Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "America Has Failed To Keep Her Covenant With God"...

Jean's Comment's: "America Has Failed To Keep Her Covenant With God"...: Relaxing in style. My latest painting that I will be showing at the Center for the next two months. 9-29-2015 Perryton, Texas.          ...

"America Has Failed To Keep Her Covenant With God"

Relaxing in style. My latest painting that I will be showing at the Center for the next two months. 9-29-2015 Perryton, Texas.
                     Painting of young lady resting after a party. 9-29-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I am now ready to hang 16 of my selected paintings tomorrow at the Senior Citizens Center. They will be hanging for two months. It is a thrill for me to be showing off what I have been doing for the past two years and nine months since I put my husband away. I am thankful that I discovered something to enjoy and keep me busy while the loneness crushed my heart. I had to listen for his voice telling me how nice they looked, and how proud he is of me. The words I heard from him for 63 years. Now I have only silence around while I listen carefully for those words again. I know he is telling me the same old cheerful message. I just have to admit that their not as loud as before.

Today is one of those days that I have worked long and hard, accomplishing much, and enjoying every minute of it. I am looking forward to kicking up my legs, leaning back in my recliner, eating popcorn while I watch the latest news. The news gets more exciting every day. I have a dinner bet on the republican candidate that I think will win. This bet has been in force even before the first debate. I stood ready to change my mind at any time, but I just keep growing stronger with my first opinion. The fun has been more exciting than any football game I ever watched, and a lot more important. I believe that America has all but collapsed. If my candidate wins the nomination, then the presidency, I truly believe this Great America will be restored very quickly. I also believe without any doubt, that only this one can do that. I feel so sure of that, that I could almost bet my life on it, although I really am not a betting person. In fact if my candidate don’t win, no one will ever know how wrong they were for not voting for him, even if we are all herded to the chopping block. I am positive that is what’s going to happen very quickly if this one man don’t get put into the Oval Office. God knows that hell will probably freeze over before ignorant people will admit their mistakes and let the honest voting system be the deciding factor. That just might be what happens, because God is still in control, and He will not fail. These next few weeks are certainly going down in history as some of the most disturbing, and unusual times America has ever know. I have just lost my sympathy for anyone who will not even try to listen to all the news, fervently, and without bias, before casting hate stones toward another just because they don’t like their personality. I am looking for a fighter to put in charge of my country, not someone just trying to apease the wealthy so they can get wealthier. America is now to the place of sink or swim. We cannot any longer just float. Let’s get serious, please!

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp                                                                                                                                                                                       

Monday, September 28, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Keep Your Eyes On The Goal"

Jean's Comment's: "Keep Your Eyes On The Goal": Blood moon at 1:30 a m this morning September 28, 2015, Perryton, Texas. The same moon taken at the same time, but a close- up shop. Col...

"Keep Your Eyes On The Goal"

Blood moon at 1:30 a m this morning September 28, 2015, Perryton, Texas.
The same moon taken at the same time, but a close- up shop. Colors don't show in close up. 9- 28-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Today is the next morning after the blood moon appearance last night. At this time I haven’t heard anything significant happening in Israel, although the news has been constantly covering the U N meeting. I did hear that this is the time of year for Jewish celebrations. John Hagee, a well know T V evangelist and modern day prophet, did predict in his book that this blood moon that was to happen on September 28-29 2015 would be the sign of something significant happening in Israel. Here is his quote.

“I think the thing that people will take from this is that it means, based on past history, that something is about to change in the middle East concerning Israel that will effect the nations of the world and everyone on  planet Earth. No one knows for sure what it will be, but  based on the pattern of the past it will involve Israel. It will began with tears and end in triumph and change the course of history forever. “

Not everyone accepts Hagee’s theoretical paradigm. Christian expert Hank Hanegraaff, the “Bible Answer Man” who is no stranger to speaking out against certain end-time prophecies, is among the many critics of Hagee’s theology. Taken from The Blaze.

Its no secret that Israel is in the spot light of the world. God’s chosen people live there, and He has promised to never let them suffer again as has been before. He also warns any nation rising up against them, saying “woe be unto them.” I feel like America has already done that, and I pray for mercy to all who was against our president doing such a thing. Judgment is surely coming, and who will be able to stand?

Our life has to go on until it is our time to depart this world, but I believe we all have a part in keeping the sanctuary of our churches clear of ungodly believers, and destroyers of His word. We absolutely must not compromise the beliefs that our parents, and grandparents instilled in us. I understand not all parents, and grandparents were Godly, but the normal person knows the difference, and they can make the choice to either follow the voice of the righteous or the unrighteous. Believe me it is a choice. Christian values have been part of America’s way of life ever since it was chosen to be the new homeland of freedom-seekers, our ancestors. How could any descendant fail to keep up the Christian tradition? Accepting false prophets, and giving into idol worship is a doomed descendant. We all have the same bibles, fortunately, as our ancestors brought to this country several hundred years ago. There is no excuse for not knowing how to read and understand them. Only those who don’t want to obey the word are the ones who don’t care what they do or say to open afresh the wounds of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. A day is coming when all will have to give account. Blessed hope I give to all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Jean's Comment's: "The Blood Moon Means Something"

Jean's Comment's: "The Blood Moon Means Something": The blood moon that didn't turn red. Taken at 12:15 a m. Perryton, Texas. 9-28-2015 Perryton, Texas A smaller shot of the moon take...

