Tuesday, January 12, 2016

"A Brush A Palette And An Idea"

Donald Trump and his wife, Melania, are clearly showing in this picture above my couch. To see it better you can double click. 1-12-2016 Perryton, Texas
This is a better picture of the Trumps.  Hopefully our next president and first lady. 1-12-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                           More paintings on the entrance wall. 1-12-2016 Perryton, Texas

I have put in a full morning hanging my paintings back up after bringing them home from the Senior Citizens Center where they have been on display for over three months. My house feels more occupied now since I have my special friends, and loved ones sharing it with me. A home without a purpose is not much fun. My purpose is to keep precious memories close to me, and proudly display people whom I admire very much. Also places that have been interesting to me in the past. One of my favorites is Adam and Eve. I will be posting it soon. This painting is strictly an idea I had after reading the bible stories of the beginning of time. I have several of such biblical ideas that I have put on canvas. I am thankful for all the nice comments I received while having my paintings on display. It helps inspire me to keep up the never-ending work of the artist. If my body would hold out I cold paint twenty-four hours a day. Once I quit its hard to find time to get back to it with all the other things I’m involved in now. And the mind has to start all over again since so many other things have occupied the space while being away from the easel. Sometimes the change of mind is good, but sometimes a precious thought has escaped the original process. I have had art instructors tell me never try to change a portrait for example, after a lot of time has escaped since you worked with it. I am understanding that theory better now, since at first I was not pleased with my mother and dad’s portrait. I knew I wasn’t finished with it, when for some reason I had to store it away for several years. When I recovered it from storage, I almost forgot what I was going to do to change the appearance of my parents. An art teacher looked at it and said, “don’t even touch it.” She had never seen my parents, but she saw what I had made them to look like, and it seemed like real  personalities to her. She was seeing the real people who my parents were, even though I wanted to show a more sophisticated person than what I had stopped with. Now when I look at their portrait I am so happy that I never did more to it than the original test. I see in them a happy couple with not even a speck of covetous. That is who they were. Desirous to be nicely dressed, but never to the extent of unworthy attention.

So I have again told my story about my love of painting with oil mediums. Like most everything else in my live it has been a self satisfying pleasure instead of a noted one. I will wait for any award that may be due me. Until then I plan to keep on having fun with the brush and paint.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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