clock for months now trying to find even the slightest bit of dirt to place on Donald’s children. Did this happen because a no-good dad raised them? Of course the mother of the children had a major role in forming the lives of these well educated, and wise minded children, but the father followed the role of bringing up a child in the way they should go. I am not saying that every good father and mother raised perfect children, but to pass over the excellence of the high profile parents of the Trump children to be taken for granted is simply worse than hogwash.

I am sorry to say, but nice has somehow turned into lice on the good ole GOP congressmen and women’s  heads. They have scratched the skin off their scalps, and are now wondering who the culprit was. Their supports are no longer going to be patient with them. They have totally been robbed of their respect and dignity by a dictator of another religious belief. Only a fool cannot see that. It’s time to face the giant that has appeared in a real manner as that to be killed with no more than five shots. Donald Trump plans to do that if he can first get the giant’s sympathizers removed. I am helping in any way I can. I may have changed my nice attitude a bit, but when it comes to life or death, I’m a killer, not a whimper. I do not sympathize with whimpers, now or ever. Either get on board or go to the pit.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, January 22, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Jets Headed North Beware"

Jean's Comment's: "Jets Headed North Beware":                  Jets making an interesting view under the sun this morning. 1-22-2016 Perryton Texas. There was lots of activity in the...

"Jets Headed North Beware"

                 Jets making an interesting view under the sun this morning. 1-22-2016 Perryton Texas.

There was lots of activity in the sky this morning. Jet streaks were going every which way. The sun was so bright I had to shut my eyes while I snapped a picture. Rainbow colors were framing the large sun. I was eager to turn on the T V and see If anything was happening in our part of the world. No, it all seemed to be happening somewhere else. After a few hours of watching the news I was glad to be living in the south western part of the U.S. The reporter was telling about thousands of flights being cancelled, and thousands more be delayed because of terrible snow storms in the northern part of the states. I wore just a light sweater when I went to eat lunch at the Citizens Center and buy groceries later. I would have washed my car if I hadn’t gotten too tired before I finished the other chores. I hope it stays nice for a long time, however one never knows when a blizzard will hit here. At least I have my pantry and freezer stocked. Rick and I both bought a big list of food stuff.

I didn’t have a lot to say when I started this blog, but I did want to post the picture that grabbed my attention this morning. I have had a big day and am very tired. If everything goes as planned I will be writing a more opinionated blog tomorrow. Now I must go and watch the latest news on the battle between over self-rated review staffers, and the heavy-weight champion, Donald Trump. I do wish those National Review jokers could make the fight a little more interesting. If they would pull off their blind folds they might be able to throw more straightly. I love to see people beaten on their own playing field. Its sad, but they themselves thought they were bigger than Donald Trump so now they are paying for it. I wonder how many more can be foolish enough to try and stop this lighten rod?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

on, Texas.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "The Battle Is In Full Force"

Jean's Comment's: "The Battle Is In Full Force": The sun made it in and out of the clouds all day. It is noe nearing the west sinking side of the globe. 1-21-2016 Perryton, Texas. Today...

"The Battle Is In Full Force"

The sun made it in and out of the clouds all day. It is noe nearing the west sinking side of the globe. 1-21-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Today was much nicer than yesterday. The sun wove its-self in and out of the clouds all day. At this time, 5:00 p.m. The temperature is nice with the sun shinning brightly. What a thrill to me as I was getting very tired of cold, windy days. It takes a nice day once and awhile to pull us out of the mulligrubs. I needed to go grocery shopping today, but put it on hold for another day. I put several things on hold today that I didn’t need to go out in the cold to do. I just can’t seem to get my interest back in my normal duties since I have been tied up with my son’s illness so long. Now that he is much better and able to do things for himself I just want to relax and watch t v. A work mood will strike me soon I’m sure. I have watched a lot of news on the computer, and took the time to send several comments. To me its very important to speak up when I think evil endeavors are being thrown every direction. I will be a player in the game to stop it. Everyone needs to become a player because this game is probably the last big one ever to be played before Jesus returns for His own. I always liked to receive a trophy, and I would love to be on the team who won the game against evil. I believe this trophy will be a crown with shinning stars.