Sunday, September 27, 2015

"The Blood Moon Means Something"

The blood moon that didn't turn red. Taken at 12:15 a m. Perryton, Texas. 9-28-2015 Perryton, Texas
A smaller shot of the moon taken at the same time. If you will double click on this photo you will be able to see the beautiful, colorful halo around it. Partly red, but was reader earlier when it was just a part of a moon. 9-28-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I stayed up late tonight to take pictures of the blood moon. I guess I misunderstood about when it was suppose to turn red. I started taking pictures at 8:30 this evening when the moon was barely big enough to see, but what you could see was red. I thought around midnight it was suppose to turn blood red and display a full moon. Well it was a full, beautiful, colorful, moon with a large rainbow color halo around it, but it never turned completely red. It was exciting though to watch all the changes it made through out the night. I understand we won’t see this same thing happen with the moon again until 2033.

Many people have been giving their take on why this moon was so widely recognized tonight. They are identifying it with some bible scripture that they believe will be a time for something divesting to happen to Israel. I am not aware of just what that is supposed to be, but I am anxiously awaiting to hear if its true. I do know that Israel is a very sacred place, and are being ignored by America which was their greatest source of protection. I would not be surprised at anything that might happen to turn this world upside down. Immorality has spread so fast and is choking every ounce of decency out of the minority who are still fighting to hold onto the American values that made her great. Many consciences have been seared just like the bible told us would be, and that is a sad and pitiful thought for Christians who know the end results for such ignorant ones. We Christians can’t let go of our love for even the evil doers, because they are who Jesus died for. He put that same love in our hearts when He saved us. We too have to suffer for the wrongs of others because we love them. We know that a short journey through this life will be worth it all when we see Jesus. Eternity is forever, so we should be rejoicing every day just thinking of how soon we will be through with all the evil that engulfs us. I believe the worse thing one can fear is the thought of being judged for our actions while here on earth. The Word tells us every deed we do is written down in the Lamb’s Book of Life, to be read to us on that great and final day. I do not agree with some people who think they have it made after they give their heart to God. Judgment will still be in force just like always. I believe the only way one can live the way Jesus asked us to live is by humbly praying and reading the bible every day, not just sometimes. We must have natural food every day or we become sick and intolerable to those who unmeaning to do so, upset us. The same is true with our spiritual food. If we don’t consume it every day we become selfish, not caring what others are feeling, and say things to hurt them. Jesus also warned us about that. We need to all stay healthy both physically, and spiritually.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, September 25, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Happy Birthday To My Husband In Heaven"

Jean's Comment's: "Happy Birthday To My Husband In Heaven": Today September 25, is my husband, Charles, 89 th birthday. He has been gone for 2 years and 9 months. Died January 19, 2013. My greatest ...

"Happy Birthday To My Husband In Heaven"

Today September 25, is my husband, Charles, 89 th birthday. He has been gone for 2 years and 9 months. Died January 19, 2013. My greatest loss ever. 9-25-2015 Perryton, Texas.
As I went to empty the trash I noticed this dancing sun very bright and very preforming. I got a message from it. On my husband's 89 th birthday, He is dancing in heaven. I always loved to dance with him.  9-25-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Today has been a very special day for me. It is my husband, Charles’, 89 th birthday. I went to empty the trash and saw this dancing, bright sun moving so graciously in the sky. I read the message that was there for me. On his birthday God wanted me to know that My husband is dancing with the stars. It seems like yesterday that we were watching news on TV and giving each other our opinions as to what would happen next. Charles was a big John Wayne fan, and every time I left the room for a minute he switched to a John Wayne movie that he had probably see a half dozen times before. He was never one to talk bad about anyone. He could always quickly forget anything that someone did to him that was bad. I asked him several times how he could just forget some of the awful things that people had done to him in the past. He always answered “I am not one to hold grudges.” A trait that wasn’t exactly born in me. My memory is far too good to forget when people have treated me badly. I have never tried to get revenge, but I can’t forget bad stuff that should have been buried, and rotted years ago. I heard just recently a statement made by a celebrity on TV and I can’t think of the person’s name, but I had not heard that comment made before. It was about forgiving. The well known guy said something like this, “The spirit can forget, but the body can’t.” I took it to mean the brain is a physical part of the body and as long as the body lives normally the brain lives. I have given this comment much thought, because I have always had trouble forgetting something bad that someone did to me. I do not hold grudges, but that tiny bit of anger just seems to not want to go away. I get very emotional when I read my bible and am informed about all the evil, and unjust beatings our Lord Jesus, had to go through. The human I am makes me want to still hunt them down and give them a piece of my mind. Then I back away and remember I am as a filthy rag just like all the rest, because God told us so. Our rescue from this sinful earth will be the last, and best thing that ever happened to us. Until then let us struggle along doing all we can to help others endure the pain and sorrow that was meant to be.

The last words my husband told the doctor was this. “I am ready to go, but I hate to leave her, pointing to me.” That love will always be with me, and no matter what, I will prove to Charles, that God is taking good care of me, just for him. I believe that is why he is dancing in heaven at this time. I have everything to be thankful for and nothing can steal it from me. Pain and sorrow I continue to bear, but like Jesus I will carry my cross to the end.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Jesus Died But Bloomed Again In Three Days"

Jean's Comment's: "Jesus Died But Bloomed Again In Three Days":                  One tiny rose bud left on my crimson red rose bush. 9-24-2015 Perryton, Texas.           The last few roses that are st...

