Friday, January 8, 2016

"Snow Day Shut In"

Another snow this morning in Perryton, Texas. It kept me from meeting my sisters in Clinton, Oklahoma. We put it off for two weeks, and hopefully the weather will be good. 1-8-2016 Perryton, Texas.

It the temperature drops to freezing my back yard would make a good place to ice skate. Fun, fun. 1-8-2015 Perryton, Texas.

After checking the weather status yesterday, it was suppose to be cold, but no snow or freezing. My two sisters from Oklahoma City, and me were going to meet in Clinton, Oklahoma today, and spend a couple of nights together. We had a big surprise when we woke up this morning. Snow was blowing in great sheets, and the ground was covered quickly. Our trip had to be canceled. We are now planning another trip two weeks from now. I was disappointed because I needed this trip badly. My daily life has been very tiresome for quite some time now. Rick has improved so much till he was the one who suggested that I get away for awhile. Being my son, and knowing how hard it has been on me to help him through his rough time he wanted me to go and spend some time with my sisters. We are so thankful that he is gaining strength every day. He put on five pounds in three days after he finally got to where he could eat. He went from 165 pounds to 120 pounds in three months. He is now 130. I didn’t lose any weight, but I lost some fun time. I plan to make it up right away. My birthday is in three weeks, and I am going to demand some fun time. Between now and then I have a lot of putting things back together. I had bags and bags of hospital stuff, and several luggage bags to unload and put things up. I spent several weeks in motel rooms while Rick was admitted to hospitals. I also have taken my art display down at the Citizen’s Center. I now have to re hang some in my home, and store some away. I also have to return a few things that I had borrowed. It’s a chore any way you look at it.

After I get my income tax figured, and pay my property tax, I think I can relax a bit. January is always a busy month for me. I sometimes wonder if there is not a busy month the whole year long. I do have a struggle with depression while losing so many dear friends and loved ones. Its very hard not to think about them a lot. When you’ve lived in one town for over fifty years you become friends to many people. So many have made my fifty plus years so enjoyable, now they have left me to fight it out alone. All I have left is memories, but believe me that is a wonderful feeling to keep me occupied. There is one who has never left me, nor will He ever. That is how I manage to keep smiling even in times of sorrow, and pain. The constant  presence of my Lord keeps me singing the victory even though I don’t understand why. “Sticks and stones may brake my bones, but words can never hurt me.” However, I can’t say they won’t hurt those who throw them.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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