Saturday, January 30, 2016

"My Happy Birthday And Song Of Redemption"

A gorgeous floral arrangement from my son and family for my birthday. So sweet of them to think of me. 1-30-2016 Perryton, Texas.
Then the sun was about to go down as you can see through my dinning-room windows. 1-30-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Today was one of my happiest birthdays ever. I received calls starting this morning, then had flowers delivered to my door, and several cards put in my mailbox. My son, Rick, took me out for a steak dinner, and that made my day complete. So thankful for all the love shown to me this birthday. I thank everyone who helped make my day a happy one.

After Rick took my picture with my beautiful flowers I glanced out the dinning room window and saw this bright sun just about to go down under the house tops. I took some pictures of it through my lace drapes. Sometimes many things at once can be overwhelmingly wonderful. I believe my Lord was trying to say, “Happy Birthday” to me also. Eighty three years ago I joined my mom and dad’s family of one other child, making them very happy. Eventually they were blessed with the seventh child. Four girls and three boys. My three brothers have joined my mom and dad in heaven, and we four girls are awaiting for our call. This life has been good to me, but there comes a time when things begin to get rough. The old body was just made to live for a few years, then a new body will be replacing it in another world. My bible tells me we have never know joy such as we will have in the new life. That is something to look forward to.

Some of us are about to lose our wheel of time. Mine seems to be breaking loose from it’s axle. I don’t know how many more bumps it can take before completely jarring loose, but I am good to the last bump. When God is through with me He will take me home. He told me that at the beginning of this journey many years ago. I have to keep traveling through all the pain and embarrassment that is cast upon me. The more I suffer the more I appreciate my parents, and grand parents who lived and suffered long before I was born. I also feel some of the pain of my Savior while He was struggling to get through His bout of suffering unjustly, and without shame from the ones who put the death sentence upon Him. At least He is my example making it easier to endure my own pain and suffering. I can never repay my debt of love to my Jesus. While I rumble through the rest of my life I ask God to forgive me daily of my sins and failures. Nothing but the blood of Jesus can cleanse and set us free. No matter how much you may slander me or try to rob my victory, you can never be successful. You are not fighting against flesh and blood, but against principalities of darkness and evil doers. The Spirit that dwells within us is our shield and guard.  Let us labor, and faint not, for if we are faithful to the end we shall reap a blessed reward.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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