"Jesus Died But Bloomed Again In Three Days"

                 One tiny rose bud left on my crimson red rose bush. 9-24-2015 Perryton, Texas.      
    The last few roses that are still welcoming visitors to my front door 9-24-2015 Perryton Texas.
Today is the fist day of fall, and I am proud to still have a few blooming roses. Just a few days left to enjoy what I have left of a trail of beautiful flowers circling my yards. The best thing about fall and winter is waiting for spring to arrive. Its nice to know that the cycle goes on and on. So it is with our every day life. Times of great joy and excitement are with us one day then times of sorrow and disappointment are with us the next day. Yes, that is everyone’s life wrapped up in a nut shell. If we didn’t have a brain to analyze these thrilling, or sad moments, life would be meaningless to us. The problems are never solved, just have to always be worked at. So it is our work is never finished until we die. Thank God for sleep and rest breaks He gives us. I am happy to still be alive, and I always look forward to tomorrow. I constantly anticipate something wonderful happening with a new day. This, I believe, is one of the greatest blessing one can possess. I think of thousands who have no hope for tomorrow, but still trod the dreary path of escape, only because their mind says try. I hold these people up in my prayers every night because I believe in miracles. I pray that the evil that follows them will be abolished. My arms are reaching as far as possible toward them to pull them out of the sinking sand. “Lord,” I ask, “let them find a solid rock before they sink to no more lift.” Many try to judge these people as getting what was coming to them, but I say mercy is for all, and I am not their judge. Let us all pray in unison for the souls of all creation. I will not try to explore the creation of evil. Yes, God created everything, but I do know He hates evil. He is the Father, we are the children, let us be the children who do not try to advise our father. Honor and respect Him for that is our command.

We cannot close our eyes or ears to the awful evil that is happening each day on this earth, but we can refuse to dwell on it, and plead for deliverance from the horror of it all. God knows our heart, and He knows how much we can take before we cave in. That is not to say we have to be unconcerned, but concerned in a way that trusts Him to handle the problems. Remember, He is the father, we are the children. I would that all claim victory in this, “Christian robbery,” that is taking center stage today all over the world. Its bad, but true, and we MUST claim victory. If God calls us out of it what a blessing that would be. But if not, let us band together and lift our voices to Him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "My Friend Donald Trump"

Jean's Comment's: "My Friend Donald Trump": I'm blaming the camera for this picture of Donald Trump not looking good. ha ha. 9-23-2015 Perryton, Texas. I have to apologize for no...

"My Friend Donald Trump"

I'm blaming the camera for this picture of Donald Trump not looking good. ha ha. 9-23-2015 Perryton, Texas.
I have to apologize for not getting this picture of Donald Trump more real-like. I was rushed for time since my paintings were suppose to go up for viewing this week, I had to call it quits. Anyway he is still my guy, and I think he will win the nomination for the GOP candidate. In all of my lifetime I have never seen politics so unfairly thrown out at us. There is a force of determined politicians that will go to any length to stop the one man who is suppose to be elected to the office of the U S presidency, even though they are going against the will of the American majority. What is happening now, today, is the height of evil beatings for our American citizens who still believe in God. It didn’t happen by radical Muslins, it happened by both radical democrats and republicans, including the sitting president. The Catholic Pope is in the U S A for no other reason, my opinion, but to satisfy the determined, ignorant, and ungodly, minority who want to get Donald Trump ousted at whatever the cost. A very sleazy way of tricking the people into turning away from supporting Trump by giving all the media attention to the Pope who has never been in America before now. I do not think it will work. With no disrespect to the pope, I don’t believe the American citizens needed him here at this time. I never dreamed the evil power would go this far. I would not be surprised at anything drastic that might happen next. I do believe the man the losers are trying so hard to beat down, is a figure put were he now is by someone other than the self-righteous, egoistic, losers of good leadership. They have no clue as to what they are fighting against. This may, although I hope not, lead into a war that has never been one fought like before. I am convinced that all is in God’s control, and whatever He sees necessary to save His people, He will allow. Just let me warn you, because I truly believe God is in this picture in a very big way, anyone who don’t deny him or herself, and put it all in God’s hands, will suffer beyond imagination. It is now pay-up time for America. I am sorry to say but the Pope nor anyone else can stop God from doing His will.

You and I as believers of Jesus Christ must never lose our faith in Him. Its true that the good has to suffer with the bad, but our Lord will not leave nor forsake us. We are headed in the right direction. Let the evil doers enjoy their bad. They will not win in the end. There may still be time for them to repent. I truly do hope so. “Watch and pray, for in such a time as you think not, The Lord cometh.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Beauty Is Never Far Away"

Jean's Comment's: "Beauty Is Never Far Away": Through these two garages tonight I noticed this beautiful last-minute sunset. Quite unusual, I thought. 9-22-2015 Perryton, Texas.     ...

"Beauty Is Never Far Away"

Through these two garages tonight I noticed this beautiful last-minute sunset. Quite unusual, I thought. 9-22-2015 Perryton, Texas.
                     A little blurry, but a closer up of the sunset. 9-22-2015 Perryton, Texas.