I do know that something is going on in this world that is like never before. I will agree that in prehistoric times, ( as clues can be found in the bible,) the world was extremely evil, and even unbelievable, but it has been buried so far in the past that we Christians can’t even fathom it. Surely we can fight mightily to stop it from happening again. That is not to say by using guns or swords, but by lifting up Christ, the son of the Almighty God. Our faith with the right attitude should be sufficient to stop any evil that would attack us and destroy our bodily symbol. I believe those who pray daily, whether it be morning, noon, or night, or all three, they will have their faith renewed and be ready to face another evil attack without losing. We must put legs to our prayers, but God help us never to be too lazy to do that. Those who dress in full armor with shields positioned, will be able to stand a lot of arrows. Let it be known now that those full armored servants are not weak-minded, and do not run when the enemy starts firing. They fire back without pity or mercy. Remember Little David when he faced the giant. The giant didn’t have to eat his boastful words about David, he died before he had that chance. How many David’s do we have around today? I hope enough to kill the biggest giant that has ever lived. The which is obvious if we will take notice. Make no exceptions.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "The Sun Rising Momentarily"

Jean's Comment's: "The Sun Rising Momentarily": Hallelujah! What a savior who saved me and gave me hope of a beautiful life just ahead. 1-20-2016 Perryton, Texas. I was so excited this...

"The Sun Rising Momentarily"

Hallelujah! What a savior who saved me and gave me hope of a beautiful life just ahead. 1-20-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I was so excited this morning after hearing the endorsement speech from Sarah Palin for Donald Trump last night. She is the cream on the cake for Donald. I can’t believe I probably missed the prediction I made several months ago about Trump-Cruz for president. I still have a hunch it might be that, but I seriously believe now it will be Trump-Palin. I am all for that ticket. I haven’t lost my faith in Sarah Palin, even with all the trash that’s been piled on her over her daughter. Bristol Palin is young, and like most other young girls she has made some mistakes. That hasn’t stopped her from pushing on through the disadvantages, and fighting for her mother, whom she knows raised her right. She shares her mother’s fighting spirit.

I had great admiration for Ted Cruz, but somehow the tide changed before the landing. Sarah Palin popped up last night showing again her great skills, and enthusiasm giving Donald another scratch to the head. I do not believe he will make the wrong choice. I just wouldn’t want to advise him on who to choose. I also believe Trump is wise enough to stop the GOP, (which I am a lifetime member,) from successfully pulling the dirty trick that would get him defeated. I am sorry to say the GOP establishment has tried many dirty tricks already, but have not been successful with any. That is not to say they won’t keep trying. I believe Donald Trump and Sarah Palin can bring back the honor, and dignity, of my great party. I was a bit dismayed when Trump called Cruz nasty, but I was able to strike that word since I do not believe Trump meant it from the heart. A lot of the Trump-Cruz bickering was for entertainment, as Trump is famous for. Cruz wasted no time slanging mud either. I still cannot say that Trump and Cruz will not be the President, and vice-President, after the storm is over. Donald Trump Is a professional game-changer. One should never try and second guess him. One has to decide he is right most of the time, and place their trust in him. The harder our enemies fight us, ‘America’, the harder Donald will fight back, and that’s not saying ISIS is our worse enemy to conquer. We have people in our own party who are proven losers, but still want to fight for their ignorant beliefs. America is gone as was the Greatest Country in the world. We have a chance to win it back if we change 95 percent of the ways we’ve been going. Most GOP leaders want to add more burden to our beloved country by giving more freedom to the already over-loaded, and over-staffed Christian haters, who are cutting our throats right and left. Let us all help Trump and Palin send them all back to their own country. If they can’t live by our laws, then let them go home and live by their own. That should also apply to all those who are helping destroy America by giving advantage to our enemies.

If anyone would like to respond to my opinion I welcome any and all comments. You can send email to

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Something More Interesting Than Words"

Jean's Comment's: "Something More Interesting Than Words": Myrtle Jean Sharp and friend, Jean Horner, at the Hampton Motel in Clinton, Oklahoma. 1-17-2016 Perryton, Texas. It was nice to be home ...

"Something More Interesting Than Words"

Myrtle Jean Sharp and friend, Jean Horner, at the Hampton Motel in Clinton, Oklahoma. 1-17-2016 Perryton, Texas.

