Sunday, September 20, 2015

"Keeping Alive"

One week ago I cut these asparagus stalks even to the ground. Now look what they have done. I was just a little too early. They refused to die. 9-20-2015 Perryton, Texas.
  This is what they looked like before I cut them back. Some were 7 feet tall. 9-20-2015 Perryton, Texas.

One week ago I cut back my asparagus plants thinking it was time to prepare the bed for winter. Some of the plants exceeded seven feet tall and was very thick. I was wrong in thinking that now was the time. Today, one week later, I took this picture of the new birth plants. Some of these plants are over four feet tall, growing an average of a foot per day. Amazing! I would not have believed this if someone had told me, but I am the one who cut them down, and I am the one who one week later are taking a picture to prove it. I have witnesses also to prove this. The ground was dry and I did not water it before this new crop sprang up.

I was reminded somehow, of the scripture where Jesus was instructing Two of His disciples to go and look for a colt that He would use to enter into the city of Jerusalem before His crucifixion. Luke 19:40. When they found the colt they brought it to Jesus and laid their coats upon it for Jesus to ride upon. The disciples and others in the crowd began to lay their garments and fig leaves on the path Jesus would be traveling. The disciples with a loud voice began to rejoice and praise God for the King that was coming in the name of the Lord, saying “peace in heaven, and glory in the highest.” Some of the Pharisees in the multitude heard it and said, “Master, rebuke thy disciples.” And Jesus answered and said unto them, I tell you now, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.” 

I’m thinking that when I cut down the asparagus before its time, the stones sprang up and cried out, “ you can’t do this to our parents. We will replace them ten fold.” At least I hope that’s what it means. I did want to have a good crop of asparagus next year. My son had told me I had cut them down to soon. I was supposed to wait till they turned yellow, but the fact that they burst back into action so quickly just astonishes me. I had thought I possibly would not have a crop next year. Does everybody out there know that God will excuse His children of their ignorance most of the time, especially if they are truly living for Him? How I love Him more and more each day. Some days I feel that I grow a foot each day. Then comes the enemy and cuts it back, only to have it sprang back again quickly. Be ye all advised that hurt and disillusion comes to every human being many times in their life, but until the time has come for them to depart this life, the stones will speak out for them, and the plants will  continue to grow, even faster than before the cut-back. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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