A last minute look outside before closing up for the night, I saw this lovely red streak as the sun was going underground. I took a picture and wanted to share it. I was almost closed off from this interesting sight since two garages were blocking my view. I had to get the picture going through the little space between them. Then houses were behind the garages so I couldn’t get close to the ground. I did get a little of the beauty before it quickly went away. I am so thankful for the sun, the moon, and the stars. They always give me encouragement when I see them. Mainly because I see God in them. Today has been a busy one so I needed this sunset to cheer me up from all the hassle of trying to do things right. I finished a portrait today of Donald Trump and will post it tomorrow. I was anxious to finish it before he gets nominated for the GOP candidacy for president. I didn’t work on it very long and I’m sure that will be noticed. I did get it partly right. No doubt he will hate it if possibly he ever sees it, but I can handle that.  

Tomorrow will be another busy day for me. I will be meeting a friend for lunch at the Center. I’m sure I won’t get much done at home, but we need to take care of our social life as well as our work life. This friend means a lot to me, and I’m proud to be having lunch with her tomorrow. There is nothing more important than having friends who are friends indeed. I am thankful to have several of just such ones. I can never repay my friends, but I am sure going to try with God’s help.

My son, Rick, is home from the hospital, but his leg with the blood clot is still very sore. He is recovering slowly. I miss all the things he did for me, but I know he will be o k soon. His company is worth a lot to me. I never feel lonely anymore. He does excellent at trying to please me, and that’s saying a lot for him. I am just as concerned about making him happy. I thank God every day for my children and grandchildren.

I just have to mention the Pope coming to America today. That’s about all that’s been on TV. I find it hard to believe that so many people actually look to a man on this earth to give almighty praise and honor to. So many people won’t believe in anything unless they can see it. Jesus is the only one worthy of our praise, and I don’t have to see Him, I can feel Him near me every minute of the day and night. I don’t judge the Catholics or any other religion, but I don’t want them to judge mine either. I have accepted Jesus as my savior, and am living by His grace, not by any old testament law. That’s all I know to say.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, September 21, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Football Players Today Will Be Enemy Fighters Tom...

Jean's Comment's: "Football Players Today Will Be Enemy Fighters Tom...: This guy is busy getting the football practice field ready for the season at Perryton, Texas. the bleachers are in the background. I can ...

"Football Players Today Will Be Enemy Fighters Tomorrow"

This guy is busy getting the football practice field ready for the season at Perryton, Texas.
the bleachers are in the background. I can stand in my yard and watch the game including the scoreboard. Not as well as being on the bleachers, but fairly well. 9-21-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Perryton has already played a couple of games of football this year. They won one and lost one. Every other Friday night my house is surrounded by as many vehicles as a college football stadium. Bands and yelling are filling the air all around. I think the excitement last most of the night as so many like to celebrate whether they win or lose. I remember the time when my husband and I were part of this noisy crowd. We had two sons who played football, and we were so proud of them. I’m not a yelling fan anymore. It takes too much energy to jump up and down screaming your lungs out. However, I am so happy to see these players running to the field like it was the greatest day of their life. I have to be proud of them also.

I have to wonder if our tradition of school sports will continue much longer. It seems like everything is changing fast in America. Our great nation is now under attack by extremist religion that is being boosted by our highest branches of government, starting with the president. Everything good about America is becoming obsolete, especially our laws and our constitution. We are being forced to forsake God and His son Jesus the Christ, or be put to death. A vast majority of our U.S. born and raised citizens have chosen to join forces with the strange practices of foolish people who have flooded our country from other lands. They are the ones responsible for the evil that now over rides the good in our nation. The suffering they will have to endure will be greater than the ones doing the evil. They fought against God’s army and joined hands with our enemy. If only they would have listened to their forbearers instead of the evil voices of what they thought was cool and exciting, they would not now be trying to get freed from all the demotic power that processes them. I know the prophesy in the bible has to be fulfilled, but you or I didn’t have to be part of the bad. We had a choice, and I listened to my parents and grandparents, and tried to follow their teachings as much as possible. Many of the unfortunate people today can not boast of a good Christian up-bringing, but many did have that privilege and have thrown it by the wayside. To whom much is given much will be required. Luke 12:48.49. In plainer words, those who were taught the word of God were given much, and will be required of God to do much for Him. But to those whom were taught the word of God, and ignored it choosing to do their own thing, those will be punished much. It is just that simple. Even the love of God will not forgive the punishment. His love will forgive after the punishment just like your earthly farther punished then forgave you. My prayers are with all who have failed to obey God’s word.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Keeping Alive"

Jean's Comment's: "Keeping Alive": One week ago I cut these asparagus stalks even to the ground. Now look what they have done. I was just a little too early. They refused to...

"Keeping Alive"

One week ago I cut these asparagus stalks even to the ground. Now look what they have done. I was just a little too early. They refused to die. 9-20-2015 Perryton, Texas.
  This is what they looked like before I cut them back. Some were 7 feet tall. 9-20-2015 Perryton, Texas.

One week ago I cut back my asparagus plants thinking it was time to prepare the bed for winter. Some of the plants exceeded seven feet tall and was very thick. I was wrong in thinking that now was the time. Today, one week later, I took this picture of the new birth plants. Some of these plants are over four feet tall, growing an average of a foot per day. Amazing! I would not have believed this if someone had told me, but I am the one who cut them down, and I am the one who one week later are taking a picture to prove it. I have witnesses also to prove this. The ground was dry and I did not water it before this new crop sprang up.

