Wednesday, January 6, 2016

"No Crawfish For Me"

The screen wire on my patio makes an interesting see-through while taking this picture of the sinking sun. Its been cold today, but not without sun. 1-6-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I only opened my back door to take this picture. The screened in patio lets me take a picture without walking out in the yard. The sun has shone brightly all day, but it has been terribly cold. These winter days make me unhappy when its too cold to stand out over a minute. I had to go out this morning and pay bills and get gas. I almost froze putting $20.00 worth of gas in my tank. I am anxiously waiting for warmer days. I did stop by the Citizens Center and eat lunch with friends. I had missed for about two months due to the illness of my son, Rick. A nice crowd was there, and it felt so good to be back. I came home tired and rested for a couple of hours. I did get a lot of business taken care of before lunch.

The new year has started off nicely. Rick is getting around much better, eating a lot more, and he went on his first grocery shopping trip yesterday since he has been sick going on three months. He rode the electric cart, and spent nearly two hours shopping. I waited on him, but I did not follow him around. I could tell he was having fun, so I lost myself and let him go. He certainly needed to have a little change of atmosphere. I saw his grocery list when I was putting up the things he had bought. I wasn’t surprised to see a total of $161.00 after all the sacks I carried in from the car. He had bought things like most 10 year olds would buy. Things that I had never bought before. Even a package of fresh crawfish, and I nearly screamed when I saw them. I am going to demand he cook them tonight. I don’t want them in my freezer. When Rick rode the cart to the car for the grocery sacker to put in the bags, he excitedly hooted. “ I haven’t had so much fun in a long time.” I thank God for the great change in Rick’s life just the past few days.

Who knows what tomorrow might bring? I don’t even try to predict it. I will take my life one day at a time, and be glad for every one of them. I am determined to let go and let God have his way. His way is always the best, and I have never been disappointed by him yet. Maybe shocked, but not sorry for what God chose to do, even though it did hurt for awhile. I trust Him with all my might. I have been following him for many years. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I cannot say He always picks me up when I fall, because He always catches me before I fall. Physically I have fallen, but spiritually I have not. I do get weak sometimes, but strength is always within arms reach. May God bless each and everyone of you,

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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