It was nice to be home after spending the week-end with my good friend in Clinton, Oklahoma. We stayed in the nice Hampton Motel while there. Breakfast this morning was wonderful. The motel furnishes the finest food and drinks anyone could ask for. We spent some time enjoying playing the slots at the Lucky Star Casino. The weather was good, and  we had no problem with the one hundred and sixty mile trip there and back. It was a much needed time to get away and relax for awhile. After a good nights rest tonight I will be ready to hit the workload tomorrow. Its amazing how a few days away from home can lift ones spirit, and make them feel refreshed by just leaving all the daily news behind, and forgetting everything but having some fun. Of course I will be catching up tomorrow. I feel like my motor has been overhauled, and ready for many more miles. I give my Lord praise for this wonderful, renewed strength.

After breakfast this morning we drove to the place where both of us grew up near Weatherford, Oklahoma. Then we took a drive to the place where our family had reunions for years. I can’t explain the exciting feeling of recalling so many great times I had enjoyed over the many years I had lived around Weatherford and Colony. I still have many friends who chose never to leave the happy homeland. The communities in these locations have done nothing but improve over the years. Nothing looks outdated or vacant. So many of my loved ones, and many friends have moved to their eternal home, but they left their memories behind. I look forward to going back and doing the same things over again in the near future.

The best thing about this trip was that God was so close to me I could almost touch Him. It was like He was my unseen constant, companion. No human with all their love for me could ever do as much for me as my Lord did. Its hard to understand how He could care so much. What’s even harder to understand is how He can love everyone the same, and is just as close to all if only they will trust Him. I would like to tell you some of the unbelievable things He did for me on this trip, but it would take too long, and so many wouldn’t believe anyway. As long as He continues to prove Himself to me over and over, that’s all that matters. I know I don’t deserve these blessings, but He does wonderful things for me anyway. He has just recently brought my son back from death, but some will never be able to believe that, even though they see it. They would rather call it luck. I call it what it is, “the healing power of Jesus.”  “How Great God Is.” Glory! Glory! To His name.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Birds Of A Feather"

Jean's Comment's: "Birds Of A Feather": This is the time of the year for the Collard Eurasian Doves to come back to dominate my apple tree for several weeks. Usually just one pai...

"Birds Of A Feather"

This is the time of the year for the Collard Eurasian Doves to come back to dominate my apple tree for several weeks. Usually just one pair is allowed at one time. No other bird dares land in this tree as long as the Collard Doves are there. 1-14-2016 Perryton, Texas.
          Adam and Eve while and after being temped by the serpent. 1-14-2016 Perryton, Texas.

As you can see in the apple tree a pair of Collard Eurasian doves have come back to dominate my apple tree for several weeks. They do this every mid-winter season. I do watch birds quite a lot, and I have never see any other bird in my yard pair together, and sit for hours in one place like these birds do. Only one pair at a time is allowed in this tree, and no other kind of bird dares to land while the Collard Doves are there. I call this an unusual love affair. Nothing ever happens to change the position of these doves as long as other birds leave them alone. I admit I haven’t studied up on the Collard Eurasian doves, but I have been noticing them for the past few years when they come to occupy the apple tree. I have never seen one of them snap at the other. They must be good Christian birds. After all it was a dove that let Noah know when the land was drying up from the flood. No wonder these Collard Doves are so respected by all other birds. They know the originality of male and female, and the proper way to behave themselves. They did not sin like the human creation, and lose their respect from God. They can sit together in peace and dignity for long periods of time without accusing the other of wrong doing. I believe this is the perfect love God wanted all of us to have when He created Adam and Eve.