I was reminded somehow, of the scripture where Jesus was instructing Two of His disciples to go and look for a colt that He would use to enter into the city of Jerusalem before His crucifixion. Luke 19:40. When they found the colt they brought it to Jesus and laid their coats upon it for Jesus to ride upon. The disciples and others in the crowd began to lay their garments and fig leaves on the path Jesus would be traveling. The disciples with a loud voice began to rejoice and praise God for the King that was coming in the name of the Lord, saying “peace in heaven, and glory in the highest.” Some of the Pharisees in the multitude heard it and said, “Master, rebuke thy disciples.” And Jesus answered and said unto them, I tell you now, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.” 

I’m thinking that when I cut down the asparagus before its time, the stones sprang up and cried out, “ you can’t do this to our parents. We will replace them ten fold.” At least I hope that’s what it means. I did want to have a good crop of asparagus next year. My son had told me I had cut them down to soon. I was supposed to wait till they turned yellow, but the fact that they burst back into action so quickly just astonishes me. I had thought I possibly would not have a crop next year. Does everybody out there know that God will excuse His children of their ignorance most of the time, especially if they are truly living for Him? How I love Him more and more each day. Some days I feel that I grow a foot each day. Then comes the enemy and cuts it back, only to have it sprang back again quickly. Be ye all advised that hurt and disillusion comes to every human being many times in their life, but until the time has come for them to depart this life, the stones will speak out for them, and the plants will  continue to grow, even faster than before the cut-back. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "The Last Days"

Jean's Comment's: "The Last Days": The Seasons of Perryton, Texas. An assisted living place where seniors have every kind of luxury they could ask for. 9-17-2015 Perryton, T...

"The Last Days"

The Seasons of Perryton, Texas. An assisted living place where seniors have every kind of luxury they could ask for. 9-17-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Today as I was going to see my son, Rick, in the hospital I passed by this lovely place called, “The Seasons.” It is very nice and well kept inside and out. The large building facility has several efficient apartments where seniors can live in comfort and pleasure at the same time. This is the last stop before they are moved to a more restricted nursing home. I have found it interesting to visit people there in the Seasons since most are able to walk and carry on a conversation. They are surrounded by entertainment interest of all kinds. A Baby Grande piano, an arrangement of sofas and chairs with TV’s available. Card tables are scattered about with jig-saw puzzles and a small chapel is furnished where church is held every Sunday afternoon. A large beautiful dinning room is in open view to all who walk through the place. Nothing seems isolated except the privacy of the peoples apartments. Perryton is so blessed to have such a nice place as this. Of course the cost of living there is beyond a lot of peoples reach, but for those who can afford them the Seasons is a joy to live in. When the residents reach a certain point where they cannot take care of themselves with only a little help, then they must either hire an attendant to stay with them or move to the Nursing Home. There is also a nice Nursing Home in Perryton. Many larger cities don’t have the luxury in nursing care as Perryton does.

Speaking of health and nursing care, Perryton has a large hospital with all modern and sophisticated equipment provided. The latest in all detailed care service is used. Five or six full time Perryton doctors use this hospital and one or two from other towns practice there also. My son, Rick, was admitted there yesterday with a blood clot in his leg. He is well pleased with the service he has been receiving, although he has more health issues than the blood clot. We are praying that the problems can all be taken care of here instead of having to be transferred to a major hospital. No one likes to be admitted to a hospital, but life won’t have it any other way. I thank God for His mercy in giving us strength to accept what He decides is right, if that time comes. Whether its me or one of my precious loved ones, I want to be willing to accept. I have been with several friends and loved ones while they were breathing their last breaths. It is a very hard decision to make when choosing not to leave them to die alone, but I have managed to see it through till the last breath. Sometimes it feels like I will die with them just from the sorrow I have to bear. I could not have handled the  grief if I had not already shared in the death of our Great Lord, Jesus Christ. I told my Lord I wanted to go through the crucifixion that He had to do. He answered my prayer by showing me His blood dripping hands. I though I could not stand it, but He also gave me courage to get past it. I am sure that is why I have been able time after time to stand by and watch the life go out of many dear souls. I believe I was baptized in the blood of Jesus Christ. That is why I will never doubt, or feel alone, when I am breathing my last breath. A few more days and we all must go home.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Stones Breaks Bones But Not Spirits"

Jean's Comment's: "Stones Breaks Bones But Not Spirits": This big beautiful Monarch butterfly was looking for food this morning. It always closed its wings before I could get the picture of them ...

"Stones Breaks Bones But Not Spirits"

This big beautiful Monarch butterfly was looking for food this morning. It always closed its wings before I could get the picture of them wide open, and so colorful. It is eating on the orange flower the second from the right. 9-15-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I reached quickly for the camera when I saw this beautiful Monarch butterfly flying around the flowers. It was large, and had deep orange wings with black spots. When it landed it closed its wings, but I did get a picture with them partly open. The color is faded, but it still is amazing. In a very short time I will be pulling up all the dying flowers from the beds. Several are already dead and making the beds looks bad. I have already uprooted my own self-pity, and like the flowers I am awaiting to show off my beauty again. I am hoping to have a winter show, that will be just as pleasant to view as the summer ones. For awhile I felt like someone had sprayed me with weed killer. Whatever it was I am now recovered, and in good shape to face the future. The intended killers of my faith, will no doubt be punished for their effort to stop my blooming face. Not that I want them to be, but God does not allow evil spirits to keep on attacking His own. The survivors of such stone-throwing fools are always rewarded for their willingness to be humble through it all. Life without pain is not life at all. It is bones walking around in dead man’s shoes. The pain feels so good when it heals. It certainly made a tougher skin for the stones to puncture next time. The demotic force that tried to destroy the good Samaritan will never heal. Their wounds go on without ever closing the gap. This makes me sad, just like Stephen in the bible said when he was being stoned to death, “Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing,” I too pray that same prayer.

