Sunday, January 10, 2016

"Icicles Are Not My Cicles"

does it look cold around my house today? It really is. Icicles hanging everywhere. 1-10-2016 Perryton, Texas.
The icicle rose bush don't show up much in this picture, but it is under the double windows. They aren't melting very fast. 1-10-2016 Perryton, Texas.

This Sunday is another cold day here in Perryton, Texas. It looks like we will have icicles for several days yet. I have what some people call, “cabin fever.” I would like to get out and go somewhere, but no chance as of now. Patience is what I need more of. I have been cooking too much, and am planning to make Bierox later on this afternoon. I am feeling the extra pounds already. Cooking is what I do when I get bored. I vacuumed my house this morning, and carried several bags of trash to the dumpster, wearing my snow boots, so now I am ready to cook again. The best thing I can say about being shut-in is having nice friends to talk to on the telephone. I do plenty of that, and enjoy it a lot. I also read a lot of news on my computer which helps me to make up my prayer list before going to bed. I am so thankful that I can be as informed about things happening all around the world. I can connect so mush of it to my bible studies, and know that it isn’t just a coincidence when something big has made the news that day. I won’t fail to take the advantage of every modern technology available to me, and count it as one of God’s greatest blessings. Those whom claim ignorance for not knowing what’s going on today around the world, is to be shamed, and even pitied for such ignorance. Maybe they have a place in God’s workforce, but I can’t think of what it would be called. I suppose avoiding the suicide temptation is a great effort for many. That must be the hardest thing anyone has to deal with in life. I would have to say that in cases such as these ignorance of worldly problems could be accepted. I hope I never fall into a trap such as that makes a person want to remove themselves from this life. I say a trap, because most people would not willingly walk into a life of depression. It takes a long time of fighting form gloom and despair before one can finally end their life. How can we help someone to free themselves from such agony and despair?  First we must recognize the individual who is coping with the illness. Secondly, we must take them secretly before the throne of God, and plead for mercy to them. We can monitor the  actions in a way that is never known to the ill person. The individual who seeks praise for their part in helping someone get through depression is likely to fall into a deeper pit than the healed one. Most of the time when Jesus healed someone He said to them, “go and tell no one.” Its better to wait for a reward than to have it now. If any have icicles in their heart, I say heat it up quickly, because the human soul is not for forming ice. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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