Saturday, January 9, 2016

"If Your Smile Is Broken Fix It"

This is the sun shinning down bright on 6" of snow in my backyard. 1-9-2016 1:30 p.m. Perryton, Texas.
Picture taken at the same time as one above. A deep blanket of snow. 1-9-2016 Perryton, Texas.

What a beautiful blanket of snow covering the earth around Perryton, Texas today. It is too cold to melt even though the sun is shinning bright. The moisture from these last two snows are making the wheat farmers very happy around here. The earth is blessed by His goodness. I do long for spring, but glad that the snow has brought hope for a pretty lawn and flowers. I just need to take some, “settle down” pills, and start doing things inside that need to be done. I have a difficult time during the month of January. Although it is my birth month, it’s also the month I lost my husband three years ago. Them my special brother’s birthday is the 19th of January the day my husband died, and six months later on the 4th of July I lost that special brother. January, you are a bad month for me although I know you didn’t plan it that way. I will mourn in your thirty one days, and hope to regain some laughter in your neighboring month. However, February the 2 nd is my wedding anniversary, the 3 rd I gave birth to a 9lb., healthy baby boy, and on the sixth he unexpectedly died without anyone knowing the cause. Doctor’s were puzzled about his sudden death, since the baby and I were being dismissed that morning to come home.  . It may take me till March to get my full joy and laughter back. Whatever the case I am strong enough to bear my cross with Jesus’ help. His grace is sufficient for all things.

Yes, from time to time we have to sit down and evaluate our lives. Just what has been going on with us all these years. Have we really endured all the terrible things that we talk about and still have a joy in our heart, and a laughter on our lips. How could that be possible? The reason is Jesus. He said in the beginning of my journey with Him that He would not put more on us than we were able to bear. Compared by some people I know my troubles have been mild. I might want to think my troubles have been the worst, but I know that is not the truth. There is no place in God’s world to feel sorry for ourselves. “Those who are lukewarm, He will spew them out of his mouth.” Revelations 3:16. That tells me we must be on fire for God all the time. On fire, but not burning up. We must keep our lives at a certain temperature at all times. Out thermostats must be checked daily. I don’t want to have grown cold when the Lord calls for me. God bless our true brothers and sisters who are always set at the right temperature when someone needs to be warmed a bit. Sharing is a joy to both the giver and the receiver. However, this is no excuse for someone to not be fully responsible for keeping their heaters going at all times. Keep on moving, the journey is not over yet.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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