I live today without the partner God gave me. I am a single part of a pair, but I still have the desire to be one of a pair. The original plan God used for a man and a woman to become as one has not left me. It is the most sacred fashion God ever preformed. The design has never been matched, or even been close to the matrimony chosen by God to represent His perfect creation. The sickness that dwells within so many walking human images today is worse than an incurable cancer. At least the incurable cancer cannot be passed onto another by temptation, but not so of an evil mind that thrives to beckon others to join. As great as God is I feel sure He is losing some more of His original plan for his World to be the perfect place to live. I become almost too sick to recover after accidentally reading some of the stuff that humankind are partaking in. Accidentally? Yes, I often come across a word that I don’t know the meaning of. When I look it up on my computer, I am even more puzzled and search for more definitions. Before I realize it I am reading garbage that I would have thought impossible for a human, or even an animal to engage in. I ask myself, “can this really be part of the sin that God calls the unforgivable?” If so, God may have to make a bigger lake of fire to handle all the corruption. Then the devil asks me this question. Are you sure you are better than the persons you are describing? It makes me want to examine my life a little closer, because I am a sinner saved by grace.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "A Brush A Palette And An Idea"

Jean's Comment's: "A Brush A Palette And An Idea": Donald Trump and his wife, Melania, are clearly showing in this picture above my couch. To see it better you can double click. 1-12-2016 P...

"A Brush A Palette And An Idea"

Donald Trump and his wife, Melania, are clearly showing in this picture above my couch. To see it better you can double click. 1-12-2016 Perryton, Texas
This is a better picture of the Trumps.  Hopefully our next president and first lady. 1-12-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                           More paintings on the entrance wall. 1-12-2016 Perryton, Texas

I have put in a full morning hanging my paintings back up after bringing them home from the Senior Citizens Center where they have been on display for over three months. My house feels more occupied now since I have my special friends, and loved ones sharing it with me. A home without a purpose is not much fun. My purpose is to keep precious memories close to me, and proudly display people whom I admire very much. Also places that have been interesting to me in the past. One of my favorites is Adam and Eve. I will be posting it soon. This painting is strictly an idea I had after reading the bible stories of the beginning of time. I have several of such biblical ideas that I have put on canvas. I am thankful for all the nice comments I received while having my paintings on display. It helps inspire me to keep up the never-ending work of the artist. If my body would hold out I cold paint twenty-four hours a day. Once I quit its hard to find time to get back to it with all the other things I’m involved in now. And the mind has to start all over again since so many other things have occupied the space while being away from the easel. Sometimes the change of mind is good, but sometimes a precious thought has escaped the original process. I have had art instructors tell me never try to change a portrait for example, after a lot of time has escaped since you worked with it. I am understanding that theory better now, since at first I was not pleased with my mother and dad’s portrait. I knew I wasn’t finished with it, when for some reason I had to store it away for several years. When I recovered it from storage, I almost forgot what I was going to do to change the appearance of my parents. An art teacher looked at it and said, “don’t even touch it.” She had never seen my parents, but she saw what I had made them to look like, and it seemed like real  personalities to her. She was seeing the real people who my parents were, even though I wanted to show a more sophisticated person than what I had stopped with. Now when I look at their portrait I am so happy that I never did more to it than the original test. I see in them a happy couple with not even a speck of covetous. That is who they were. Desirous to be nicely dressed, but never to the extent of unworthy attention.

So I have again told my story about my love of painting with oil mediums. Like most everything else in my live it has been a self satisfying pleasure instead of a noted one. I will wait for any award that may be due me. Until then I plan to keep on having fun with the brush and paint.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, January 11, 2016

"I Love You God For Loving Me" ..

Jean's Comment's: Bierox for lunch today was good. Over eating was b...: Bierox for lunch today was good. Over eating was bad. Love this German food. 1-11-2016 Perryton, Texas. One dozen bierox, and a breaking...

"I Love You God For Loving Me"

Bierox for lunch today was good. Over eating was bad. Love this German food. 1-11-2016 Perryton, Texas.
One dozen bierox, and a breaking back is what I have talking to me now. It was worth it, because these things are so good.  1-11-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I made a good start today with things I had on my list to do. I unloaded all the paintings from my car, and used about an hour to decide where and how I was going to hang them all. Since that is going to be a hard job for me, I decided to wait till tomorrow, and made bierox instead. Rick was happy about that because he loves bierox. I am anxious to get the paintings hung because I think I have discovered the perfect way to arrange them. I will have several portraits hanging in my living room, but all will be those of special people to me, including myself. The painter trumps them all. A little clue, Donald Trump, and his wife Melania, will be hanging side by side. Melania is a beautiful, classy lady. I was honored to have had 16 paintings hanging at the Citizen’s Center for nearly four months. I have future displays offered to me, but I want to keep them at home for awhile. It is too much trouble to load and unload all those heavy paintings. The smallest one is 16”x 20” excluding the frames. I have some extra large ones waiting for me to start on them. I couldn’t be more excited.

