Wednesday, January 20, 2016

"The Sun Rising Momentarily"

Hallelujah! What a savior who saved me and gave me hope of a beautiful life just ahead. 1-20-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I was so excited this morning after hearing the endorsement speech from Sarah Palin for Donald Trump last night. She is the cream on the cake for Donald. I can’t believe I probably missed the prediction I made several months ago about Trump-Cruz for president. I still have a hunch it might be that, but I seriously believe now it will be Trump-Palin. I am all for that ticket. I haven’t lost my faith in Sarah Palin, even with all the trash that’s been piled on her over her daughter. Bristol Palin is young, and like most other young girls she has made some mistakes. That hasn’t stopped her from pushing on through the disadvantages, and fighting for her mother, whom she knows raised her right. She shares her mother’s fighting spirit.

I had great admiration for Ted Cruz, but somehow the tide changed before the landing. Sarah Palin popped up last night showing again her great skills, and enthusiasm giving Donald another scratch to the head. I do not believe he will make the wrong choice. I just wouldn’t want to advise him on who to choose. I also believe Trump is wise enough to stop the GOP, (which I am a lifetime member,) from successfully pulling the dirty trick that would get him defeated. I am sorry to say the GOP establishment has tried many dirty tricks already, but have not been successful with any. That is not to say they won’t keep trying. I believe Donald Trump and Sarah Palin can bring back the honor, and dignity, of my great party. I was a bit dismayed when Trump called Cruz nasty, but I was able to strike that word since I do not believe Trump meant it from the heart. A lot of the Trump-Cruz bickering was for entertainment, as Trump is famous for. Cruz wasted no time slanging mud either. I still cannot say that Trump and Cruz will not be the President, and vice-President, after the storm is over. Donald Trump Is a professional game-changer. One should never try and second guess him. One has to decide he is right most of the time, and place their trust in him. The harder our enemies fight us, ‘America’, the harder Donald will fight back, and that’s not saying ISIS is our worse enemy to conquer. We have people in our own party who are proven losers, but still want to fight for their ignorant beliefs. America is gone as was the Greatest Country in the world. We have a chance to win it back if we change 95 percent of the ways we’ve been going. Most GOP leaders want to add more burden to our beloved country by giving more freedom to the already over-loaded, and over-staffed Christian haters, who are cutting our throats right and left. Let us all help Trump and Palin send them all back to their own country. If they can’t live by our laws, then let them go home and live by their own. That should also apply to all those who are helping destroy America by giving advantage to our enemies.

If anyone would like to respond to my opinion I welcome any and all comments. You can send email to

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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