Whatever it takes to keep vengeance out of my heart that’s what I ask for. I believe we are required by God to tell people about his word no matter how much we are stoned for it. The carnal person is happy when they see someone paying dearly for their mistakes after they have been warned not to do it. But the spiritual minded person still loves and asks God to be merciful to those who thought they were smarter than God. Satan was jealous of the other angels, and that’s why he was cast out of heaven. To any who may now be harboring jealousy, I plead with you to dump it now because it will always cause you pain and regret. It only causes you to hurt the ones you love the most, because jealousy is one of the worse sins one can have. It makes you strike out to innocent ones who have loved you the most. When you realize what you have done, its too late to mend the terrible scare you left. A scare is an awful reminder of where much pain has been suffered. They never go away, just like the tattoo’s people put on their bodies. Even with all the love God is, He will not allow those who abuse themselves and others to escape much pain themselves. You have read this. You are not still ignorant of some of the wrongs you’ve been doing.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, September 14, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Joy And A Oh-ey"

Jean's Comment's: "A Joy And A Oh-ey": A lonely little star grabbed my attention this morning at 6:45 a.m. The only star in the whole sky. It was shinning so bright. 9-14-2015 P...

"A Joy And A Oh-ey"

A lonely little star grabbed my attention this morning at 6:45 a.m. The only star in the whole sky. It was shinning so bright. 9-14-2015 Perryton, Texas.
           Amazing! What is it telling me? Something good I know. 9-15-2015 Perryton, Texas. 

It was such a pretty sky this morning at 6:45 a m. A gorgeous blue backdrop with one little, very bright, star shinning so perfect. The only star in the sky seemed to be telling me so. I took a close-up picture of it, but somehow those star pics taken on my close focus are never perfect. The true picture of the star was showing clearly all five points with perfect figure, but when I snap the camera the star seems to move a bit. At least you can tell it’s a star.

I was up early this morning to keep an early appointment for my son, Rick, at the society security office in Pampa, Texas. I had never noticed this lone star before. It really stood out from anything else. Rick had a blood clot to occur over the week-end and couldn’t drive. He is waiting for x-ray results, but the Dr. is almost sure it is phlebitis. He is in a lot of pain. We got back home in time for me to attend the luncheon at the Center. It was very nice with multiple salads, and chicken casserole. A delicious variety of ice cream layered with cake was the dessert. A nice crowd attended with two special clubs from local groups coming to have lunch  before their meeting started. I always enjoy the food and fellowship when I attend the luncheons. I can also learn of those whom have been sick and even those whom have been placed in hospice care. It is sad, but something no one wants to miss. We all love our fellow members and  grieve when we have to give them up. But their sweet memories remain with us, and that is a blessing deluxe. If some one don’t know already, it is such a wonderful feeling to have the loving support of many. I just can’t explain the feeling. God bless the senior citizens at The Center in Perryton, Texas.

We were honored with a nice rain last night. A slight wind, but no hail or wind damage happened. It is cool today and the grass is still green. No one has to tell us because we can feel the fall of the year in our bones. It takes some of our excitement away, but we look for other things to fill in the void. I can’t imagine living without a purpose. I know of many who do, and it tears up my heart. I will, even if it does no good, try with all my might to ignite a little fire in their bones. Living should not be all bad. I give praise to the thousands who give their life daily to help make someone else's life more pleasant. They deserve a great blessing on earth as well as in heaven. I don’t take others misfortunes well. I cannot pretend to not notice, yet I cannot tell someone I see their hardship and understand. What are we suppose to do? Go home and cry while praying for God to visit that one with his great abundance of love. I believe that is a sure help for many. My heart is heavy today after being so blessed earlier. I think this is the way God uses us the best. Make us happy, then make us sad. Thank you Lord for all manners of good and bad.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

"A Joy And An Oh-ey

A lonely star was shinning bright this morning in the eastern sky at 6:45 am.
so awesome. 9-14-2015 Perryton, Texas.

It was such a pretty sky this morning at 6:45 a m. A gorgeous blue backdrop with one little, very bright, star shinning so perfect. The only star in the sky seemed to be telling me so. I took a close-up picture of it, but somehow those star pics taken on my close focus are never perfect. The true picture of the star was showing clearly all five points with perfect figure, but when I snap the camera the star seems to move a bit. At least you can tell it’s a star.

I was up early this morning to keep an early appointment for my son, Rick, at the society security office in Pampa, Texas. I had never noticed this lone star before. It really stood out from anything else. Rick had a blood clot to occur over the week-end and couldn’t drive. He is waiting for x-ray results, but the Dr. is almost sure it is phlebitis. He is in a lot of pain. We got back home in time for me to attend the luncheon at the Center. It was very nice with multiple salads, and chicken casserole. A delicious variety of ice cream layered with cake was the dessert. A nice crowd attended with two special clubs from local groups coming to have lunch  before their meeting started. I always enjoy the food and fellowship when I attend the luncheons. I can also learn of those whom have been sick and even those whom have been placed in hospice care. It is sad, but something no one wants to miss. We all love our fellow members and  grieve when we have to give them up. But their sweet memories remain with us, and that is a blessing deluxe. If some one don’t know already, it is such a wonderful feeling to have the loving support of many. I just can’t explain the feeling. God bless the senior citizens at The Center in Perryton, Texas.