I have said good-bye for my last time to 2015. I still need to work on going forward this new year, but I know it will be much better than the last. I am trying hard to let go of so many hurtful things I had to face this past year. I was almost flooded with unjust sentencing from some of the most loved and respected people in my life. I am still dealing with the shock, but I am sure It was my time, as was all the other followers of Christ, to suffer for His sake. The wounds will heal, but the scares will always be noticeable. I beg, in the name of Jesus, that I never hurt people like I have been hurt. That is not to say that I refuse to turn away from upholding the name of Jesus, and not speak in His behalf, but for the sake of my Lord, I do want to always have a loving and helpful heart. “Not my will, but thine be done.” “Let my judgment be fair, dear Lord, and only to defend your cause.” “Let me not be the one to use a whip on someone just because they wouldn’t agree with me.” I beg you Lord, to let me love them in spite of their hate shown to me.” “Let me not place myself in the path of those who will attack me again if I do not listen to their law.” “You gave us all wisdom, and let me especially sort through all matter of opinions to chose the way You would have chosen.” At last, I ask you for protection from all disoriented persons whoever they may be. I trust You for all things, and I praise you in Jesus name.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Icicles Are Not My Cicles"

Jean's Comment's: "Icicles Are Not My Cicles": does it look cold around my house today? It really is. Icicles hanging everywhere. 1-10-2016 Perryton, Texas. The icicle rose bush don&...

"Icicles Are Not My Cicles"

does it look cold around my house today? It really is. Icicles hanging everywhere. 1-10-2016 Perryton, Texas.
The icicle rose bush don't show up much in this picture, but it is under the double windows. They aren't melting very fast. 1-10-2016 Perryton, Texas.

This Sunday is another cold day here in Perryton, Texas. It looks like we will have icicles for several days yet. I have what some people call, “cabin fever.” I would like to get out and go somewhere, but no chance as of now. Patience is what I need more of. I have been cooking too much, and am planning to make Bierox later on this afternoon. I am feeling the extra pounds already. Cooking is what I do when I get bored. I vacuumed my house this morning, and carried several bags of trash to the dumpster, wearing my snow boots, so now I am ready to cook again. The best thing I can say about being shut-in is having nice friends to talk to on the telephone. I do plenty of that, and enjoy it a lot. I also read a lot of news on my computer which helps me to make up my prayer list before going to bed. I am so thankful that I can be as informed about things happening all around the world. I can connect so mush of it to my bible studies, and know that it isn’t just a coincidence when something big has made the news that day. I won’t fail to take the advantage of every modern technology available to me, and count it as one of God’s greatest blessings. Those whom claim ignorance for not knowing what’s going on today around the world, is to be shamed, and even pitied for such ignorance. Maybe they have a place in God’s workforce, but I can’t think of what it would be called. I suppose avoiding the suicide temptation is a great effort for many. That must be the hardest thing anyone has to deal with in life. I would have to say that in cases such as these ignorance of worldly problems could be accepted. I hope I never fall into a trap such as that makes a person want to remove themselves from this life. I say a trap, because most people would not willingly walk into a life of depression. It takes a long time of fighting form gloom and despair before one can finally end their life. How can we help someone to free themselves from such agony and despair?  First we must recognize the individual who is coping with the illness. Secondly, we must take them secretly before the throne of God, and plead for mercy to them. We can monitor the  actions in a way that is never known to the ill person. The individual who seeks praise for their part in helping someone get through depression is likely to fall into a deeper pit than the healed one. Most of the time when Jesus healed someone He said to them, “go and tell no one.” Its better to wait for a reward than to have it now. If any have icicles in their heart, I say heat it up quickly, because the human soul is not for forming ice. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "If Your Smile Is Broken Fix It"

Jean's Comment's: "If Your Smile Is Broken Fix It": This is the sun shinning down bright on 6" of snow in my backyard. 1-9-2016 1:30 p.m. Perryton, Texas. Picture taken at the same ti...

