Sunday, September 27, 2015

"The Blood Moon Means Something"

The blood moon that didn't turn red. Taken at 12:15 a m. Perryton, Texas. 9-28-2015 Perryton, Texas
A smaller shot of the moon taken at the same time. If you will double click on this photo you will be able to see the beautiful, colorful halo around it. Partly red, but was reader earlier when it was just a part of a moon. 9-28-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I stayed up late tonight to take pictures of the blood moon. I guess I misunderstood about when it was suppose to turn red. I started taking pictures at 8:30 this evening when the moon was barely big enough to see, but what you could see was red. I thought around midnight it was suppose to turn blood red and display a full moon. Well it was a full, beautiful, colorful, moon with a large rainbow color halo around it, but it never turned completely red. It was exciting though to watch all the changes it made through out the night. I understand we won’t see this same thing happen with the moon again until 2033.

Many people have been giving their take on why this moon was so widely recognized tonight. They are identifying it with some bible scripture that they believe will be a time for something divesting to happen to Israel. I am not aware of just what that is supposed to be, but I am anxiously awaiting to hear if its true. I do know that Israel is a very sacred place, and are being ignored by America which was their greatest source of protection. I would not be surprised at anything that might happen to turn this world upside down. Immorality has spread so fast and is choking every ounce of decency out of the minority who are still fighting to hold onto the American values that made her great. Many consciences have been seared just like the bible told us would be, and that is a sad and pitiful thought for Christians who know the end results for such ignorant ones. We Christians can’t let go of our love for even the evil doers, because they are who Jesus died for. He put that same love in our hearts when He saved us. We too have to suffer for the wrongs of others because we love them. We know that a short journey through this life will be worth it all when we see Jesus. Eternity is forever, so we should be rejoicing every day just thinking of how soon we will be through with all the evil that engulfs us. I believe the worse thing one can fear is the thought of being judged for our actions while here on earth. The Word tells us every deed we do is written down in the Lamb’s Book of Life, to be read to us on that great and final day. I do not agree with some people who think they have it made after they give their heart to God. Judgment will still be in force just like always. I believe the only way one can live the way Jesus asked us to live is by humbly praying and reading the bible every day, not just sometimes. We must have natural food every day or we become sick and intolerable to those who unmeaning to do so, upset us. The same is true with our spiritual food. If we don’t consume it every day we become selfish, not caring what others are feeling, and say things to hurt them. Jesus also warned us about that. We need to all stay healthy both physically, and spiritually.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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