We were honored with a nice rain last night. A slight wind, but no hail or wind damage happened. It is cool today and the grass is still green. No one has to tell us because we can feel the fall of the year in our bones. It takes some of our excitement away, but we look for other things to fill in the void. I can’t imagine living without a purpose. I know of many who do, and it tears up my heart. I will, even if it does no good, try with all my might to ignite a little fire in their bones. Living should not be all bad. I give praise to the thousands who give their life daily to help make someone else’s life more pleasant. They deserve a great blessing on earth as well as in heaven. I don’t take others misfortunes well. I cannot pretend to not notice, yet I cannot tell someone I see their hardship and understand. What are we suppose to do? Go home and cry while praying for God to visit that one with his great abundance of love. I believe that is a sure help for many. My heart is heavy today after being so blessed earlier. I think this is the way God uses us the best. Make us happy, then make us sad. Thank you Lord for all manners of good and bad.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Snap Dragons And Jet Dragons"

Jean's Comment's: "Snap Dragons And Jet Dragons": Today is September the 13 and I snapped this picture of these snap dragon's holding on for dear life. Notice the dead leaves on the gr...

"Snap Dragons And Jet Dragons"

Today is September the 13 and I snapped this picture of these snap dragon's holding on for dear life. Notice the dead leaves on the ground. 9-13-2015 Perryton, Texas.
While sitting in the shade around the bare flower garden this morning I was attracted to this fast jet over my head. Flowers and jets are my theme this morning. 9-13-2015 Perryton, Texas.

This afternoon I sat under the apple tree just starring at my bare flower beds. In my mind I could still see all of those beautiful flowers that thrilled my soul every day all summer long. Then I glanced up to see a fast moving jet with two trails of smoke high above my head. I’m sure it was headed for Denver. I had a few quick thoughts about the modern-day jet service, then walked to the front yard to catch a glimpse of something there. I haven’t cleaned out the front flower beds yet although I should have. The flowers are sickly looking and depress me. But near the patio a few snap dragons were still hanging on for dear life so I have posted their picture here.

I had an unusual thought to pop up in my mind. Since all the yard work is almost over till next spring, and since I have nothing much to do around here, why didn’t I catch a jet and travel some. The thought didn’t last long since I am not a happy flier. Especially now since so much terror is happening every day. I will save my flight for the no-return trip to heaven. I don’t expect that to be much longer. In the mean time I will keep waiting for that great miracle to happen and sweep me off my feet. A person might think with age God would lighten the burdensome load we have had to carry for years, but I am made to think now that it just gets heaver. Although He did promise everyone that He would not put more on them than what they could bear. 1 Corinthians 10:13. I suppose I should be very thankful for the strength that I still have both physical, and mental. I may feel like I am imprisoned for several months until the sun comes up to stay long enough to warm the soil so my flowers can resurrect, but it will happen bye and bye.

My home is now a refuge instead of a work place. I have the peace and happiness of God living with me each day. I can say I can keep my burdens at home. I don’t have to go out and face the public and get blasted every time I open my mouth. That is truly a blessing for me, because I do have a certain amount of fight-back inside me. I am getting too old for that now, but I have done my share. I have always said if Jesus can get angry, and He did, so can I. Enough is enough even for Jesus. He does not hesitate to face Satan every time he attacks us. I thank Him for that protection. Satan is a bully, but more than that he is a coward. He turns and runs at the mention of Jesus’ name. I have seen him. He is very ugly and evil looking. One has to have the Holy Spirit in their life to rebuke that awful creature. The Holy Spirit is for everyone who will believe and ask in Jesus name. Now is the time to accept Him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "My Life What Is It"

Jean's Comment's: "My Life What Is It": A tiny white butterfly was the object of this picture, but it wouldn't open its wings so you cannot see it. It is one of the little wh...

"My Life What Is It"

A tiny white butterfly was the object of this picture, but it wouldn't open its wings so you cannot see it. It is one of the little white objects at the bottom of the pic. 9-12-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Fall is such a sad time for me. I wondered through the yard today and all I could see was dying foliage. Only two live creatures did I see. A little white butterfly and a frog. A few birds were dashing around just a bit. Yes, my backyard almost looks like a graveyard. I don’t have the energy that I had last fall when things began to die. I gracefully raked and cleaned off all the dead stuff making it look nice and groomed for the next spring. This year I am more like weeping over it. I suppose I have been watching too much bad news on TV. It certainly can drain the joy from your heart pretty quickly. There is only one thing I am positive off. Nothing, no not nothing can separate me from the love of God. When I look up and say Father, He is always instantly on the scene. No matter how heavy the load, my heavenly Father always lightens it. Since my companion is gone, I have only half the strength I used to have, but I have the faith to know he is still encouraging me, even though I can’t see him. The scripture tells us we walk by faith and not by sight. This is so true for me. My physical contact with others is very near zero most of the time, but that too is the way I choose it to be. I need the peace, and quit, that only myself can produce. I love people, and sometimes I enjoy being with them, but nothing can satisfy like being alone with Jesus. This gives me a chance of listening to His words that I have just read the night before when I was going to bed. I usually fall asleep before sorting through the lengthy chapter I read. A time later when no one is around, I think upon those words, and try to apply them to my own life. I read where so many times Jesus left His disciples and went to be alone with His Heavenly Father to gain new faith. I believe this is important for all of us sometimes.