"If Your Smile Is Broken Fix It"

This is the sun shinning down bright on 6" of snow in my backyard. 1-9-2016 1:30 p.m. Perryton, Texas.
Picture taken at the same time as one above. A deep blanket of snow. 1-9-2016 Perryton, Texas.

What a beautiful blanket of snow covering the earth around Perryton, Texas today. It is too cold to melt even though the sun is shinning bright. The moisture from these last two snows are making the wheat farmers very happy around here. The earth is blessed by His goodness. I do long for spring, but glad that the snow has brought hope for a pretty lawn and flowers. I just need to take some, “settle down” pills, and start doing things inside that need to be done. I have a difficult time during the month of January. Although it is my birth month, it’s also the month I lost my husband three years ago. Them my special brother’s birthday is the 19th of January the day my husband died, and six months later on the 4th of July I lost that special brother. January, you are a bad month for me although I know you didn’t plan it that way. I will mourn in your thirty one days, and hope to regain some laughter in your neighboring month. However, February the 2 nd is my wedding anniversary, the 3 rd I gave birth to a 9lb., healthy baby boy, and on the sixth he unexpectedly died without anyone knowing the cause. Doctor’s were puzzled about his sudden death, since the baby and I were being dismissed that morning to come home.  . It may take me till March to get my full joy and laughter back. Whatever the case I am strong enough to bear my cross with Jesus’ help. His grace is sufficient for all things.

Yes, from time to time we have to sit down and evaluate our lives. Just what has been going on with us all these years. Have we really endured all the terrible things that we talk about and still have a joy in our heart, and a laughter on our lips. How could that be possible? The reason is Jesus. He said in the beginning of my journey with Him that He would not put more on us than we were able to bear. Compared by some people I know my troubles have been mild. I might want to think my troubles have been the worst, but I know that is not the truth. There is no place in God’s world to feel sorry for ourselves. “Those who are lukewarm, He will spew them out of his mouth.” Revelations 3:16. That tells me we must be on fire for God all the time. On fire, but not burning up. We must keep our lives at a certain temperature at all times. Out thermostats must be checked daily. I don’t want to have grown cold when the Lord calls for me. God bless our true brothers and sisters who are always set at the right temperature when someone needs to be warmed a bit. Sharing is a joy to both the giver and the receiver. However, this is no excuse for someone to not be fully responsible for keeping their heaters going at all times. Keep on moving, the journey is not over yet.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, January 8, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Snow Day Shut In"

Jean's Comment's: "Snow Day Shut In": Another snow this morning in Perryton, Texas. It kept me from meeting my sisters in Clinton, Oklahoma. We put it off for two weeks, and ho...

"Snow Day Shut In"

Another snow this morning in Perryton, Texas. It kept me from meeting my sisters in Clinton, Oklahoma. We put it off for two weeks, and hopefully the weather will be good. 1-8-2016 Perryton, Texas.

It the temperature drops to freezing my back yard would make a good place to ice skate. Fun, fun. 1-8-2015 Perryton, Texas.

After checking the weather status yesterday, it was suppose to be cold, but no snow or freezing. My two sisters from Oklahoma City, and me were going to meet in Clinton, Oklahoma today, and spend a couple of nights together. We had a big surprise when we woke up this morning. Snow was blowing in great sheets, and the ground was covered quickly. Our trip had to be canceled. We are now planning another trip two weeks from now. I was disappointed because I needed this trip badly. My daily life has been very tiresome for quite some time now. Rick has improved so much till he was the one who suggested that I get away for awhile. Being my son, and knowing how hard it has been on me to help him through his rough time he wanted me to go and spend some time with my sisters. We are so thankful that he is gaining strength every day. He put on five pounds in three days after he finally got to where he could eat. He went from 165 pounds to 120 pounds in three months. He is now 130. I didn’t lose any weight, but I lost some fun time. I plan to make it up right away. My birthday is in three weeks, and I am going to demand some fun time. Between now and then I have a lot of putting things back together. I had bags and bags of hospital stuff, and several luggage bags to unload and put things up. I spent several weeks in motel rooms while Rick was admitted to hospitals. I also have taken my art display down at the Citizen’s Center. I now have to re hang some in my home, and store some away. I also have to return a few things that I had borrowed. It’s a chore any way you look at it.

After I get my income tax figured, and pay my property tax, I think I can relax a bit. January is always a busy month for me. I sometimes wonder if there is not a busy month the whole year long. I do have a struggle with depression while losing so many dear friends and loved ones. Its very hard not to think about them a lot. When you’ve lived in one town for over fifty years you become friends to many people. So many have made my fifty plus years so enjoyable, now they have left me to fight it out alone. All I have left is memories, but believe me that is a wonderful feeling to keep me occupied. There is one who has never left me, nor will He ever. That is how I manage to keep smiling even in times of sorrow, and pain. The constant  presence of my Lord keeps me singing the victory even though I don’t understand why. “Sticks and stones may brake my bones, but words can never hurt me.” However, I can’t say they won’t hurt those who throw them.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "No Crawfish For Me"

Jean's Comment's: "No Crawfish For Me": The screen wire on my patio makes an interesting see-through while taking this picture of the sinking sun. Its been cold today, but not wi...

"No Crawfish For Me"

The screen wire on my patio makes an interesting see-through while taking this picture of the sinking sun. Its been cold today, but not without sun. 1-6-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I only opened my back door to take this picture. The screened in patio lets me take a picture without walking out in the yard. The sun has shone brightly all day, but it has been terribly cold. These winter days make me unhappy when its too cold to stand out over a minute. I had to go out this morning and pay bills and get gas. I almost froze putting $20.00 worth of gas in my tank. I am anxiously waiting for warmer days. I did stop by the Citizens Center and eat lunch with friends. I had missed for about two months due to the illness of my son, Rick. A nice crowd was there, and it felt so good to be back. I came home tired and rested for a couple of hours. I did get a lot of business taken care of before lunch.

The new year has started off nicely. Rick is getting around much better, eating a lot more, and he went on his first grocery shopping trip yesterday since he has been sick going on three months. He rode the electric cart, and spent nearly two hours shopping. I waited on him, but I did not follow him around. I could tell he was having fun, so I lost myself and let him go. He certainly needed to have a little change of atmosphere. I saw his grocery list when I was putting up the things he had bought. I wasn’t surprised to see a total of $161.00 after all the sacks I carried in from the car. He had bought things like most 10 year olds would buy. Things that I had never bought before. Even a package of fresh crawfish, and I nearly screamed when I saw them. I am going to demand he cook them tonight. I don’t want them in my freezer. When Rick rode the cart to the car for the grocery sacker to put in the bags, he excitedly hooted. “ I haven’t had so much fun in a long time.” I thank God for the great change in Rick’s life just the past few days.

Who knows what tomorrow might bring? I don’t even try to predict it. I will take my life one day at a time, and be glad for every one of them. I am determined to let go and let God have his way. His way is always the best, and I have never been disappointed by him yet. Maybe shocked, but not sorry for what God chose to do, even though it did hurt for awhile. I trust Him with all my might. I have been following him for many years. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I cannot say He always picks me up when I fall, because He always catches me before I fall. Physically I have fallen, but spiritually I have not. I do get weak sometimes, but strength is always within arms reach. May God bless each and everyone of you,

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Good Morning Beautiful"

Jean's Comment's: "Good Morning Beautiful":                       Good morning beautiful!!! You light up my life. 1-3-2016 Perryton, Texas.  Ladonna Gatlin. The angel God sent to t...

"Good Morning Beautiful"

                      Good morning beautiful!!! You light up my life. 1-3-2016 Perryton, Texas.
 Ladonna Gatlin. The angel God sent to touch and change my life. I am the surprised one on the left.
1-3-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I woke up this morning feeling fine. I had heaven on my mind. Then as I sit drinking my coffee I noticed a light shinning through the crack of my drapes. I didn’t realize it was daylight, but I went to the door. When I opened it I saw this beautiful colorful sky spreading its glow all across the entire heavens. I had to give a big sigh of excitement as I went for my camera. Nothing could ever be more beautiful then the rainbow colors in the early morning sky. Yes, it was going to be a lovely day. Just as I finished my first cup of coffee Rick came walking down the hall pushing his walker. I am no longer having to follow along beside him as he has gained enough strength to go all over the place without any fear of falling. Two weeks ago tomorrow the doctor told me there wasn’t anything else he could do for him. He told me to take him home, as if to say hospice is the next move for him. He could not raise up from off the bed. He could not stand up even with someone holding onto him. He hadn’t eaten a bit in several days. He was not in the hospital since the hospital had done all they could do and had released him to rehab. Rick had not responded to rehab, so now the next step was home to possible enter hospice care.