The bible does tell us also that an idle mind is the devils workshop. I feel it important to keep busy doing something that will occupy our mind, even though it may not seem as any value to us. If we want to call a friend or relative just to chat once in awhile, I think that is a God given blessing. Or maybe we need to unload some of our feeling on paper for others to read just as I am doing now. I am determined to keep moving and not allow any pressure sores to collect on my body. No joking, At the end of every day I am ready for some rest with longing for the sun to hurry up and rise. Some may call it anxiety, but I call it energy that needs to be excelled. “Bless me Lord as I sleep tonight.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "The New Moses Needs Us To Hold Up His Hands"

Jean's Comment's: "The New Moses Needs Us To Hold Up His Hands": Pile of asparagus plants. I cut them back this morning getting ready for winter. 9-9-2015 Perryton, Texas. I made a move this morning to...

"The New Moses Needs Us To Hold Up His Hands"

Pile of asparagus plants. I cut them back this morning getting ready for winter. 9-9-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I made a move this morning to get all the dead flowers and plants cut down and treat the soil for winter. After the asparagus plants die I will pile them on the bed where I cut them off as they will make a good cover to protect the freeze from killing the roots. It takes a lot of work to get all the dead growth from the yard after a full summer of rain. I am already looking forward to next spring. The winters are always a dread to me. I am an outside person, and I like to travel. Winters rob me of both of these pleasures except for a few. I can stay within my home boundaries and enjoy my church and Senior Citizens Center. I feel blessed to have those nice places to go and share with friends. My computer in my art room, and my TV in my living room are also a great blessing for me. I have retired from all responsibilities except what I volunteer. It is very nice to be so free to do whatever I want to at any time I want to. It took several years to get to this place in my life. I still struggle with the evil forces that try to take it from me, but I know in advance what that ugly thing is up to. My faith is like a tree planted by the water, I shall not be moved. The wind of evil just makes me grow straighter, and stronger.

I am not excused from lifting up our nation in prayer. I believe we have all been advised to do just that every day of our lives. When Moses was leading the children of Israel out of Egypt, there were times when he had to have the help of his servants to hold up his hands while he prayed because of weakness to his body. At one point Amalek came to fight against them. Moses ordered Joshua to choose men and go out to fight them, saying he himself would stand upon a hill with the rod of God in his hand and pray. Joshua and his men went out to fight while Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill. When Moses held up his hand to pray Israel prevailed, and when he let down his hand Amalek prevailed. But Moses grew tired and could no longer hold up his hand. Aaron and Hur put a stone under him and they both got on either side of him holding up his hand while he prayed till the sun went down. Joshua defeated Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword. Exodus 17. We may not be asked to be with our leaders in person to hold up their hands, but God does ask us to hold them up from our churches, and even our bedrooms.  The Lord have sworn that the Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to generation. The USA is at war now with Amalek even though some may not acknowledge it. Our president is that Amalek along with his people. Let us all help hold up Holy hands while we fight this terrible enemy. Yes, there is a Moses out there also. God knows who he is.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, September 7, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "The Headless Dinosaur"

Jean's Comment's: "The Headless Dinosaur": The headless dinosaur of iron on top of a high hill off highway 83 near Canadian Texas. 9-7-2015 Perryton, Texas. After a two week vacatio...

"The Headless Dinosaur"

The headless dinosaur of iron on top of a high hill off highway 83 near Canadian Texas. 9-7-2015 Perryton, Texas.

After a two week vacation from my blog, I am glad to be back to the normal routine of my daily effort to make the life I live more interesting. For the past two weeks I have spent some time with a friend from childhood just enjoying the pleasures of senior days. We visited the area where we grew up and learned the value of love and respect for all people. There will never be a place more interesting, and relaxing, than the small communities where we were raised. Going back home and visiting with old friends is always exciting.

On my way back home I stopped to take a picture of a large sculpture of an iron dinosaur placed a top a high hill near Canadian, Texas. With two shots of attempting to get this far-a-way creature I left out the head. I decided to post it anyway thinking maybe I needed to talk about people who seemingly don’t have any heads. There are plenty of such bodies walking around showing signs of few brains. A lot of times I can include myself in those modern puppets. It amazes me to always see a loving God who will forgive, and forget our headless acts, even when we go back and do the same things over. Another way to look at the “dumb” things we do sometimes, is seeing a necessary time of learning something that will grow are faith, and turn us away from stumbling blocks that we may be headed for. “All things work together for good to those who love Him.” Sometimes it cost us something to learn a lesson on how to advance the knowledge we already have, but can’t seem to apply it to the right surface of stable growth. The mustard seed, which is the smallest seed of all, is known to grow tall and produce much  product. It does have to be planted in good soil and watered before it can grow its best. I wonder sometimes where my muster seed is planted. It doesn’t seem to be growing. The last thing I will do is say that I no longer have the faith of a mustard seed. I may not grow tall and produce any great works, but my seed is still alive and active. It will grow if I will it to do so. No one can stop my years of having learned something every day about the works of God. Satan is never going to stop trying to defeat us, but I have learned long ago that he is just a measly demon posing as a huge evil force who can destroy even God. Never, never believe that lie. He is a “mustard seedless” demon, who never grows. He just always stays the same. A deceiving ugly “cast out” without any hope.  Sometimes we may have to tell him more than once to leave our presence, but he can not hang around long if we rebuke him in the name of Jesus. Let us all think about getting our heads in the picture.

God Bless
Myrtle jean Sharp