As weak as Rick was he knew he was at home when we finally got him into the house. He was like he had just gotten a shot of “Glory Halleluiah.” I have had many years of caring for sick and elderly people, so I put my best foot forward, and inch by inch we started seeing improvement. Without the grace of God I could not have done the hard physical lifting, and tugging that had to be done. Not to mention the certain amount of discipline that I also had to force myself to do with him. I would not accept no when I knew Rick could do better. He remembered when he was a child and he had to  mind his mother, so he began to show some respect to whom he was subjected to. I do believe that more than Rick wanted to live, he wanted more to please his mother. I think I can rightfully say that no one but a mother would ever have done the tiring, and keeping the perseverance that I managed to do. We never know why things like this happen to us, but I do know that it was for a divine purpose, and I am forever grateful that I got through it. I did not feel like it was God’s will to let professional health nurses come and help us, although the service was available to us. This case was more of a test, I believe, than a relief for my body. Two weeks ago Rick was taking in 0 calories per day. Now he is taking in 2,000 and extending every day. How I thank God for those many friends who have made the faith inside me to grow stronger with time. One such friend I have in mind is Ladonna Gatlin. She was a God given angel who touched me without any of my effort to touch her. A breathless happening that I can never doubt. God bless you Ladonna Gatlin.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "The Fight Continues"

Jean's Comment's: "The Fight Continues":  My new year happiness ended this morning. A night mare shattered my good spirit. I am a squirrel's worst friend. 1-2-2016 Perryton...

"The Fight Continues"

 My new year happiness ended this morning. A night mare shattered my good spirit. I am a squirrel's worst friend. 1-2-2016 Perryton, Texas.
          My good friend must get to work again on my unwanted pests. !-2- 2016 Perryton, Texas

On the second day of this new year, 2016, I became suddenly unhappy. I stepped outside early this morning to see this dreadful pest on a highline pole in my back alley. Rick had told me a few days ago that he had heard squirrels running across his bedroom ceiling. I had thought he must be mistaken, but after the sighting this morning I know now he was right. My good friend destroyed 7 or 8 squirrels this past summer. They used my attic for a home when not outside. It had become unbearable to the point my friend took pity on me and got rid of all that could been seen the rest of the summer. I felt so secure from any more squirrels, but somehow my neighbors showed their voracious creatures a better place to live, and they moved into my attic. Or possible the dirty little varmints thought they had a right to move into their grandparents house. At best I am terribly upset on the second day of the new year. I don’t expect this kind of animal kingdom invasion to continue. I forbid it once and for all. I can depend on my friend for that.

Rick just received his bill this morning from MED-TRANS. This is the helicopter that transported him from Perryton, Texas to Amarillo, Texas. The total miles was 208 and the total bill was $46,067.41. No I haven’t misprinted anything. That is all correct, however I am having trouble believing any company could rip an insurance company off like that. This should be put on Fox News by Bill O’Reilly. Rick was lucky enough to have a good insurance company, but who knows they may refuse to pay that much. Needless to say I am madder than heck at this kind of patient abuse by companies who will get every dime they can regardless of the padded price. It took the helicopter one hour and 15 minutes to get to the hospital. I could have driven Rick there in two hours, and he was not even that serious. What is going on with medical services robbing insurances companies? If Rick had not had insurance he would not have been sent to Amarillo on a helicopter. I wonder how much more disastrous our good old USA can get.  I am fighting for Donald Trump to be elected as our next president with all my heart, mind, soul, and power. I know he will do something to stop all this nonsense. Look out cheaters! Pay back is coming to you.

I am proud to say I have recovered my fighting spirit once again. I am one of the many thousands who have been fed up with evil leaders. We will win back our Christian Country and be blessed again. Join with the majority and fight for all you have. God is not dead, and He is waiting for your faith to kick in, and be partakers of His Great Almighty Power.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp